New here, considering braces at 32 yrs old

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New here, considering braces at 32 yrs old

#1 Post by RxKen »

Hello everyone,

So, I've been reading post on this site and found that it helps to answer a lot of my questions. I've had braces at 16 yrs old, I got them off in 2 years and made the mistake of not wearing my retainer after a few months. On top of that, I didn't get my wisdom teeth taken out at the time which probably contributed to my teeth reverting back to how it was. I also have a slight underbite, which my parents decided I didn't need surgery for at the time. I didn't start going to the dentist again until recently due to financial hardships. I regret that I neglected my teeth for years and stopped caring. In the end, I've lost a molar on my bottom right side, and am having another 2 molars in the back pulled due to bad decay. Afterwards, I'll be getting a crown and a couple fillings. This trip to the dentist has really opened my eyes.

Now here I am, considering braces at 32 years old. The dentist advised me that I am a candidate for braces and that he would refer me to an orthodontist after all the work was done. I've never been this self-conscious of my teeth before, maybe because I didn't care for awhile. My top teeth kind of flare out now, and my bottom teeth got crowded. I'm really back and forth right now, as to whether I should get the braces at this point in my life because I'm worried it'll become more crooked over the years. Another concern is whether to get surgery for the slight underbite, which I'm worried will be way too expensive. I have insurance but I'm afraid it won't cover much of it or none at all. Anyway, that's my story. If I decide to get the braces, it'll probably be in about a month. Thanks for reading.

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Re: New here, considering braces at 32 yrs old

#2 Post by djspeece »

Glad you are on the right track and best of luck to you!

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Re: New here, considering braces at 32 yrs old

#3 Post by sirwired »

Well, I hope you do end up getting braces. You need some measure of control over how the teeth settle out after the extractions, or the long-term consequences can be unpleasant, at best. (The ideal treatment plan may be a combination of braces and implants, if you can swing the cost of implants.)

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Re: New here, considering braces at 32 yrs old

#4 Post by newbite »

I hope you decide to get braces, too. 32 is a great age for braces. I got mine on at 32, had them a little over a year, and have been wearing my retainers the past few months. I hardly remember what it was like having braces and I just got them off in November. Seriously. It consumes your life for awhile while you're in them (at least at the beginning) but when they're off its hard to remember anything but straight teeth!

I had a slight underbite and was worried about surgery, too, but I totally didn't need it, my underbite went away when my teeth started to move.
•Braces placed August 14, 2014
•Deband November 11, 2015
•Permanent retainer top and bottom
•Essix retainers top and bottom 16 hr/day for a year and then nightly afterwards.

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Re: New here, considering braces at 32 yrs old

#5 Post by littlething »

Hi :) I'm in a similar spot as you. I'm 30 now, neglected my teeth for years, and finally started getting things sorted last year. The restorative work is all done, and all I have left to get done is some extractions for some teeth that need to come out due to decay. Going in for my consult for those on Monday. My teeth have been severely crowded all my life, and I'd always wanted to eventually get them straightened out, but even then I wasn't absolutely sure I wanted to get the orthodontics done. After going over all my options with my dentist, who knew that I was considering it, decided that it just made more sense to get it done. It worked out not just aesthetically, but also financially, and it just made more practical sense to just get it done (less problems in the future).

Best of luck to you :)

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Re: New here, considering braces at 32 yrs old

#6 Post by mandla »

Go for it!!!! Get the braces and take good care of your teeth. It's never too late. Atleast you didn't lose all your teeth. Indeed teeth are one of your great assets.

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