Terrified about the look of braces.

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Terrified about the look of braces.

#1 Post by ugh »

So im getting metal braces in 2 days and im terrified about how they will look on me. Every time I think about looking in the mirror and seeing them on my teeth I have a panic attack. I would go for ceramic options but they cost $500 more and I dont have that sort of money. Im really scared that I will look ugly. :ThumbsDown:

Anyone know of lig colours that make the braces look not so noticable?

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Re: Terrified about the look of braces.

#2 Post by ugh »

FullMetalMouth wrote:I'm 22 years old and I got braces two weeks ago.

For like the first hour, I was terrified of smiling in public. But I went up to my colleagues and just announced I got braces and everyone was like "oh nice." Turns out there are SO many more people with adult braces these days than before. It's kind of normal almost. But for the first few days, I was pretty self-conscious about talking to new people w/ braces. I got over it.

Now the real kicker is going out to parties and approaching people with braces. The first night was terrifying and I was the quiet guy while my friends were laughing and meeting new people. A week later, I went out just last night an it was great. Most people won't judge and it's a conversation point.

The point is, the self consciousness wears off after a few days or weeks, and you should look forward to that amazing smile you'll get in the end! It's like going to the gym when you're just starting and embarrassed that people will make fun of you for not being able to bench even 100lbs, but in the end, you'll be benching 200 lb+.

I use silver ligs. It's less noticeable and it doesn't stain as easily as I am an avid coffee drinker.
Thanks. Im just so worrie

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Re: Terrified about the look of braces.

#3 Post by LillyS »

Hi there, I'm 22 and have had metal braces since January. I was a little self conscious at first but I got over it as I know they're not forever so I own them! They don't look bad, treat them as a fashion accessory. I even saw a model in a fashion magazine with some the other day whoop whoop. As for ligs I go for dark colours as they do t stain so easy. And as for other people they really don't care or see you any differently for having braces.

Hope this helps, good luck with the next few days :)

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Re: Terrified about the look of braces.

#4 Post by sirwired »

I had mine put on at 34, and I am a guy, young for the job I had, and somebody with customer-contact. As far as I could tell, the braces were never an issue.

Silver ligs all the way; I didn't even consider one of the crazy colors.

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Re: Terrified about the look of braces.

#5 Post by Handsdown »

I'm 33 and I was like you before getting braces, so worried about how I would look and feel, I had it in my head that I would definitely have a panic attack after getting them... But I didn't! I only got them on Thursday (it's now Sunday), but I have to say they are not nearly as bad as our imagination makes out!! I took my Fiance with me and he is super supportive which really helped, so if you can I would recommend bringing someone positive and supportive with you :-88

Just think of the end result, the whole time I was having them fitted I was saying to myself 'this is all so I can have the beautiful smile I want'. If you remember that this is just part of the process and doesn't last forever it might help. Also, be proud of your braces! I personally think they look quite good (jewellery for your teeth!? Hehe). If you're positive about them and remember they are there for a really great reason, you can rock them and feel confident... Nobody is going to judge you for wearing them. Yes they're noticable but they just show that you're trying to improve your smile and the health of your teeth! Nothing wrong with that. Before you thought about getting braces did you ever judge anyone negatively for having them?!... I really doubt anyone would!

As for colours, no matter what you get there's no hiding the braces, but in my opinion some colours do stand out more than others. l'd recommend pearl though, they're pretty clear so don't make the braces look bigger like some colours can and my orthodontist said they don't stain too easily. I wouldn't go for a bold colour right away, I teach a lot of kids with braces and they go for very bright or dark colours that, although they look fab on them, do make the braces stand out more.

Just try to be positive and you'll be fine! Good luck and congratulations on starting your journey :mrgreen:

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Re: Terrified about the look of braces.

#6 Post by Tyrantblade »

I got braces on the 11th and have found that as an adult a lot of people just don't notice, if they do they are nice or just don't really say anything, so no need to be self conscious or worry about what others will say or do

Its important to realize that you are doing this to look better in the end and thats all that really matters
Lots of crimes here

1. The upper molars bite too far ahead of the lower molars

2. Missing teeth #s 9, 14, and, 29

3. Open bite

4. Upper midline left of center

5. Lower midline right of center

6. Upper and lower teeth not straight

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Re: Terrified about the look of braces.

