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#1 Post by Shelby014 »

I never thought that i would have to get braces, my teeth were always straight, but i have a BIG space inbetween my two front teeth, an overbite, and my bite isnt perfect, so now i am getting my braces on september 29(thats a thursday) and i am scared to death!!! I got the spacers put in three days ago, and they HURT SO BAD!! I really want a realistic answer to exactly how much pain i'm gonna be in, cuz this is pretty bad, but i just know its gonna get SO MUCH WORSE!!! I have to get them on top and bottom, and i play the clarinet, i just want to know if anyone out there has a good idea of how to keep your lips safe while playing an instrument. Any kind of color schemes are welcome, i get my braces in like four days and i still have no clue what color i'm gonna make em!! :)

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thanks for being so nice about it!!

#2 Post by Shelby014 »

Please please tell me your not sugar coating it or anything like that, because it just feels like i got in a fight and got ALL of my teeth knocked loose, it just horrible, the only upside of it is all i can eat is soup, pudding, icecream, and mash potatoes, LoL. I really really want braces, i finally talked my parents into it, i have been asking for 3 years for braces(not even joking) now that i get them in four days, i am like totally flipping out!! thanks for being so understanding about the PAIN i am going through!!

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#3 Post by mmgreco »

I am also getting braces on Thursday. I have went through all the emotions possible!! Scared, excited, nervous, let's just get it over with, and on and on. You can even read my last post about being scared here...
The responses I got were awesome and made me feel MUCH better. Hey, we can do this together!!!!!! :computer:
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New on the Braces Scene

#4 Post by braceface2005 »


I just got my braces (top) on Sept.16 and will get my bottom braces on Sept. 28. I currently have spacers in my back top and bottom teeth. I know how you feel about the spacers. I even have wire ones in when i got them the week before i got my top braces on. You'll get used to it. With my braces it felt strange at first and the back brackets kept poking my cheek. Now my mouth is used to the braces. My ortho told me that most people feel like the spacers are the worst part of the treatment and not the braces itself. If you have the rubber spacers you'll get used to those. I'm sure once you see the progression of treatment you'll feel this was all worth it.

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yay!! i ate a pretzel to day!!!

#5 Post by Shelby014 »

all of my pain is pretty much gone, except for a few aches here and there, i am just so excited, i want them, but then again i DONT want them, but i know all you guys understand that!!! i get top and bottom on thursday, and i have to wear rubber bands etc etc, what products do you guys recommend (wax, toothbrushes,toothpaste,floss, threader, etc etc.)
thx for your help and understanding!! :D

movin teeth
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Moving your jaw

#6 Post by movin teeth »

When I move my bottom jaw forward and out, the braces tighten on my teeth, and I feel like it helps to straighten them...Should I not be doing this? I just like the instant gratification of feeling like I am helping to move my teeth faster.
Hoping that invisalign will work for me! Tell me your good stories!! Build my confidence in Invisalign!!

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#7 Post by DanR »

Hi all

This is my first post here and I'm at an even earlier stage. I just had my first consultation and an x-ray. I stupidly neglected my teeth for years and was supposed to have braces 15 years ago (28 now). I have a major fear of dentists. I am still not sure if it's worth going through all the pain and suffering for 2 years and I might back out yet. (I know- what a baby). I just have a major fear of dentists and I have to have 3 teeth removed for before that braces are even put on!! I keep waking up in the middle of the night in a sweat due to nightmares. Can some tell me on an honest scale of 1-10 what the pain is like?

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#8 Post by Aine »


I have not regretted one minute with braces on!!! I got top ceramics on July 25th and had 2 top teeth removed a week later. I'm 47 and wish I had done it at 28!!! Anyway, since day one I would rate my highest pain as a 3 out of 10 (including the extractions). I don't know if I just tolerate pain well or if it is just the sheer happiness of finally taking care of my crooked teeth. What I can tell you is that once I had the extractions that my teeth straightend out unbelievably!! After only 9 weeks my mouth looks totally different and I can't stop looking in the mirror. Please know that no matter what the pain is like, it will eventually subside.....when your teeth are finally straight, that will last forever!!!


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#9 Post by mmgreco »

DanR wrote:Hi all

Can some tell me on an honest scale of 1-10 what the pain is like?
You can read my journal at the link at the bottom of this page. I was scared of dentists also, didn't even go to one for 16 years (I am 29) I am getting braces on this Thusday and have went through all the emotions. I had to get 6 teeth pulled on the 1st. On a scale of 1 - 10 I would say it was a 3. I slept for the first 2 days and then just watched what I ate. Honestly it wasn't as bad as I made it out to be.
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pain.......i'm definetely a baby when i comes to pain!!

#10 Post by Shelby014 »

I am such a baby when i comes to pain, i tolerate it well........but i have a tendency to whine.......ALOT, and it sometimes annoys people, but when i'm in pain its like i gotta tell someone!! 2 days till i get my braces.......OMG THE DAYS ALMOST HERE!! ( i yell in excitement ) Its really exciting! What would you say the pain on a scale 1 - 10 would be for the first week of having braces? I am just curious about all of the stuff thats gonna happen, and the days seem to be really dragging by. mmgreco i cant wait to hear YOUR story for you first day with braces, we sure can do this together!!

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#11 Post by Shelby014 »

my spacer came out last night, i figured that i would be ok though, cuz the ortho said it would if it happened 1 or 2 days before my banding. The space is almost totally closed, what if they say that i have to wear another spacer for another week? that would be horrible!! I am just so frustrated, what if they tell me to wait does anybody ever had this happen to them before? PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!!! :cry:

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#12 Post by gracie381 »

Hey DanR, I'm in the same shape you are. I have a big fear of dentists, and I neglected going since I was 12. I just recently finished up some fillings I needed. I think I have 13 in all!!!! I know I should have took better care of my teeth. I'm 26 now and have always wanted straight teeth, so one day I just woke up and decided I was going to do it. I just got my metal spacers out last week. On a scale of 1-10 and I would have to say my pain level was probably a 4, but I'm also still having pain from my fillings, since I just got them finished a couple of weeks ago. After the spacers came out, it was a relief. I had spent all week on soup & mashed potatoes. Now I have my top molars banded and a wire running through the arch of my mouth. This is not painful much at all except when I try to eat it's a litte tender. It takes me a while to eat about anything. It is getting better though. I'm on day 3 with this and I'm eating better and better each day. The main problem is the wire rubbing my tongue when I eat. I use wax and that seems to help. Anway, I go Tuesday to have 4 teeth extracted. I'm really nervous, but I'm going through with it. I'm too far now to turn back. My braces (top and bottom) will be put on on October 13th. Again I'm nervous, but looking forward to beginning my journey. My worst complaint is not getting to eat what I want. I love to eat!!!! So if I can get over that part of it, I will survive!! Best of luck. Keep me posted!

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#13 Post by DanR »

Thanks guys for your replies and feedback. I have taken the next step today and made my next appointment for my braces. Still feeling a bit anxious but I know it will be worth it in the end. Tahnks for your honest feedback again, it really helps.

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