Anyone switch from ceramic to metal?

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Anyone switch from ceramic to metal?

#1 Post by spree43 »

thinking of switching to metal on top because I find the ceramics way too bulky. I can't smile because my top lip gets caught on the top of them and just sit on top of the brace. probably because of my overjet but It's extremely annoying. so just wondering if anyone found the metal less bulky and a bit more comfortable?

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Re: Anyone switch from ceramic to metal?

#2 Post by braced43 »

My advice is to hang in there with the ceramic braces. I have radiance ceramic on the top and bottom since October 2015. They felt super bulky at first and my lip always felt like it was sitting on the top like you describe. It's because they are new and foreign in your mouth. Your lips will adjust and you won't feel so awkward after a couple weeks. I hardly notice my braces anymore except for when I eat. I hope this helps.

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Re: Anyone switch from ceramic to metal?

#3 Post by spree43 »

thanks..I am getting my bottoms on tomorrow so I will talk to my ortho. I am getting metal on the bottom. I also feel like they look all yellow- so I thought I mind as well get all metal and just embrace the brace face. I'm also this close to just saying screw it and take them off. But I know I will prob regret it. I just want to see progress so at least I know they are doing something.

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Re: Anyone switch from ceramic to metal?

#4 Post by testimony777 »

Hi Spree43,

I just wanted to check in; how did it go today? Did you end up changing to the metal brackets?
Braced: March 18, 2016
De-bonded : December 29, 2017 (22 months out of the 18-24 month treatment plan I was given)
Retainers: Fixed on top and bottom/ Clear, removable for nighttime wear

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Re: Anyone switch from ceramic to metal?

#5 Post by spree43 »

Hi Testimony- Welll I am embarrassed to say I had a bit of a nervous breakdown at the orthodontist and ended up taking the braces off. They only booked me for the bottom set so she said I could either get the bottom done or get the top off. She didn't have time for both. I definitely did not like the bulkiness of the ceramics. Mainly because my overjet coupled with the bulkiness of the brackets pushed my lip out too far. I couldn't smile correctly because my lip kept getting caught on the top when I relaxed my mouth. I hated smiling before I never thought It could get worse ha. They said it would take about 4 months for that to stop as the teeth moved back.
SOO I did check out the metal braces they have and they are a much smaller profile, they sit closer to the tooth. I just have to figure out if this journey is for me. The whole thing was just freaking me out- the 4 extractions, everything. The amount of stress I was giving myself was ridiculous. I have mixed feelings about taking them off but I am actually able to relax for the first time in a while!
Anyway, sorry for rambling. This board has been a great support system, thanks for checking in! :P

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Re: Anyone switch from ceramic to metal?

#6 Post by testimony777 »

It sounds like you made the absolute right decision! I can't imagine having to wait four months to feel better :shock: . Those first few days were awful; there is absolutely no way I would have been willing to wait it out for FOUR months, I would have had these things ripped off with the quickness lol. The great thing now is that if you do decide to take the plunge again, you will be all the more prepared, you will know exactly what you want and exactly what to expect. Good luck with whatever you decide :D
Braced: March 18, 2016
De-bonded : December 29, 2017 (22 months out of the 18-24 month treatment plan I was given)
Retainers: Fixed on top and bottom/ Clear, removable for nighttime wear

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Re: Anyone switch from ceramic to metal?

#7 Post by MetalMouth77 »

This is exact reason I chose to go full metal mouth. Ceramics have a lot of issues especially when the main problem they are trying to solve for.. Epic fail. They are meant not to be seen but they are so bulky they make it more obvious.

So far I have a pretty easy go of it, compared to others who have had a lot of pain, as in life all our journeys are different.

You have to do you!

Sorry your journey was so difficult.

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