Being picked on for having crooked teeth

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Re: Being picked on for having crooked teeth

#16 Post by oceanbythes33 »

Maybe someone might read this...growing up mom a single parent to 3 kids but i was the ONLY one with crooked teeth, two front teeth overlapped pretty intensely and so it made my smile really small and the bottom were extremly crowded and just looked like zig zag *no hiding it*** i was fine up until about 6th grade i realizwd these teeth are gunna be here forever and im chubby... then comments started... from strangers just gazing at my teeth, to my family trying to use it as a teasing point of view... highschool was worse!!!! I dated a few really good guys with amaziing smiles, and they never seemed bothered so i knew my situation could have been alot worse cuz my teeth are super white...althought one guy it ended bax with him throwing in my face i had fuxked up teeth too:/... but every morning id wake up and feel im in a bad dream as dramatic as it sounds,,, just seeing me be chubby, round face ,small crooked chicklet teeth... and knowing braces were absolutely not a option anyyytime was hard i wanted to be confident but seeing all ur friends with straight teeth, and braces looking at everyomes smile wishing i had a new smile sooo deeply...i couldnt fathom a beautiful smile on me?!ha o was always the cute girl with the cute smile,on top of all this my makeup is passion so since i was 18 i started working at a makeup store being close and personal with clients, i am amzing at what i do and i felt it was 50/50 half the ppl would stare in disgust and in a daze and others seen past a thing i had no control over the beauty industry everyone has perfect teeth and it sucked for me because i was sooo much better than most artists but i could rarely smile as much as i wanted to could not wear lipsticks of tooo crazy color, i would typically wear a lot of eye makeup to distract people.... i ended up quitting 1 year aho:( i think my confidence unfortunately went down and my insecurites got the best of me....i then found a new job and some how the right dentist/ortho came into my life due to some cavities i needed to fill, i pay 99 a month zero interest....really better then i expected if i knew it was that cheap i would have done it when i fiiiiiiirst got my job.... i hoghly reccomend getting that consultation and letting ur ortho understand ur can go 22 now have had ceramic braces for 7 months paid for by me and holy guacamole. .. i can actuLly breath and smile EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME as if i was alone... and man to just yawn in public, talk to a cashier, take pictures smiling face on, every front facing pic i have evvvvver took i just would be disgusted so i was queen of that angle.....which sucks u can just be in the freakin moment and enjoy life without the fear of smiling????!!! Its freskin absurd when u think about that this insecurity is causing u to think twice about SMILING????!! Aand TALKING???! °THINGS u need to do everyday!!towards the end pre braces mindset iwould DREAD conversing with people smile and keep it simple annd pray the see past this issue that clearly just takes money and my parent probably could not afford a 4000$ bill raising 3 kids alone in california..... i have always loved life and admired a beaitiful smile i never hated on it just hopelessly admired knowing a messed up grill was just in the notes for me.. about 18 years old when i met my bf i started accepting them and wasnt mad and DID NOT want braces i said thid is me and if someones gunna judge me for teeth i dont want to associate with ppl like that anyways...i was becoming anti bracea for a year then my makeup job really was a daily self esteem struggle. Seeing beautiful chicks come in who were just ok but having that perfect smile made them drop dead gorgeous in my eyes when i knew deep down probably beat the heart of a crooked or gapped tooth person,, we always look at perfect teeth as is, with no question what they looked like prior..... so keep this is mind when talking to someone with straight teeth, that they probably understand what u r going thru more then ur willing to even think... which as a younger teen i never thought about that.... bt with all this chaos... i got tall and lost that weight, found a lover...way before the braces 2010 to be exact, and he fell inlove with me ugly teeth amd all... lol and im deeply infatuated with him for being so freakin kind and loving and not being grossed out by my teeth like i was...was a hugge piece of realizing how pure and genuine he is.... he naturally has a perfect smile with one lil crooked bottom tooth, (lucky lil turd) and for the longest i never wanted to admit to him how insecure it made me .... but i pushed EVERYONES regards aside made that appointment and went lowkey. My teeth def got more crooked before straight and i looked psycho with a open spring on my front tooth for 4 weeks>_<,, but my teeth r fully straight now and wtf i feel so confident i cut my hair off and everyonr i meet loves it... i was always scared as my hair was a great distraction for my jacked teeth, but now people can see my smile first.. and just being able to wea lipstick of any color!,,,and feel GOOD! i kno i will nail any interview especially having straight teeth now.... when i see crooked teeth i dont think much cuz i get flashbacks and get depressed! I love being able to smile and not see that snaggle tooth and ya know crooked teeth happen because of sleeping habits, genetics and surprisingly how ur baby teeth fall out... if u like ur crooked teeth i praise u and admire u ive spent nights crying more like yeeeears just angry i couldnt afford them and could never smile n any school pics.... i deleted everyyyyything anytime i got mad... like evvvvvvery picture it was bad.... so again dont always be intimidated by a nice smile cuz odds r they were prob more jacked up then urs thats why there parents were even to emmbarrassed for them hahah or od like to think, so tell them they have a nice smile dont hold back a nice compliment because ur judging their nice smile because u assume they r judging ur crooked teeth:) all i know is money comes and goes if braces are 4000, and people spend atleast 400 on clothes fast food starbucks a month, ur teeth would be straigh by now.... im so happy with how life turned out i belive my mom actually did the right thing by making me pay for them because i will treasure and value and take care of my teeth forwver, after braces come off and its all because f me, ive experienced BOTH SIDES of the spectrum..... and people stare regardless ,, but damn confidence is something u cant buy!!!---------------the most sexy beautiful attracrive thing is not straight teeth but a confident person,,, good hygiene doesnt mean straight teeth, >_< surprisingly the one who is insecure with the smile might take more time to brish a floss regularly because fear of having yellow aaaaand crooked teeth hahah

