How do you change your ortho?

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How do you change your ortho?

#1 Post by Cyborger »

I'm thinking about transferring to a closer ortho. The place I am at now was a recommendation but due to some personal problems I may not be able to make the trips to them. How do you do it? How do you make sure the other places will take your insurance? How do you break it to your ortho without sounding ungrateful?

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Re: How do you change your ortho?

#2 Post by BracedSurgeryStudent »

I still go to my ortho 3 hours away and I'm getting my braces off in June. GO every 5-7 weeks
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Re: How do you change your ortho?

#3 Post by Tobilei »

I'd call the new ortho first before you say anything to your current one and check with them if they'll accept your insurance. If not then you won't be able to transfer anyway.

I'd be up front and honest with your current one. Explain that due to your circumstances changing you're just not able to make it to that office anymore, that you appreciate everything he or she has done for you and are sad that you have to leave but it can't really be helped.

The other thing is, I'm not sure how it works with insurance but here in Australia, if you change, you have to pay a whole new set of fee's etc to the new ortho and there is no refunds from the original one.

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