Back in Braces/Powerchain Pain

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Back in Braces/Powerchain Pain

#1 Post by legallylexi »

After having my braces off for four years, I am back in them again :( there are several reasons why, mainly because the spaces left by my extractions were still too big for an implant and with the recent advent of using TADs, we are going to give that a shot instead of messing with an implant at all.

Since this is my second go round, you'd think I'd be used to the pain. And for the most part it has been the usual-until yesterday. At my adjustment yesterday the ortho changed my top wire, pit power chains on the upper and lowers, with a wire coil (?) to keep the top left side from moving. The pain is excruciating! Not eating hard foods I expected, but just even trying to eat a slice of soft cake has sent me into tears. At this point I can't sleep nd my head won't stop throbbing. Does anyone have any suggestions????


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Re: Back in Braces/Powerchain Pain

#2 Post by bmueller »

I think it gets harder every time you have to get braces again. I had them as a kid and they never bothered me, then had a minor touchup when I was in college, didn't really bother me, now in my 20's it seems like the worst pain and frustration ever!

Give it a few days and the pain will subside, I promise! I ate nothing but soup and oatmeal for the first few days I had braces but after about a week, I was back to eating all braces friendly foods. Best of luck with your treatment!

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Location: Seattle, WA

Re: Back in Braces/Powerchain Pain

#3 Post by legallylexi »

Thanks! I think you're right, each time seems to be more painful than the next. The pain is finally easing a bit and I'm looking on the bright side-the inability to really eat is only helping my diet:)

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