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Well, every time I go and visit the Ortho, he gives me a different time scale. Currently, 12-18 months till surgery, and then 6-12 months post surgery. Losing the will to live already.... When WILL my mouth stop hurting!
My orthodontist told me my treatment will take approximately 24 months. She said that they try to have everyone keep braces on for two years because moving teeth in a shorter time can cause the teeth to move back to their pre-braced position. Has anyone else heard this? If this is true, how do the 6 month treatments work?
I was told 12-15 months, leaning towards 15. That means they will be off May 2014, since I just got them. I like the fact they will be off in time for summer, but I have no idea why! LOL
Clear braces on top with bite turbos, standard on bottom
Will have them for 12-15 months
16 months... I have full metal braces upper and lower with a rubber band on one side. Some IPR was done on lower front in lieu of extraction. I will have my wires changed to SureSmile at some point and am slated for a TAD on the same side with the rubber band. This is Day 5....