My First thread

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My First thread

#1 Post by Juliebrynn1 »

Thank you guys (and sink full of dinner) for being so understanding about my posting in the wrong place. I finally figured it out. I have so many questions. First of all, I am 43 years old. My teeth are pretty nice, except for a tiny diamond in my front tooth. The orthodontist kinda shaved it on the side so there is more of an up and down gap, so the teeth will close together. On my bottom teeth, I have crowded teeth, but only in the front and only about 2. One is pushed backwards and one is in the correct spot but cricked. So after my daughter got her braces off (she is 12), I asked her orthodontist if I could get braces to correct those issues. He said yes, and found out that my insurance would pay some of it, and I woud have to pay about 850.00. He also said that I would only have to wear them for four months, and, I would only get the top front 6 teeth braced, and the bottom 6 front teeth braced. I got this done on on Thursday, March 30, 2017. The first couple days I was in pain, and used hydrogen peroxide to fix the sores I was getting on the top lip of my mouth and the bottom lip of my mouth, on the insides of both, where the braces would scrape. On Monday morning, (April 3) i stated feeling sooooooooooo unbelievably depressed. The insides of both the top and bottom of my lips were swollen, white, red, and a mess. I was in so much pain. At this point, I was putting wax on all my teeth, top and bottom, that had braces on them, including the braces. I later found out that i created a hydrogen peroxide burn:-(. So now its Tuesday and I am typing on my computer and literally sobbing. I am asking myself: why did I get braces since I really didnt need them? What are people going to think of the way I look? will I always have to wear wax on these braces? Will people think I have food stuck on them??? WHY DID I GET THEM?????? The pain is not as bad, but it is uncomfortable to have was everywhere and i can't bite down cuz my top bracket is hitting the bottom bracket. The orthodontist office just says that as my teeth shift, that will fix. When will that happen????? How will my mouth develope callouses if i can't handle the pain????? What were u guys experience??? Am I just being a drama queen??? I can;t stop feeling the way Im feeling. Is this normal, will it go away????? I can't eat, I can;t sleep, I can't concentrate on anything because I keep thinking "why did i do this to myself?????????". Please let me know if anyone has felt like this and if it will all go away. I am soo sorry for this long rant. I just need some desperate help. I dont want to bring attention to myself more about it by discussing all these fears with friends. Thank you for any help u can give me.

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Re: My First thread

#2 Post by BlondeCam »

Keep using the wax, it will get better. My first two weeks it felt like I had wax everywhere. Ask the orthodontist what mouthwash you should use or the pharmacist. I think it's OTC. Just hang in there.

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Re: My First thread

#3 Post by erin5550 »

Juliebrynn1 wrote:Thank you guys (and sink full of dinner) for being so understanding about my posting in the wrong place. I finally figured it out. I have so many questions. First of all, I am 43 years old. My teeth are pretty nice, except for a tiny diamond in my front tooth. The orthodontist kinda shaved it on the side so there is more of an up and down gap, so the teeth will close together. On my bottom teeth, I have crowded teeth, but only in the front and only about 2. One is pushed backwards and one is in the correct spot but cricked. So after my daughter got her braces off (she is 12), I asked her orthodontist if I could get braces to correct those issues. He said yes, and found out that my insurance would pay some of it, and I woud have to pay about 850.00. He also said that I would only have to wear them for four months, and, I would only get the top front 6 teeth braced, and the bottom 6 front teeth braced. I got this done on on Thursday, March 30, 2017. The first couple days I was in pain, and used hydrogen peroxide to fix the sores I was getting on the top lip of my mouth and the bottom lip of my mouth, on the insides of both, where the braces would scrape. On Monday morning, (April 3) i stated feeling sooooooooooo unbelievably depressed. The insides of both the top and bottom of my lips were swollen, white, red, and a mess. I was in so much pain. At this point, I was putting wax on all my teeth, top and bottom, that had braces on them, including the braces. I later found out that i created a hydrogen peroxide burn:-(. So now its Tuesday and I am typing on my computer and literally sobbing. I am asking myself: why did I get braces since I really didnt need them? What are people going to think of the way I look? will I always have to wear wax on these braces? Will people think I have food stuck on them??? WHY DID I GET THEM?????? The pain is not as bad, but it is uncomfortable to have was everywhere and i can't bite down cuz my top bracket is hitting the bottom bracket. The orthodontist office just says that as my teeth shift, that will fix. When will that happen????? How will my mouth develope callouses if i can't handle the pain????? What were u guys experience??? Am I just being a drama queen??? I can;t stop feeling the way Im feeling. Is this normal, will it go away????? I can't eat, I can;t sleep, I can't concentrate on anything because I keep thinking "why did i do this to myself?????????". Please let me know if anyone has felt like this and if it will all go away. I am soo sorry for this long rant. I just need some desperate help. I dont want to bring attention to myself more about it by discussing all these fears with friends. Thank you for any help u can give me.
I really think what you're feeling is completely normal. It's a big change, and lots of emotions. You'll be good in a couple of weeks though. I got mine 3/9 and am still a little hesitant to bite down in the front. It feels a little weird. Use the wax when needed. I only used it in spots for the first couple of weeks or so. Colgate makes some mouthwash called Peroxyl that is supposed to be a numbing mouthwash.

