Backward image of your teeth disturbing?

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#16 Post by Septimus »

i just tried the expirement and never realised my teeth looked so disgusting HAHAHA !

i must have just gotten used to my mirror teeth and not noticed how bad they really are

it made me so thankful that i have braces.

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#17 Post by swellen »

My Mum is an identical twin and they didn't realise until they were in their 40s that they parted their hair on different sides from each other (and only then because someone else mentioned it) because when they looked at each other they saw pretty much what they were used to seeing in the mirror.

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#18 Post by Anticipator »

I remember seeing my photos in the ortho's office and thinking "these must be reversed, I wonder why they flip them" because the chip in my incisor was on the wrong side...

It was only after reading this post that I realized my only real concept of myself and my appearance is from the mirror...

I feel a little dumber now. :oops:
Upper and lower metal braces
Estimated treatment time: 20 months

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Re: Backward image of your teeth disturbing?

#19 Post by Slader01 »

This is really how other people see you, but the only reason that it looks weird is because it's not the way you're use to seeing yourself. It really doesn't look as bad as our minds make it look. Our minds are very picky about the way we look. When other people see us, they're use to seeing that image, so when they see the reverse(what we see in the mirror)it looks weird to them. It really doesn't look bad. If your teeth look good in the mirror, they look good when other people see them, too.

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