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Re: Being picked on for having crooked teeth

#17 Post by oceanbythes33 »

Also now having braces let anyone say what they wnt and hey who cares go in hiding for a few more appts till u feel ur teeth come together, these couples years of hiding cant compare to a life of humiliation by these terd SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM u know?? One day BAM ur teeth will be perfect.... personally im just paranoid about my teeth going back to how they used to be,, for the first 4 months o had bad dreams involing dreaming my braces arent on and im soooooo sad and miserable and back in the state of not enjoying anything becaue im focused on showing my teeth.... then i wake up a giggle and thank the universe because i willll have that perfect smile ... and to just have a great wedding pic. Baby pic. Any freaking pic up close and personal and feeling confident :) but again rememebe every perfect smile has a story;)

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Re: Being picked on for having crooked teeth

#18 Post by emily0709 »

TheProfessor wrote:I'm sorry to hear that your family is like that--I think people forget that comments like that hurt! You should be proud of yourself for getting braces!

I had lots of things to be teased about when I was growing up- thick glasses since 5 years old, too tall (I was 5'10" in 6th grade and ended up being a 6' tall woman), I was too smart and nerdy, etc. I think all the teasing made me a stronger person, but it also made me realize that making comments about things people can't change is just mean and I never do it! Fortunately, my teeth were reasonably ok when I was young so that wasn't a topic for the bullies, but someone (a good friend) made a joke about my teeth at a party about 5 years ago. It really hurt my feelings, but also helped nudge me toward finally getting my smile sorted out. The funny thing is that when she saw me for the first time with braces she said, "But your teeth weren't that bad!!!" At least there were no jokes this time....

Is this my life? LOL.

I am 6' tall and arrived there quickly. I was always the tallest girl. Kids called me Amazon Woman. My teeth were BAD in middle school. Like, bad bad. Picked on for that. Luckily my mom was able to get me braces even though it was really expensive and luckily she went on a payment plan and I remember her still making payments after they were off and I had straight teeth.

So what did I do to thank her? I did not wear my retainers :-+

So now I am 37 with braces I am paying full price for which is like ... a lot. I had one tooth on the bottom that had been pushed so far back when I was talking people (very often!) said "Oh you have a tongue ring!" Uh, no, that's just my crooked tooth. :oops:

Now that I have braces, people all say "You're teeth were fine! Why did you do that??" Sigh. No regrets though!

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