#7 Post by metalliKa »

I just know you'll come back a few days after and tell us that braces are not as bad as you have imagined them to be. :BigTeethGrin: :tingrin:
Offenses: Skeletal and Dental Class 2 malocclusion
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Re: Terrified about the look of braces.

#8 Post by NeilH »

metalliKa wrote:I just know you'll come back a few days after and tell us that braces are not as bad as you have imagined them to be. :BigTeethGrin: :tingrin:
Quite agree. I got mine at age 46 and haven't regretted it for a second.

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Re: Terrified about the look of braces.

#9 Post by jfriend33 »

I must be a weirdo because I loved having braces (both times!). I mean I didnt like the aspect that they were required a second time....

I am excited to get my last 6 braces put on the bottom front.

And to you guys that only get silver.... come on, seriously? St Patricks day you could get all green. Christmas you could get all green on top and red on the bottom. Get your favorite sport teams colors. You don't have to go get some wild and crazy rainbow pattern either.

I am a coffee drinker too, and I have yet to see any of my ligs stain.

I actually have a favorite color and its this very light greyish blue color. It seems to blend in nicer, however I am sad they don't offer powerchain in this color (which Ill probably have for months!)

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Re: Terrified about the look of braces.

#10 Post by djspeece »

I think your reaction is normal, at least to me. I wasn't exactly terrified, let's just say I was in a state of temporary high anxiety leading up to them. I had two extractions which took 90 minutes because the surgeon had a hard time getting them out of my jaw -- it's apparently very dense. He said I was the most difficult case he'd seen. Great. I have to wait a month to heal, then the braces but now I feel as if I have just passed the point of no return. As you'll read here, most people really don't seem to notice and if they do they don't think much about them. On the other hand, I hate the way I look in photographs when I smile (I have Damons, but they still show up and make my teeth look weird). I've been in them for nearly 3 years. You do get used to them, just keep up your self-confidence, look to the end game and goal, and get on with your life. Best of luck to you!

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Re: Terrified about the look of braces.

#11 Post by TheProfessor »

I had the same thoughts before I got braces when I was 39. I had to force myself to look in the mirror after they were put on and I was really self-conscious in the beginning. Slowly, I got to the point that I didn't think they looked too bad and now at 17 months with braces I even think they look cute sometimes! Just accept that it is going to look and feel strange in the beginning, but then you will slowly get used to both the look and feel of braces.

Try to fake some confidence in the beginning-if you are embarrassed and try to talk or smile without showing your teeth you will just look weird and draw even more attention to your mouth! It takes a lot of courage to get braces as an adult--be proud of yourself and keep your eye on the prize of a beautiful and healthy smile.

Good luck with your braces journey! :tingrin:
Braces installed on March 25, 2014: Damon clears on top and metal on bottom.
I had braces for 25 months!


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Re: Terrified about the look of braces.

#12 Post by ruca2 »

I had the same thought process as you before getting mine. I'm 36 and can be self conscious at times. I opted for ceramic on top and metal on bottom. I use white ligs on top because the clear or smoke ones stain too much (coffee drinker). I was recently in a wedding and told my ortho about it the day of. He put on a white wire to match the ligs, lol. It is inevitable that people will notice and may even judge but all that matters is the self confidence you will gain when you journey is complete. Good luck

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Re: Terrified about the look of braces.

#13 Post by ugh »

Thanks guys, I got them on tuesday (now Thursday) and my anxiety was pretty bad Wednesday but today I got over It and I was fine! :D :D :D

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Re: Terrified about the look of braces.

#14 Post by Handsdown »

ugh wrote:Thanks guys, I got them on tuesday (now Thursday) and my anxiety was pretty bad Wednesday but today I got over It and I was fine! :D :D :D
Congratulations!! Just keep thinking about the end result now :-* :-* :-*

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Re: Terrified about the look of braces.

#15 Post by newbite »

Congrats on getting them and feeling good about them! I don't need ligs but if I did I would LOVE to get pink ones! Soft pink, not neon. So, you should get them so I can live vicariously through you :)
•Braces placed August 14, 2014
•Deband November 11, 2015
•Permanent retainer top and bottom
•Essix retainers top and bottom 16 hr/day for a year and then nightly afterwards.

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