Day 1 with Braces

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Day 1 with Braces

#1 Post by dantocanada »

So I thought I'd give everyone an update. I got my lower braces on yesterday morning. Very fast appointment. About 45 minutes. I think I saw the Ortho for all of 30 seconds, with the Hygienist doing everything else. The uppers will go on in November after I have the Wilckodontics procedure, along with an expander to widen my upper jaw. I have 10 ceramic brackets and 4 metal brackets (2 metal brackets on back two molars on each side), and no molar bands. Hence the reason I didn't need spacers. Also, for some reason, they used wire ties on all the ceramic brackets. I think it's because my first adjustment isn't until mid-September, and apparently (thank you Google) elastic ligs are only good for around 4 weeks. Going longer between adjustments requires wire ligs. I guess I could have just asked when they put them on, but that would have been too easy.

Otherwise, I've noticed a few interesting things:

1) The pain really isn't that bad. It seems worse only when chewing. I haven't even taken any Advil.
2) The inside of my lips are starting to get pretty raw. However, I am not using wax because it's not that bad and I want to get used to it. But I'm really quite surprised at how bulky and uncomfortable the feel against my lips. I guess I thought the technology would have improved the comfort level after all these years.
3) Eating, one of my most favorite past times, is no longer fun. In fact, it's a pain - not only does it take longer, but it hurts and the amount of time it takes to clean out my braces afterwards doesn't motivate me to eat again until I'm absolutely starving. This is really going to help with my weight loss plan.
4) Nobody, and I mean nobody, has noticed. I had to tell some of my colleagues today at work, and they had to do a double take to even see them. Ceramic is really hard to notice. And like everyone has said, it didn't even become a topic of conversation.
5) Flossing is next to impossible. Took me 15 minutes last night to floss my bottom teeth. I'm dreading when I get the top braces. Although I hear it gets easier with practice.
6) The Water Pik is the best thing in the world. I'm so glad I listened to everyone and bought one, because I don't know what I would do without it. OMG, the amount of stuff that comes out is incredible.

That's it for now. Thanks for taking the time to read.

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Re: Day 1 with Braces

#2 Post by Anna5 »

Congratulations with the start of your journey! I think you are doing well. I found the first week in braces the worst, afterwards it became easier.
I am sure you are going to get great results! Maybe, if you like it you can post a picture of your teeth now, so that we can see your progress in the coming time. But only if you are comfortable with this of course.
Anyway, I wish you very good luck with your treatment!

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Re: Day 1 with Braces

#3 Post by djspeece »

Congratulations and best of luck to you. The first few days after an ortho visit are difficult for many of us with new powerchains, more rigid arch wires, and other torture devices. Then things calm down a bit and in my case at least, I forget all about it (I subscribe to the "No brain, No pain" philosophy). I use interdental brushes dipped in Listerine rather than flossing and it works well for me. There is another product I investigated called "Fish floss" (I think) that enables you to start regular floss rather easily. You might find it on the site that sponsors this forum, or Google it.

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Re: Day 1 with Braces

#4 Post by kathydell »

The eating thing gets better every day. You will even feel good enough and brave enough to tackle some of those no no foods on occassion. I found after the first month, it was only sore for about 48 hours after an adjustment. Now, I can eat a pork chop or steak no problem the night of an adjustment. Like all things it just gets better over time and you learn how to deal. We are far more adaptable creatures than I ever would have imagined.

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Re: Day 1 with Braces

#5 Post by jaime »

The flossing will definitely get easier! The first few times I flossed with my braces, it took me 10-15 minutes and I was covered in saliva. Now it's much faster (probably 5 minutes). I know it seems so wonky and a pain at first, but you will get used to it.

I know what you mean about the braces feeling bulky in your mouth. I'm 2 months in and I don't really notice the braces anymore.
SARPE: December 19, 2013
Expander out/TPA in: May 13th, 2014
Upper and lower braces: May 21, 2014
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Re: Day 1 with Braces

#6 Post by catwanabee »

Get Orthopick plackers, it enables you to floss like normal :D Best $1.80 I've ever spent thats for sure!
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Re: Day 1 with Braces

#7 Post by solomama30 »

Hey there! I have had my lower braces on for 10 weeks now, my upper braces 6 weeks and bonded expander for just over 2 weeks. It has been a tough time, i have lost 30 pounds from not being able to eat, but i have seen so much progress already! I am finally getting used to my expander, that has been the worst part. So awkward and feels huge :s Flossing took me FOREVER in the beginning but it is much much easier now. I also have a water pik that i use once a day, its a huge help with getting in and around the expander clean (kinda gross how much stuff it gets out after i have already brush and think everything is clean!)

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