Estimated time for braces

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Estimated time for braces

#1 Post by rainbowcatcher »

Hi all,

I was wondering how long your estimated treatment time is? I was told 24 months, I am nearly 6 months in and feel like my teeth have changed so much. Just checking in to see how others progress is going. I will hopefully be able to post some pics now that I have been upgraded to a registered user.



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Re: Estimated time for braces

#2 Post by Viconia »

Im 14-18 months and currently almost 8 weeks in. Too early to tell for me yet what the overall treatment time will be!
Fully braced on the 31st of July 2015 with Suresmile linguals on upper arch, and American Orthodontics 'Radiance' on lower arch.
Sentence: 18 months with early release at 14 months for good behaviour.

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#3 Post by metalliKa »

Mine is 12-15 months and currently in my 6.5 months. Ortho said he is aiming at the 1 year mark, but we shall see. I have a few stubborn teeth that won't turn. Right now, I am obsessing over how much I don't like my teeth and find so many faults that I'd like them corrected or changed. It's kind of ironic that I lived some 20+ years with crooked teeth and never complained or point out any defects and now that I'm on the road to nice teeth and my teeth are looking way better than before, still I have some many complaints about how my teeth are not looking perfect. :biglaf: :biglaf: :biglaf:
Offenses: Skeletal and Dental Class 2 malocclusion
Sentence: 12-15 months
Jailed: 3/24/15
Released: 5/24/16
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Re: Estimated time for braces

#4 Post by Tyrantblade »

24 months for me, 6 months in

My anterior open bite is so bad though im not sure if 24 months will end up being enough, but i haven't broken anything yet and ive been as serious as can be about wearing my elastics
Lots of crimes here

1. The upper molars bite too far ahead of the lower molars

2. Missing teeth #s 9, 14, and, 29

3. Open bite

4. Upper midline left of center

5. Lower midline right of center

6. Upper and lower teeth not straight

Sentence - 24 months, turned to 27 month.

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#5 Post by Gerbera »


Mine is 12-15 months for moderate crowding. I'm really early in treatment (4 days, 1 arch) so I'm really interested to see how quickly others progress!

My daughter is also in braces, 2 weeks before me. She has a slightly longer estimate of 18 months. Will be interesting to see how our progress compares.

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#6 Post by djspeece »

You'll find the durations vary all over the place. In my case, a two year plan morphed into three because I have dense bones and molars had to move. I think every case is different. In retrospect, I should have suspected my bone density is high because I sink when I try to float in water, even in the ocean. As my ortho is wont to say, "Well Dan, some patients are just more dense" or "Well, I guess you have a thick skull" and then laughs at his own little funny.

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#7 Post by Beetles »

[quote="djspeece"]You'll find the durations vary all over the place. In my case, a two year plan morphed into three because I have dense bones and molars had to move. I think every case is different. In retrospect, I should have suspected my bone density is high because I sink when I try to float in water, even in the ocean. As my ortho is wont to say, "Well Dan, some patients are just more dense" or "Well, I guess you have a thick skull" and then laughs at his own little funny.[/quote]

haha your orthodontist sounds funs :)

I've been told 2 years, but I think my teeth may be stubborn? So we'll see :)
Plus I've just started my treatment.

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#8 Post by NeilH »

I never really pushed my ortho for an estimate of treatment time but got the feeling he was looking at about 18 months. I'm coming up to two and a half years this November! Personally speaking, this doesn't bother me at all as the time has flown by and I would much rather take the slow and steady approach than risk damaging my teeth by moving them too quickly.

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#9 Post by EWUgal15 »

I was told approx 2 years (give or take time for scheduling surgery and life in general), but I'm not worried about it. As long as everything gets fixed, I don't care. I'm in for the long haul!

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#10 Post by TheProfessor »

My estimate was 2 years. I'm at exactly 18 months now. My orthodontist told me I have about 6 more months to go when I asked her 2 weeks ago. I guess that means that I'm right on schedule! :mrgreen:
Braces installed on March 25, 2014: Damon clears on top and metal on bottom.
I had braces for 25 months!


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Re: Estimated time for braces

#11 Post by Bracesat57 »

I am one year into my 20 to 24 month sentence. While I am pleased with my progress I can't see it being over in 8 months. My orthodontist says I am on target for my progress.

My feelings at this point is I am not in a rush to get them off. I am comfortable with them on now and they are low maintenance. My teeth feel secure with the wires on them and they are shifting in the correct positions.

Once they are off I am so scared that even with wearing a retainer they will shift back and be crooked again.

I remember having a lisp when I wore my retainer years ago. Not sure if that goes away or not (my dog ate my retainer when I was younger). Then you have to take them out to eat and brush.

This last year has really flown by and I have no complaints about wearing braces. Things are going along very smoothly. By next summer things should be wrapping up and I will move onto the next phase...retainer. At least this time I do not have a dog so it should be safe!!

Braces installed October 2, 2014
Braces removed May 17, 2016

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#12 Post by bretthov »

I was told to prepare for 18 months since an older adult, the ortho said my teeth would take longer to move. I've got moderate crowding and a bit of an overbite.

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#13 Post by MissBear »

I was told 24-27 months and it begins tomorrow

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#14 Post by stephcsun »

Mine was 18 months, and I am about 7 months in :)

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Re: Estimated time for braces

#15 Post by WVJordan »

I was told 24 months. I need lower jaw surgery as well to correct a pretty severe overjet.

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