in what time frame did you see the biggest difference?

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in what time frame did you see the biggest difference?

#1 Post by Tyrantblade »

So far for me from month 3 to month 5 is when i noticed the biggest difference, it was mostly noticing teeth touch together that haven't in a long time

the first and most obvious being my top canines hitting the bottom canines

next adjustment isnt for over 2 months, and im hoping by then my top arch will improve, and my midlines will get closer to center

Apparently at my last adjustment my midlines were off by about 7mm (probably because one is too far left and the ither too far right), and my bite is apparently 4mm open bite (in the middle, my open bite on the sides was from teeth being tilted, rather than upright), im not sure if those are considered severe, moderate, or mild, but at least i have numbers to go off of making it easier to know how far things have improved at my next adjustment
Lots of crimes here

1. The upper molars bite too far ahead of the lower molars

2. Missing teeth #s 9, 14, and, 29

3. Open bite

4. Upper midline left of center

5. Lower midline right of center

6. Upper and lower teeth not straight

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Re: in what time frame did you see the biggest difference?

#2 Post by LongJourney »

Congrats!!! I noticed my first movement on the second week, mostly my top teeth straightening pretty fast. My teeth were never really that crooked, only two bottom ones. One they took out because it wasn't going straighten by it's own. I'm at my 4th month of my braces, about to get my third month adjustment on March 10. In two weeks. I would say my overbite improved a little this month even thou i don't wear my rubber bands 24/7 :D
I got headgear but haven't wearing it often.
I really need to start wearing them.
So overall my teeth are straight, things to fix are my gaps, bite and god knows what other things that the ortho has in mind.

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Re: in what time frame did you see the biggest difference?

#3 Post by djspeece »

I noticed the most movement in the first 6 months and then things seemed to slow down (from my perception). I had a couple of very stubborn gaps to close which took forever.

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Re: in what time frame did you see the biggest difference?

#4 Post by Lucyinthesky »

I only had mine on for 7 months and I think I found the biggest improvements earlier on, probably between months 2 and 4.

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Re: in what time frame did you see the biggest difference?

#5 Post by NeilH »

I found the most visible change was in the first three months as the teeth lined up and the wires straightened. The time in class 2 elastics was also great as I saw my bite change substantially and towards the end I saw huge improvements in the width of my smile and overall bite so guess the answer to your question is I noticed changes throughout but some took longer than others.

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Re: in what time frame did you see the biggest difference?

#6 Post by Mish11 »

I've only had them on 6 days and already my bite is different and bottom teeth seem to be moving forward. I had to have 3 extractions so maybe that's why I feel movement.

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Re: in what time frame did you see the biggest difference?

#7 Post by metalliKa »

In the first six bottom straightened out after first wire change and upper after about about 4-6 months. Now just waiting for everything to all align.
Offenses: Skeletal and Dental Class 2 malocclusion
Sentence: 12-15 months
Jailed: 3/24/15
Released: 5/24/16
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