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I noticed my teeth started to yellow once I had braces. I use to whiten before I had them installed. I didn't want yo use whitening tooth paste in fear of discoloration on my teeth once braces were removed. But I can't stand to look in the mirror at my yellow teeth! I started back with my old toothpaste I use Toms anti plaque and whitening. To my surprise I almost instantly noticed how much whiter my teeth looked! I thought about oil pulling with coconut oil as well. I tried it and it felt wonderful. But when I looked it up to see if it was safe for braces, no one had the answers. So I hope you can use this.
Good luck
I asked my ortho on the day I was braced and she said that any toothpaste with fluoride is fine, including the whitening ones. My teeth weren't super white to begin with, so I've been alternating a non-whitening toothpaste with Colgate optic white. I alternate because I want to whiten a little, but I feel like those toothpastes might be too harsh to use 3x or more per day. I had a bracket repositioned a few weeks ago and there was no color difference under the bracket after 7 months with braces and moderate coffee drinking ( one or two cups a day)
Braces installed on March 25, 2014: Damon clears on top and metal on bottom. I had braces for 25 months!
My ortho advised me not to use whitening toothpaste. In fact, I can't use it anymore since my teeth are too sensitive and whitening toothpastes are abrasives. The baking soda toothpaste I used to use was destroying my enamel.
If you use a whitening toothpaste, use one that has a mild bleaching agent vs. one that whitens via abrasives. (If there's something on the tube about "Enamel Protection" or some-such, that's usually a signal it has low abrasivity.)
Personally, I don't think whitening toothpastes do a whole lot; quality sensitivity protection with the lowest abrasivity I could find was more important to me. (Since you are brushing your teeth so often (and right after eating), you really don't want something scrubbing down your enamel.