Jaw soreness/fatigue after molar buildups + extractions

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Jaw soreness/fatigue after molar buildups + extractions

#1 Post by artichokeenthusiast »

Hello everyone,

I was wondering whether it's normal to get jaw pain/fatigue after chewing soft solids. I had 4 first premolars extracted 3 weeks ago, and my ceramic braces and molar buildups placed 1 week ago. I'm not talking about tooth pain - I've grown accustomed to the slight tooth soreness/tightness, along with the lip irritation from brackets. I don't even notice it anymore! :)

However, this jaw soreness/fatigue is even more worrisome to me because I'm scared that it will blossom into full blown TMJ disorder!
I never experienced TMJ pain before but for several years now, I've experienced slight popping in my jaw when opening really wide (ie yawning) such that I'm often afraid that my jaw will lock, but I always catch myself before it does. Or, I push my jaw a little with my hand during yawning, which seems to help it keep from locking.

Should I be worried that when attempting to eat soft solids, I very quickly experience jaw tightness and fatigue?
This happens despite the fact that I cut everything into very small pieces, and I only chew using my molars due to the extraction holes in the middle of my bite, and the molar buildups preventing most of my teeth from contacting.

Should I just push through and keep on attempting to eat soft solids? Is this just what it means to have an "off" bite? My bite has never been bad before, but now that I got my teeth extracted and molar build ups, it's super strange to me...

Thanks in advance!!
Damon Clear on upper & lower, 4 first premolar extractions; 4 TADs

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Re: Jaw soreness/fatigue after molar buildups + extractions

#2 Post by BetsyBug »

I think you are just dealing with the off bite. Have you noticed if you clench your jaw or try to shut it even though you have buildups? that could be your problem. Even if you are not a bruxer you might be having some grinding issues. I'm sure it will improve. :)
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Re: Jaw soreness/fatigue after molar buildups + extractions

#3 Post by artichokeenthusiast »

Yes, I forgot to add in my post that I've been clenching during the night! That has been really worrying me too, although I noticed that it first began after I got the extractions, and has continued (perhaps worsened?) after the braces and molar buildups.

Thanks for your reply. I sure hope that it improves as my braces treatment progresses!
Damon Clear on upper & lower, 4 first premolar extractions; 4 TADs

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Re: Jaw soreness/fatigue after molar buildups + extractions

#4 Post by Dee17 »

I've also been doing a LOT of teeth clenching since I got my braces put on last week. I have had an almost constant headache since then. I am waking up 2 or 3 times each night clenching so hard that my whole jaw feels like it's going to break. I called my orthodontist's office and the technician I spoke to said this is normal. I don't know how concerned I should be about it but the headache is just about killing me. Any suggestions on what to do? Thanks!
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Re: Jaw soreness/fatigue after molar buildups + extractions

#5 Post by artichokeenthusiast »

I'm going to my orthodontist's office to have a pontic replaced (fake tooth over my extraction gap), so I'll ask the technician too! It seems rather severe that you're actually getting headaches! I'm not getting them but I do wake up several times during the night, realizing that I'm clenching.
I'll keep you posted!
Damon Clear on upper & lower, 4 first premolar extractions; 4 TADs

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Re: Jaw soreness/fatigue after molar buildups + extractions

#6 Post by artichokeenthusiast »

Update: the orthodontist assistant basically said the same thing...that it is fairly normal especially considering how recently the braces were put on, and that I'm still adjusting to the new bite.
I do think you should bring it up with your orthodontist again if the headaches continue or intensify! Best of luck to you!

Oh, and to update about my jaw soreness/fatigue:
After my initial post, I've continued to eat soft solids without experiencing it anymore! I must have been overreacting :)
To anyone else with this issue, I'd recommend pressing on for a couple days to see if it subsides.
Damon Clear on upper & lower, 4 first premolar extractions; 4 TADs

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Re: Jaw soreness/fatigue after molar buildups + extractions

#7 Post by Dee17 »

Glad to know your problem is starting to subside. My headache is not so bad this morning either. So, maybe it is just a normal part of the adjustment process. Who knows?
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take,
but by the moments that take your breath away.
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