Iv sedation and extractions?

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Iv sedation and extractions?

#1 Post by natashabasha »

Hey guys! So I've decided to take the final step and I'm getting my braces on in 12 days! Excited but nervous at the same time. Nervous probably because I need 4 premolars taken out. Just wondering if anyone has had IV sedation for their extractions, and what they thought of the procedure. I'm extremely scared because I've never even had a filling in my life! This is why I want to go with IV sedation but just wondering what peoples experiences were :).

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Re: Iv sedation and extractions?

#2 Post by sirwired »

When I had IV sedation about 20 years ago, it was the classic "Count back from 10", your eyes get heavy, and you wake up on a couch in recovery.

I believe now they give you a drug where you simply have a "gap" in your day... you'll be in the dentist chair, and then... poof! you'll be in recovery, and you'll never remember being asleep. These sorts of drugs have the advantage of being safer as you aren't actually asleep; just REALLY relaxed and remembering nothing.

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Re: Iv sedation and extractions?

#3 Post by Bikerchick85 »

I had IV sedation when I got my wisdom teeth removed but not for my premolar extractions.
My experience with IV sedation was just as sirwired described it. Count backwards and you're out of it until you wake up in recovery.
I was going the cheap route with my premolar extractions and just had a local anesthetic. I actually enjoyed being awake for the procedure but if you are squeamish, go with the IV sedation. :) Good luck!


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*4 Premolar Extractions-Nov. 29th, 2012*
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Re: Iv sedation and extractions?

#4 Post by chichi »

I have never had IV sedation... I had my wisdom teeth out with local anesthetic and laughing gas. That was my personal choice, not because I wanted to be awake, but because I didn't want to have to spend the time and money on a hospital stay. With the local anesthetic, I was in and out of the surgeon's office within 30 minutes. I was told that if I wanted general anesthetic, I would be knocked out, but it would be an outpatient procedure at the hospital that would require me being there most of the day.

For what it's worth, I wouldn't go back and change my decision. It was quick and easy and I would absolutely go that route again.
Had Damons (ceramic upper, metal lower) from June 27, 2013 - January 20, 2015
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Re: Iv sedation and extractions?

#5 Post by Ambrosia80 »

I just had all my wisdom teeth taken out yesterday. No sedation, only local and laughing gas. I had my top 2 premolars extracted this time last year and did it the same way. It was just fine! I thought the wisdom teeth extraction would be harder/scary so I considered sedation, but ended up choosing not to do it to save money, and I'm so glad I didn't do it! It was so easy and quick! (I <3 my oral surgeon, too, so that helps a lot.)
I also had never had a cavity or anything before my premolar extractions. I had no idea what the shots were going to be like. I was so scared. But it really was not bad at all!
My daughter also had her premolars extracted with only local and laughing gas. It was just fine!
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Re: Iv sedation and extractions?

#6 Post by mj11 »

I've been sedated by choice for 2 of my surgeries. I did not want to be awake. Had to have my baby canine extracted and a wire attached to my adult canine stuck way up there to have it brought down *in the bringing down process now* was in there 2 x for surgery. I would be sedated again in a heartbeat (having my insurance cover the sedation definitely helped the decision)...I don't like being awake feeling them poking around in my mouth at all. :)I've had a wisdom tooth extracted while awake. I did not enjoy that one bit. He was yanking on it so hard, had to give me another shot because I started to feel it...Ive always needed more numbing than the typical person though yeah but that's only my personal experience :) It wasn't completely awful, but it wasn't exactly pleasant.

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Re: Iv sedation and extractions?

#7 Post by samoorelaw »

I was wondering the same thing as to whether I should go with either local or IV sedation for my upcoming crown lengthening procedure (where they cut excess gum tissue to expose more of the tooth) for 8 teeth. I've had my wisdom teeth taken out but with IV sedation and I remembered nothing: very easy and it's great if you are very nervous. I'm debating local because a) most of my gums are still numb from my upper jaw surgery, b) I've had novacaine shots many times in the past and handled it fine and c) I want to save money. Decisions decisions.

Anyway, good luck to you: the extractions will go fine!
Braces removed for 3rd and final time July 14, 2016!!!!

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Re: Iv sedation and extractions?

#8 Post by djspeece »

One thing to consider is the need to have someone drive you home if you have conscious sedation, vs. driving yourself with just the local anesthetic. I enjoy conscious sedation, as they can really dial-in the exact effect they need. There will be a number of activity restrictions for the next 24 hours, as there is a bit of residual effect.

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Re: Iv sedation and extractions?

#9 Post by Nozzelnut »

The worst part about the local is the shots. Not that it hurts, but it pinches. I've had 5 teeth removed with local only and it worked well enough for me.
Round 3 (lifetime) Damon stainless applied 3/16/20 (after 4 weeks attempting invisalign) On for about 18 months
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Re: Iv sedation and extractions?

#10 Post by natashabasha »

Thanks for your input guys! Feel so much better about it! Haha counting down the days till extractions and braces :P ....

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Re: Iv sedation and extractions?

#11 Post by loa »

I wanted iv sedation (will get extractions done after braces on - next week) but it costs $700, yikes! So premed and needles for me. Not looking fwd to it either, but have been told it's not so bad. How did you go?

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Re: Iv sedation and extractions?

#12 Post by djspeece »

My dentist applies local anesthetic to a cotton swab and lays it on the injection area to numb the gum surface. It does help some, but still get that "pinch" when the medication is injected.
"Pinch" my a**. It stings!

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Re: Iv sedation and extractions?

#13 Post by cconant1833 »

I had a conscious sedation for my impacted canine extraction last year. I was super nervous leading up to it but it went wonderfully. As soon as I got to my oral surgeon's office, they sent me right into the room for surgery. They put the IV in and then started talking to me like normal.

Next thing I know, I wake up and they are still doing the surgery. Normally, that sounds SUPER scary, but because of the sedation drugs, I honestly didn't care. I was just thinking "huh this is interesting, I wonder what they are doing?" My surgeon noticed and just told me to close my eyes and go back to sleep. So, I did.

I woke up again after it was over and asked the assistant if I could go to Sonic, haha. I asked her if I went right to sleep and she said no that I had conversations with her and my surgeon for a while before I fell asleep, which I don't remember at all.

My surgery actual ended up being more complicated and took an extra 45 minutes, which I think is why I woke up during it. All in all though, it was very easy and the "twilight" sedation was great. I highly recommend it! My surgery cost close to 1,000 total but my insurance covered $650 of it, if you are worried about cost.

Don't be worried, it will be over and done with before you know it!

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Re: Iv sedation and extractions?

#14 Post by samoorelaw »

I concur: I ended up having twilight sedation for my crown lengthening and it was just awesome. Don't remember a thing and it did not take me long to wake up after it was all over. Much better than general anesthesia, where I feel groggy for days after and sometimes nauseated.
Braces removed for 3rd and final time July 14, 2016!!!!

Permanent 8 crowns front 8 teeth (upper) January 30, 2015

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Partial braces re-installation September 25, 2014

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