Front tooth pushed by canine. Feel like ripping these off :(

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Front tooth pushed by canine. Feel like ripping these off :(

#1 Post by atreides »

I'm 31, and male. I've had braces since February of 2012 to fix severe overcrowding. My teeth are so much better than they were before. My one main issue is that my canine was a little bit in front of one of my front teeth. My orthodontist had me remove one of my premolars in order to straighten everything out.

As she started moving my canine back, my front tooth moved back as well. We're now at a standstill in my treatment. My orthodontist refuses to continue moving my canine. Instead, she's put in a wire running between two of my molars and the roof of my mouth. She's attached a wire and bracket to the back of my front tooth to this wire, and has been trying to create a little bit of space between my canine and my front tooth--unsuccessfully. She's been trying to create a bit of space since May, but nothing seems to be happening.

This is starting to wear on me and my self-esteem. I think about it constantly. All I want to do is have straight teeth. I want to take a photo where I actually smile. I want to meet a cute guy (I'm gay), and not have to worry about whether he thinks my teeth are weird. It's really getting to me.

Has anyone ever gone through a similar situation with their front teeth? What should I do? Should I abandon this orthodontist and go to another one? Should I be patient? Should I push her to get this front tooth removed, and just get implants later on? Should I listen to her and wait for this damn tooth to move?

I can't seem to post a photo, but I feel like showing my situation is key. Please use this URL (minus the [dot]): i.imgur[dot]com/MU1E2ap.jpg

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Re: Front tooth pushed by canine. Feel like ripping these of

#2 Post by Changes »

Big hugs to you.

Why dont you go and get a second and third opinion to see what other orthos think. See what your options are

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