Has anyone ever had double power chains?

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Has anyone ever had double power chains?

#1 Post by Slader01 »

I have traditional braces. Right now I have a power chain 3-3(canine to canine), the arch wire on top of that, then another power chain 6-6(molar to molar) on top of all of that. Has anyone else ever had double chains?

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Re: Has anyone ever had double power chains?

#2 Post by NeilH »

Hi, yes, I had full double powerchains on my top arch for many months. One powerchain didn't seem to be enough so we moved to two to close some spaces.

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Re: Has anyone ever had double power chains?

#3 Post by EWUgal15 »

I'm kind of in the same boat...I had IPR done at my adjustment yesterday and the tech said "I don't know if you've ever had the string before, but you're getting it today. You'll definitely be feeling it later." She showed me "the string" and it kind of looked like a rice noodle that you would find in pad thai, but it was stretchy like a rubber band...so she then hand laced it around the brackets on my lower 6 front teeth and tied it off, then put my wire in, then put a normal power chain over that. I hit google after my adjustment because I didn't really ask too many questions at my adjustment and the only reference I could find was "power thread". I'm not sure if that's even what I have, but I definitely felt it today..it's kicking my butt. You can't really see it unless you're super up close and looking at my braces from an angle, but I'm curious to know if it will stain like clear ligs sometimes do...

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Re: Has anyone ever had double power chains?

#4 Post by TheProfessor »

EWUgal15 wrote:I'm kind of in the same boat...I had IPR done at my adjustment yesterday and the tech said "I don't know if you've ever had the string before, but you're getting it today. You'll definitely be feeling it later." She showed me "the string" and it kind of looked like a rice noodle that you would find in pad thai, but it was stretchy like a rubber band...so she then hand laced it around the brackets on my lower 6 front teeth and tied it off, then put my wire in, then put a normal power chain over that. I hit google after my adjustment because I didn't really ask too many questions at my adjustment and the only reference I could find was "power thread". I'm not sure if that's even what I have, but I definitely felt it today..it's kicking my butt. You can't really see it unless you're super up close and looking at my braces from an angle, but I'm curious to know if it will stain like clear ligs sometimes do...
I've had "the string" for over a year (my ortho calls it an elastic tie). First it was to keep my two upper central incisors from spreading apart (from Feb of last year until a couple of months ago). Now I have my upper 4 front teeth tied together and a power chain across all of my upper teeth and I have a tie around my lower 6 incisors. It does stain after a few weeks, especially if you drink coffee), but it isn't very noticeable under a power chain. I've had problems with the techs not cutting the ends close enough to the knot--sometimes they tuck it in and it comes out the first time I brush my teeth and pokes my lip. A nail clipper works well to clip the long ends :wink:
Braces installed on March 25, 2014: Damon clears on top and metal on bottom.
I had braces for 25 months!


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Re: Has anyone ever had double power chains?

#5 Post by dharg99 »

that sounds painful... geez... currently I have 3 to 3, not sure when i'll get a 6 to 6, my orthodontist uses white powerchains for the smaller parts so I don't have any colour.... it sucks.

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Re: Has anyone ever had double power chains?

#6 Post by Slader01 »

Just went in for an adjustment the other day, and now I have a power chain on my 4 front teeth, the arch wire on top of that, then a full arch power chain on top of all of that. The space between my central incisors is rapidly closing (it was 9mm before the braces. When I got my first double power chain, it decreased from 6mm to 3mm over night. Now it's really small, haven't measured it yet, but noticeably smaller on the first night.) , but my laterals feel so close to my centrals when I'm flossing that it kind of scares me lol.Is movement this fast really safe? I've read that there's no such thing as too fast in orthodontics, and that too slow is actually the bad thing. My orthodontist told me that as your teeth move, the bone dissolves around them, which allows them to move. Once they've moved, new bone forms. When the bone is dissolving, an acid is produced, which, if teeth are moved too slowly, they will sit in the acid too long & it will begin to dissolve the roots. But it still makes me wonder, which is why I'm wondering about other people's experiences with double power chains. (by the way, mine are the strongest/tightest power chains.. I've heard there are 3 sizes: o--o,o-o, and oo. mine is the oo.) Putting so much force on a diastema the size of mines kind of scares me (they moved 3mm overnight!). What do you guys think?

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