Can I move my upper arch forward?

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Can I move my upper arch forward?

#1 Post by sharonspitz »

Hi guys, new here.

I'm almost done with braces but I don't like how far back my ortho has moved my upper arch. It doesn't make my top lip look as good.
Would it be possible to get him to move it back to where it was? Maybe by wearing my elastics the opposite direction? I don't know if that's
how it works. I don't care much if I have a slight overjet, it wasn't much to begin with and my bite felt better than it does now.

Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Re: Can I move my upper arch forward?

#2 Post by OldBikerBag »

If that's the way you really want it, you should be allowed to have it that way.

Talk to your ortho about your concerns. Your lip might look more aesthetic when the braces come off.

I can nearly guarantee I will still have a tiny overjet when I'm finished. But that's because I flat refused extractions. I'm okay with it. I don't think I'd be quite the same without a little bit of one. But it will be reduced by about 75%.
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Re: Can I move my upper arch forward?

#3 Post by sharonspitz »

Thanks for your response. I had extractions, and the spaces have been closed for about a year now with no changes. It was not until my ortho moved my upper teeth back that I started noticing a difference. My top lip appears thinner and goes inward when I smile, which I don't like. I'm scared it'll look worse when I get the braces off.

I'm kinda nervous to mention it to my ortho since I've never expressed any concerns to him, and now I only have a couple months left. I feel a little silly telling him what to do since he's the professional, but I don't think I can live with these results.

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Re: Can I move my upper arch forward?

#4 Post by anarchy45 »

Enough said; for all the money you've paid this guy, he should give you what you want (within reason). He isn't able to do that unless you tell him.

Don't be afraid of the doctor - you're the customer!

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Re: Can I move my upper arch forward?

#5 Post by sharonspitz »

Thanks, you're right. I know if I don't do anything about it, it's gonna drive me nuts when the braces are off. It's most likely gonna extend the treatment even more, but hopefully it'll be worth it.

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