Anyone over 27 who's gotten SARPE?

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Anyone over 27 who's gotten SARPE?

#1 Post by manderin »

I was wondering if people thought you looked really different after your SARPE surgery. With younger folk it's completely different because their faces are changing constantly anyway, plus their bones are softer so changes are less obvious. But I'm wondering what happens to people 30+ when they get SARPE. How different did your face look after your SARPE?

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Re: Anyone over 27 who's gotten SARPE?

#2 Post by CharlieT »

Hi Mandarin. I'm 44 and had SARPE on Sept 20, and now that the swelling is down the only people who can see a difference in my face are those who know me really well. The change is very subtle, sort of a little more "fullness" in the upper lip area. And part of that is due to the fact that I have the braces on as well. My nose is not broader, and my cheekbones haven't changed; I suspect those are the things you're worried about, right?

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Re: Anyone over 27 who's gotten SARPE?

#3 Post by manderin »

I was actually hoping that my cheeks would get a bit more pronounced. :) but I guess that only happens when you get a Sarpe done at a younger age.

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Re: Anyone over 27 who's gotten SARPE?

#4 Post by katsface »

Bummer. I was also kind of hoping that after SARPE my cheek bones might be fuller, and my nose might turn up a tad. But I just turned 28, so maybe I'm already too old for the extra face changes? (Haven't had the surgery yet, btw, still waiting for a consult with an oral surgeon.)

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Re: Anyone over 27 who's gotten SARPE?

#5 Post by manderin »

Well who knows, maybe it will be different for you. After you get your surgery and your swelling goes down come back and let us know. Monetary constraints have made it so that I will have to wait until at LEAST the end of 2013 to get my surgery and that's if I'm lucky. So some of us have plenty of time to hear about facial changes after SARPE if any.

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Re: Anyone over 27 who's gotten SARPE?

#6 Post by Soph26 »

I'm 27 and had SARPE in June. It's weird, I can see my face has changed a lot when looking at side by side photos (I have a really wide smile now) but looking in the mirror I just look like me! My cheekbones are definitely more pronounced though and face is more oval shape rather than long as it was before. I actually look more like I did when I was a bit younger, before my teeth started getting worse and worse.

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