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Re: My First thread

#4 Post by djspeece »

The first few weeks are a nightmare. Many of us share your experience and feelings, and frustration. I didn't have a lot of cosmetic issues so I was really second-guessing myself for a few weeks. As others have mentioned, it will get better. You may want to take ibuprofen for pain (see label for dosing and take it with food, of course). Braces are the gift that keep on giving -- chronic 24/7 discomfort especially for the first week, and after adjustments that involve a new archwire, powerchains, or elastics. If you expect it, it is a bit easier to deal with and as you get more accustomed to the sensation, it loses its novelty and the pain perception will diminish. New discomforts are scary and magnify the pain. Your cheeks will toughen up in a couple of weeks, and as others mentioned use wax liberally. I found that huge gobs don't really work (working on the principle that more is better) and tend to come off easily. Small, B-B sized gobs seemed to work best for me. People won't notice the wax. Swallowing it won't hurt you either so don't worry about that. I had a two year treatment plan that stretched to three, and I have been out of braces now for 18 months and --shocking -- don't miss them one bit! Keep the end game in mind, perhaps drink more, and vent liberally here! Best of luck to you.

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. -- Buddist saying

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Re: My First thread

#5 Post by Juliebrynn1 »

Thank you guys so much for your replies. I just feel thankful that we have a site that we can discuss our feelings in. I do hope that with time everything will get better, because as of now, I feel so auwful.

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Re: My First thread

#6 Post by Juliebrynn1 »

I think most of it has to do with how i didn;t really need them, i just got them to fix those two tiny issues.

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Re: My First thread

#7 Post by Juliebrynn1 »

I just thought of another question. How do you guys develop a callous for braces in if you wear wax all the time? Does it just somehow happen. Im so confused about these damn things.

Any help u can provide, I wold be so appreciative.


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Re: My First thread

#8 Post by djspeece »

Yes, your cheeks will toughen up just fine even with the use of wax. You don't actually have to draw blood to make them tougher :lol: . They really won't feel any different, but gradually you notice your cheeks are not driving you nuts. And as teeth move different areas will need to toughen up but it is much more tolerable and really not too noticeable. It's the first few weeks that are the most "challenging."

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. -- Buddist saying

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Re: My First thread

#9 Post by 26inbraces »

I was so miserable for about the first week. Sores in my mouth, had trouble talking, etc. I am still only about 3.5 weeks in, but it's SO much better. I do still use wax on a couple spots, but not as much as before. I don't constantly feel/think about them like I did in the beginning! You don't have long at all to wear them, you'll feel better soon and then it'll go by fast!

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Re: My First thread

#10 Post by Juliebrynn1 »

Djspeece. It is so good to hear that my mouth will still get tougher with wax. Thank you.

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Re: My First thread

#11 Post by Juliebrynn1 »

26 in braces, I'm glad to hear that u don't constantly think about them. I honestly have had my fill, and tomorrow will b 8 days. It is unbelievably difficult for me and I can't seem to focus on anything else.

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Re: My First thread

#12 Post by Juliebrynn1 »

Erin 550. How long did it take u to feel normal?? . As if the brace pain from my mouth, and the hideous look in my moth isn't enough. I can not sleep cuz I'm constantly thinking about them and obsessing about the pain. Was week 3 the week everything came toguether?? . Do u worry, about how ur going to look to others.

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Re: My First thread

#13 Post by Juliebrynn1 »

My orthodontist claims I have to have my braces on for 4 months. Have any of ur doctors lied about the length of time?

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Re: My First thread

#14 Post by djspeece »

I don't think they lie, they just can't always predict how long things will take so they estimate based on individual variation. They really have no motivation to lie -- the quicker you are done with therapy, then the quicker they can bring in another patient.

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. -- Buddist saying

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Re: My First thread

#15 Post by Juliebrynn1 »

Hey guys!! Just wanted to give you an update. So, I was in miserable pain and went to the orthodontist last week and I guess I was the one creating the pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, i got a couple canker sores, and stupid me thought it would be a good idea to get rid of them, so i put hydrogen peroxide on them and ended up with a hydrogen peroxide burn. So, in additon to the normal discomfort of braces, I was adding to the mess!!!!! Long story short, they advised I dont use wax and try to toughen up my skin. well, I instead listened to ur guys advice (THANK YOU SOOOOOOO VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH). I put wax on every little spot that my braces were hitting, on the areas with the peroxide burn, I tried to sleep away the pain, and 2 days later, I was able to wear only a little bit of wax and just a little discomfort. Thank you all sooo very much for your advice. Im glad we have forums like this, because I was such a mess and they were insisting to NOT use the wax. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!

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