How long did you need wax?

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How long did you need wax?

#1 Post by beeboo22 »

Hi! I'm new to the forum. I have ceramic uppers and metal on the bottom, put on at the end of August.

My issue is that I still need wax all the time on my back teeth brackets. Is this common? I had them trim the wires a couple of weeks ago, but I think it's the brackets themselves that are cutting my cheeks. I've tried to wean myself off using wax all the time but I end up with sores in my mouth.

Is this normal or an issue to get addressed? Thanks!

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Re: How long did you need wax?

#2 Post by owira »

I've had my braces for over 2 years and I have used it off and on periodically the whole time - sometimes depending the on the movement the wires or brackets just rub differently and cause a sore - just use it as much as ya need it - don't spare it lol

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Re: How long did you need wax?

#3 Post by owira »

I do use biotene for dry mouths spray - it helps a lot - but my brackets rub on the front bottom at the moment and I feel like I am in wax 24 hours a day 7 days a week - there's just no way around it at the moment :(

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Re: How long did you need wax?

#4 Post by ItsFreyja »

By all means ask your ortho, but this is probably within the realm of normal. (Personally I haven't used wax daily since week 2 of braces, but I have had many days of sleeping on my face weirdly or that time I fell on my face when I've needed occasional wax.) Can you figure out whether those brackets are irritating you all the time? or only at night? or when you eat? I've found it's easier to prevent than to heal. You could also ask your orthodontist about taking a supplement of the amino acid lysine; it's sometimes recommended for people who might be deficient (vegetarians?) who are prone to canker or cold sores.

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Re: How long did you need wax?

#5 Post by metalliKa »

I've actually been very fortunate to not have to rely too much on wax and only used it once for a couple days due to a poking wire when I was out of town. Other than that, my sores calloused pretty quickly. I guess I have a BIG enough mouth for no irritation.
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Re: How long did you need wax?

#6 Post by Tyrantblade »

I was tempted to use it once, and i tried, but i couldnt seem to get it quite right, so i stopped trying and now i have no irritation at all anymore
Lots of crimes here

1. The upper molars bite too far ahead of the lower molars

2. Missing teeth #s 9, 14, and, 29

3. Open bite

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5. Lower midline right of center

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Re: How long did you need wax?

#7 Post by pantlover »

I've luckily haven't had to use any wax at all (so far, fingers crossed) since I've gotten my braces on more than a month ago. And I know my ortho has mentioned to try to avoid using it everyday because then it becomes a crutch and doesn't allow your cheeks, tongue, lips, etc to toughen up and thicken as a result. All those years prior they were rubbing against the smooth surfaces of your teeth and now they rub against the rough metal and you have to allow it time to adjust. I got used to my braces within a week, and it might be because I was purposely rubbing against the braces just to get used to the feeling. Although I imagine different people adjust to it differently. But I would definitely suggest laying off of the wax for a bit, as painful as that may sound.

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Re: How long did you need wax?

#8 Post by Zonda »

I have had to use wax/silicon for 3 years, I tried going without but the pain was too great and my mouth never built up a resistance to the brackets.

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Re: How long did you need wax?

#9 Post by EWUgal15 »

Coming up on a year in braces and I use it whenever I need to.

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Re: How long did you need wax?

#10 Post by newbite »

I've used wax periodically throughout the first 11 months or so. I think it depends on how much room you have in your mouth, for one. I have almost no room in my mouth and my cheeks are really tight so my brackets (especially in the back) are constantly smushed against my cheeks. I haven't had much problems the past two or three months, though, probably since all the major movement is done so the brackets aren't irritating new areas. I hope your irritation goes away soon!
•Braces placed August 14, 2014
•Deband November 11, 2015
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Re: How long did you need wax?

#11 Post by teeebeee »

I used it pretty much permanently for the first 3 or 4 wires (maybe 3 months?!), it was so painful! But, as the wires have got thicker, it's got better. If you need it, use it! Don't soldier on as it will just make you hate them. If one sort doesn't work, try others. It took me 3 goes to find the one that really worked for me.

Keep going!

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Re: How long did you need wax?

#12 Post by buffon85 »

i used it for 1 month and i always have it on my bag!
i work in a call center, i started without wax but after 3 days it was just impossible to talk. i had a prominent canine and after it came down a little things got better.
if you need wax use it :-1


bottom premolars extractions: 9th of June 2015
top premolars extractions: 8th of October 2015

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