Wisdom teeth removal , anybody?

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Re: Wisdom teeth removal , anybody?

#16 Post by chichi »

roxie2519 wrote:Thanks guys. The only thing that she had told me is that they are half way out , and she made it seem easy. I did not get a lot of details about it . I'm thinking she will put me under local since she has a small office . I just don't want to be awake to see it
Close your eyes and you won't see anything. Mine were partially erupted (they weren't coming in all the way, which is why they had to come out). The actual extraction of 4 teeth, stitches and all, only took about 15 minutes. I would say opt for local anesthetic and take comfort in knowing you'd be in the chair longer if you were going to the dentist for a cleaning.

When I went in, I was terrified. I told the surgeon I was so scared I wanted to cry and his response was, "cry all you want, but we're pulling these teeth today." Oddly enough, that made me laugh and sort of put me at ease. Once it was all over, I was surprised at how simple it was and realized I was afraid for absolutely no reason.
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Re: Wisdom teeth removal , anybody?

#17 Post by roxie2519 »

Imao ! :)) I'm probably just gonna get some anxiety attacks but hopefully they will make it fast :(

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Re: Wisdom teeth removal , anybody?

#18 Post by king504 »

I was required to have my wisdom teeth removed in order for my braces to be applied.

I had to be put to "sleep" for the removal of FIVE wisdom teeth :shock: . Some of the biggest teeth I have ever seen. My recovery was painful, but I was back to normal after five days.

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Re: Wisdom teeth removal , anybody?

#19 Post by coreym95 »

Hey I'm right there with ya. I have to get all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed in a few weeks. I'm a big baby when it comes to needles and stuff. I'm going under for it, but was given the option for LA. I am definitely not looking forward to it. My surgeon is going to give me laughing gas before they give me an IV so that might help. I'm actually worried the laughing gas might make me sick or feel nauseous (I hardly ever take medication so it has a big affect on me).

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Re: Wisdom teeth removal , anybody?

#20 Post by AHopewell »

I cut a wisdom tooth at 35, and this people, is the reason I have braces.


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Re: Wisdom teeth removal , anybody?

#21 Post by kewpi »

I had local and it was quite fast. I suppose when you are sitting there it seems like an eternity. If you are worried about seeing things just close your eyes.

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Re: Wisdom teeth removal , anybody?

#22 Post by hannahnana »

I had all four of them pulled while I was awake. My dentist had trouble getting two of them out. He had to cut one of my teeth into four pieces.... the other three came out whole. I had no problem doing this awake, and I saved over 1500 that way!

My mouth was sore for about a week after. Plan to take a week just in case you have a lot of complications or something.

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Re: Wisdom teeth removal , anybody?

#23 Post by BracesGuy »

If they are not impacted (partially erupted is OK) it's not a big deal and doesn't take long. You can have it done under a local. If I were you I would avoid a general for this, there are always risks involved.

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Re: Wisdom teeth removal , anybody?

#24 Post by phasesofbeauty »

I had my wisdom teeth removed in my mid-20s (all 4 teeth). I was under iv sedation. I got them out to avoid problems down the line. There was soreness, but I ate ice cream, applesauce, grits, Cream of Wheat, mashed potatoes etc. I had no major issues. I just took my Vicodin and I was fine. I don't regret it at all.
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Re: Wisdom teeth removal , anybody?

#25 Post by Ambrosia80 »

I had all my wisdom teeth extracted with only local anesthesia a few weeks ago (10 months into my treatment), and it went great! I'm 33.
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Re: Wisdom teeth removal , anybody?

#26 Post by Ambrosia80 »

(Each one took 10 seconds or less to pull out. I could not believe how fast it went! I was so glad I didn't pay for sedation!)
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Re: Wisdom teeth removal , anybody?

#27 Post by phasesofbeauty »

Ambrosia80 wrote:I had all my wisdom teeth extracted with only local anesthesia a few weeks ago (10 months into my treatment), and it went great! I'm 33.
No laughing gas either?

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Re: Wisdom teeth removal , anybody?

#28 Post by tamiddavis »

I had all 4 of mine removed before getting my braces because I had a lot of crowding. I didn't get put under (unfortunately, because I was really looking forward to saying weird things when I woke up!) so I got to hear all of the crackling and tugging. My recovery didn't go all that smoothly. The dentist (referral to him) who pulled them did not give me a syringe to clean my sockets with, and I didn't realize that was going to be such a big part of healing because they didn't inform me. I ended up getting food stuck in there, and it started to rot and cause pain and bad smells, I felt sick and had a fever. So I went to *my* dentist, and they gave me a syringe with some antiseptic mouth rinse to clean my sockets with and it made SUCH a difference. I was feeling 100% better within a day. It is absolutely amazing how much food gets in those sockets! I would come out of the bathroom and be so excited to tell my husband about how much came out, but he gets queasy about those things so he'd tell me to stop telling him, lol! Definitely ask for the syringe if you get your wisdom teeth removed!

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Re: Wisdom teeth removal , anybody?

#29 Post by Ambrosia80 »

tamiddavis wrote: I would come out of the bathroom and be so excited to tell my husband about how much came out, but he gets queasy about those things so he'd tell me to stop telling him, lol! Definitely ask for the syringe if you get your wisdom teeth removed!
Hahahaha, I do the same thing to my husband!
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Re: Wisdom teeth removal , anybody?

#30 Post by Ciara »

phasesofbeauty wrote:
Ambrosia80 wrote:I had all my wisdom teeth extracted with only local anesthesia a few weeks ago (10 months into my treatment), and it went great! I'm 33.
No laughing gas either?

You are a soldier!
It seems to be the norm here...no gas, no sedation. I've had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled. Three were regular extractions, one was a surgical (partially impacted). Also a pre molar - the premolar had to be cut into sections and each section extracted. It wasn't too bad.....

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