Worried about what is happening in my mouth

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Worried about what is happening in my mouth

#1 Post by smileohhh »

I've already posted here like a month ago about it, I am desperate, my orthodontist chaused me a unilateral crossbite, when I complained about it and pointed it out, he said it may be due to the brackets on my canine (during almost 2 years I've had brackets on and off on my canines for 3 or 4 times, 2 months ago he bonded them again) so now I don't have any brackets on my canine teeths
he also said that he is making a test to discover why i got this crossbite, that it is like when you have an allergy and the doctor ask you to remove one food at once until you spot the one is causing it
and he put a thick square archire on my top saying that this kind of archwire would expand my palate
all this seems insane for me! I feel to much tension and a sensation that my arch is getting more straight instead of wider
please tell me if the square thick wire can help to expand a palate in adult
I already took an appointment with another orthodontist but it is in month so I need some help from you guys in the meanwhile
Thank you

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Re: Worried about what is happening in my mouth

#2 Post by touchofhiddencharm »

Sometimes your ortho can do things that will seem odd to us but maybe he's seeing a bigger picture and not sharing that with you. Just continue to pay close attention to your teeth. And I know how it feels to have all these views and no one respond. I don't understand it.

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