Bracket Caps??

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Posts: 11
Joined: Fri Nov 04, 2016 10:26 pm

Bracket Caps??

#1 Post by guilder68 »

Hi everyone! I got my ceramic braces 2 days ago. I'm 48. First day was a novelty, 2nd day I wanted to rip them off my teeth with pliers! lol
I did a little research and found some great little inventions called Bracket Caps
I emailed my orthodontist about them and he said it would prevent my cheeks from getting used to the brackets and would make it into a long term problem. OK...but I got to thinking, why wouldn't I use something to make this more comfortable if I possibly could? I don't even have the bottom ones on, which I'm assuming will be even worse...and the feel of the brackets is making me crazy! I've got wax on every single bracket right now! It doesn't stay on all that well.
Has anyone ever tried bracket caps? Are they a long term solution?

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Joined: Tue Oct 11, 2016 11:38 am

Re: Bracket Caps??

#2 Post by Blurple »

I was really worried about this - so ordered a box of comfort brace strips in readiness:-

however, I'm hoping I might be one of the lucky ones, as I'm now on day 4, not needed to use them, and only used a small amount of wax on one bracket which has a hook on it (although my brackets are metal which I think are a bit smaller which probably helps).

(hope's i've now not cursed myself LOL!)

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