Adults With metal braces - are you happy with your choice?

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Re: Adults With metal braces - are you happy with your choice?

#16 Post by Handsdown »

Thank you so much for all your responses! It really helps to hear other people's experiences. I think I'm going to go with the metal, they're my orthodontists preference and if they work (even slightly) quicker and are cheaper then I can't really justify getting the ceramic. Though I do think they look great! It's a tough choice but I know they aren't forever and the end result will (hopefully) be the same! :-*

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Re: Adults With metal braces - are you happy with your choice?

#17 Post by NeilH »

Good choice!

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Re: Adults With metal braces - are you happy with your choice?

#18 Post by MrPlenty »

I got full metal damons because:
1. Ceramic were more expensive
2. I don't want the staining issues
3. I don't care what others think as this is a career/lifetime move
4. I like the look and feel of these. They are really smooth and very much unnoticeable.
5. From research the metal give more granular control of tooth movement.

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Re: Adults With metal braces - are you happy with your choice?

#19 Post by metalliKa »

Very much so! I keep asking myself why I waited so long?!!! I'm more of a practical person so I went the traditional metal route simply because two of the three consults I had strongly recommended it as giving the best result. Hey, who wouldn't want a better result for the same price and in a shorter period of time?
Offenses: Skeletal and Dental Class 2 malocclusion
Sentence: 12-15 months
Jailed: 3/24/15
Released: 5/24/16
Life behind brackets: ... =9&t=48554

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Re: Adults With metal braces - are you happy with your choice?

#20 Post by asylumgreen »

I went with metal. I'm perfectly happy with my choice and have never felt self-conscious about it. Someone who had straighter teeth to begin with may feel differently, but I think mine were bad enough that anything would've been an improvement, and the more obvious the braces, the clearer it is I'm in the process of having my teeth straightened. Subsequently, I like the brightest colours I can get! I actually have huge gaps from extractions right now and I don't care about that either, because again, my teeth looked really bad anyway and with the braces visible, it's clear they're getting fixed. :D

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Re: Adults With metal braces - are you happy with your choice?

#21 Post by jamiegonzales56 »

Mine are metal as well. Not only were they less expensive, I was also told I would (possibly) be in them for less time than if I went a different route. I was a little self conscience at first, but after having them on for almost a month now, I feel like I have adjusted pretty well! Now if these extraction holes would hurry up and close, I'll be 100%!

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Re: Adults With metal braces - are you happy with your choice?

#22 Post by autumn9285 »

They offered me ceramic on too for an additional 400 dollars....I declined as I really didn't want to spend an extra 400 just so they'd be less noticeable. I don't regret that decision. I'm good with my metal brackets

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Re: Adults With metal braces - are you happy with your choice?

#23 Post by mongoosebrain »

Yep. Aside all the better stuff I can do with the money I saved, I feel like if I got ceramics I'd be even more self conscious of the fact it looked like I was trying to hide the fact I had braces... If that makes sense?

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Re: Adults With metal braces - are you happy with your choice?

#24 Post by jjones »

I have metal only on the bottom but wish I just got them on top to save money.

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Re: Adults With metal braces - are you happy with your choice?

#25 Post by lmk »

When I was a teen I had traditional silver brackets. Unfortunately, my teeth shifted through out life and here I am 43 years old with braces again. ...This time around I was going to go with silver again due to clear costing 300 more per arch but on the day I was getting my braces on my ortho put clear on at no additional charge. He told me that I would be much happier. I have to say, I love them! People hardly notice they're on which is great. However, there are downsides. I can't drink coffee or the bands turn brownish. Which was REALLY hard for me to give up! So the week before I go to get my bands changed I eat tons of chocolate and drink coffee! If you can't live without coffee, I'd think twice before going with clear!

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Re: Adults With metal braces - are you happy with your choice?

#26 Post by magikwand »

I went traditional for the same reasons as many others here.

1. Cost- there was a somewhat substantial difference in price between the traditional and ceramic options.

2. Look- I actually prefer the look of traditional braces to ceramic. I also thoroughly enjoy colored elastics and power chains. Kind of silly for a 30 year old man... but I am just that kind of a guy.

3. Durability and results- from what I've read and heard from many people, traditional braces hold up better and yield slightly better results than other options. Staining is less of a concern too.

I never regret my decision to go with the metal mouth.

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Re: Adults With metal braces - are you happy with your choice?

#27 Post by magikwand »

[quote="mongoosebrain"]Yep. Aside all the better stuff I can do with the money I saved, I feel like if I got ceramics I'd be even more self conscious of the fact it looked like I was trying to hide the fact I had braces... If that makes sense?[/quote]

I agree! I think having traditional braces is a bold statement and I love it! Ceramics can make it seem like you are ashamed of your ortho treatment in a way.

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Re: Adults With metal braces - are you happy with your choice?

#28 Post by gaborousseau »

I got metal for the bottom teeth 2 months ago and after Sarpe, my ortho told me that next month, she'll be able to put brackets on my 6 front teeth to start closing the spaces. She asked me if I wanted white brackets for these 6 teeth, it seem liked a really casual question, no mention of price difference or pros/cons... I'm still debating over that, she said that I only had to decide for the next appointment. I didn't know they had white self-ligating brackets, are they different from ceramic? I honestly just want to better option for my treatment, I've had these bunny teeth for 30 years now, I'm proud to show off that I'm getting them "fixed".

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Re: Adults With metal braces - are you happy with your choice?

#29 Post by musicbrace »

i'm so happy to have gotten them!
I just turned 26 and have had my braces on for about 10 months now.
Can't begin to tell you how happy I am with the results so far.

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Re: Adults With metal braces - are you happy with your choice?

#30 Post by Tyrantblade »

Im less than 72 hours into getting Damon Braces, and im very happy to have finally started treatment as my bite. Is horrible to give you a basic idea of how my bite is, its like / towards the left back of my top row of teeth and like \ towards the right back of my top row of teeth, doesn't look bad towards the middle but basically towards the back my top teeth were going down on my back teeth bad, had to eventually do something.

Even with regular Damons nobody seems to notice, so yeah im happy with my decision besides these annoying elastics and Bite turbos (which would of been inevitable no Matter my choice)
Lots of crimes here

1. The upper molars bite too far ahead of the lower molars

2. Missing teeth #s 9, 14, and, 29

3. Open bite

4. Upper midline left of center

5. Lower midline right of center

6. Upper and lower teeth not straight

Sentence - 24 months, turned to 27 month.

Braces removed since 11/06/17


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