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lollypop wrote:I have similar crowding in the lower arch. Did you need extractions?
I didn't have any extractions (but my wisdom teeth are still up for debate). At my first consultation the ortho said that we might need to extract one lower incisor (one of the middle ones). After she studied the models and made all the measurements she decided that some IPR (shaving some of the enamel between teeth) should work. As those teeth got in line, they were really flared out and didn't look good. They were also contacting my top teeth weirdly, throwing off my bite, and giving me TMJ symptoms. 8 weeks ago she did the IPR on several teeth and now they are looking much more vertical and my jaw feels much better. I think I might need a little more IPR in the future, but I'm happy that I didn't need to get a tooth extracted. But, my teeth were so crazy at the beginning that an extraction gap probably wouldn't have been too noticeable, so I'm sure I would have survived
Braces installed on March 25, 2014: Damon clears on top and metal on bottom. I had braces for 25 months!
Interesting. My ortho had suggested one lower incisor extraction also. I have one that protrudes more than the others. The others are relatively straight but my canines are rotated. I went for xrays and impressions this week and we'll be decided upon the treatment plan next Mon. So we'll see what we decide to go ahead with...
buffon85 wrote:wow! great progress, really nice smile, it is all worth it!
Thanks! I 'm really happy with my progress so far and can honestly say that all the annoyance of braces is worth it! But, I still want can't wait to get them off!!!!
Braces installed on March 25, 2014: Damon clears on top and metal on bottom. I had braces for 25 months!