mellyd107 wrote:Hello everyone, I just found this board today and I couldn't be more happy! I had a palatally impacted canine that has erupted over the past few years. It is on my right side and I still have my baby tooth intact. I just turned 21 and am becoming more self conscious than ever since it is some what noticeable when doing certain things (laughing, yawning, etc.). It has also become somewhat of an annoyance leaving cuts on my tongue or being in the way of chewing/eating certain foods. I have gone to a few dentists for consultations and all have said the same thing.. ortho for braces. I am petrified and so worried about how I will look/be seen with braces!! I always wanted them as a child as my teeth had minor problems then but my parents could never afford them. All of my teeth are straight besides the one that is next to my baby tooth, it is becoming crooked from there being little gaps in between. How long do you think this process would take seeing as my canine tooth is fully grown and erupted just needs to be moved into the correct place? Thank you for any responses, I really appreciate any insight and to calm my nerves!
I was in the same position: at 28, my baby tooth was intact and my canine erupted on its own. We put braces on in Feb 2014, pulled my baby tooth and started activation of the half-erupted permanent tooth in May 2014, and my canine should be in place within the next month or two. Trust me: the fact that it is coming down on its own means that you will likely have a shorter "sentence" in braces. My ortho told me 12-18 months originally (we are not fixing anything else about my bite--just moving this tooth into position) and we seem to be on track for that. You absolutely need to see an orthodontist and have a consultation; they will be able to give you an idea of how long it will take, since each person's case is different. Be aware that they cannot know how much resistance they will face from your tooth until they start working on it, though, so the initial treatment time estimate is just that--an estimate. But if this tooth is coming in, you must deal with it one way or another!
I will be honest: I am horribly self-conscious about my braces and hate having to wear them. My teeth were actually very pretty and straight before, and I never minded that I still had a baby tooth, so this has been a BIG adjustment. BUT, it is absolutely worth it because this is what is best for my dental health long-term. I hate these things, but it has to be done so I am dealing with it the best I can. And honestly, most people don't even say anything about them. You might be surprised how many adults have or have had braces, and most people probably recognize it as you doing something good for your oral health. Good luck, and let us know how things go for you!