Great Orthontists in Montreal, Canada?

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Great Orthontists in Montreal, Canada?

#1 Post by tonightwefly »

Hello everyone. Is anyone on here from Montreal, Quebec? I am looking for an orthodontist, preferably one who works with adults, and is personable and most of all very knowledgeable and have dealt with many cases. I had braces as a child, and now, as an adult am experiencing facial asymmetry due to (what I believe to be) a jaw deformation, so I need somebody who understands that to take me in. I will also, more than likely, require jaw surgery to correct my asymmetry.

I'm new to Montreal and have just acquired provincial healthcare coverage. Can someone fill me in on how the orthodontic industry works here? Will the government cover any of my orthodontic treatment? How much would it cost me? On first consultation, do orthodontists charge a fee?

Thank you very much in advance!

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