Newbie, Teeth Getting Worse?

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Newbie, Teeth Getting Worse?

#1 Post by arimour »

Hi, all

I'm 28-y/o and have been braced (Damon's) since November to correct, among other things, a crossbite, rotation and spaces between several front teeth. I'm also missing quite a few back teeth; the goal is to place TADS on the remaining molars to pull them forward to reduce the number of implants I'll need.

So far, I've seen absolutely no improvement in my smile. In fact, it's gotten worse and I'm getting worried. NONE of my teeth are touching except my right molars, the lower one feeling... out of place? I don't know whether it's sitting higher or just not aligned with the upper molar anymore. In any case, I can't close my mouth without straining and/or clenching (e.g. I'm applying a lot of suction or having to force my lower jaw forward to close my mouth). I'm getting nervous that this is going to cause TMJ problems down the line. I forgot to mention my somewhat pointy, oblong facial tendencies are being exaggerated, too. Ack! Am I overblowing things? Does one's bite get worse temporarily while in braces?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

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Re: Newbie, Teeth Getting Worse?

#2 Post by crossbitten »

sometimes with braces, i think the teeth has to get worse then get better

you're probably just in that stage right now and i've been noticing the same thing happening to me so don't worry too much about it

also, i've heard that the teeth will look worse the first 6 months or so

as for the extra pressure you're using to close your mouth, it's probably better to just let it be and close your mouth how you would naturally and without extra force

if anything, you can talk to your ortho about it and they'll explain to you the stage in treatment you're in right now :D

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Re: Newbie, Teeth Getting Worse?

#3 Post by sirwired »

It's very, Very, VERY, common for "Things to Get Worse Before They Get Better". Treatment happens in different stages, so movement may occur on one axis before movement has happened on the other (axis? axii? axes? No idea what the plural of axis is... :mrgreen: ) that would allow your bite to "settle".

As far as the facial changes go; that's totally a question for your ortho.

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Re: Newbie, Teeth Getting Worse?

#4 Post by djspeece »

My bite went from not so bad to nearly impossible for quite a while; as I approach the end of my treatment things are much better. It's all part of the charm of orthodontics! Best of luck to you!

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Re: Newbie, Teeth Getting Worse?

#5 Post by jfriend33 »

dont fret! completely normal! i noticed my molar alignment getting wonky at first too. it will correct itself with time. ask your ortho if you dont believe us!

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Re: Newbie, Teeth Getting Worse?

#6 Post by Eve255 »

Don't worry, my sister had that problem but it worked out in the end. Also, it's better not to have bunched up teeth but rather with a little space between each to make flossing easier.

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Re: Newbie, Teeth Getting Worse?

#7 Post by arimour »

Thank you all so much!! My bite has settled into something mostly reasonable, but I'm still using unnatural force to keep my lips together. I hope it gets better soon. I will definitely be talking to my ortho about this and more.

Can't wait for these to be OFF!

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Re: Newbie, Teeth Getting Worse?

#8 Post by kppixie »


I'm one year into my SMS and yes my teeth have got worse...........then better...........then worse again! They still seem to be adjusting. On a positive note my bottom teeth are almost ready, but my top teeth have started getting new spaces and the front tooth is not looking too good! My dentist says that he will probably have to take the bracket off and re-position it! has anyone had their BRACKET RE-POSITIONED?Does it hurt? Really fed up of braces now, and want them off! boo hoo!

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Re: Newbie, Teeth Getting Worse?

#9 Post by NeilH »

kppixie wrote:Hi

has anyone had their BRACKET RE-POSITIONED?Does it hurt? Really fed up of braces now, and want them off! boo hoo!
Hi, I had a bracket repositioned earlier in my treatment to correct a badly rotated pre-molar. The bracket was off in a second and I didn't feel a thing. The new bracket is bonded the same way and I was back up and running in minutes. Hang in there, the end result is going to be so worth it.

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Re: Newbie, Teeth Getting Worse?

#10 Post by kppixie »

Thank you so much NeilH, your post has made me feel a lot better! I have an appointment on Friday, and hopefully he will re-position my bracket, at least then the tooth can move into place! :D

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Re: Newbie, Teeth Getting Worse?

#11 Post by rainbowcatcher »

Don't panic, teeth always seem to get worse before they get better in braces. I have been concerned with the gaps forming in my teeth then by the next visit they are closed but there is a new issue. Discuss your concerns with your ortho and try not to worry,braces will never make your teeth worse in the long run.

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