Do I have flared teeth after braces?

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Re: Do I have flared teeth after braces?

#16 Post by FlowerPower »

Wow, she is such a scam artist! Making you pay extra for work she didn't do. :x Yes, please get a second opinion and tell them everything you told us. Maybe they could offer you a discount once they realized how much you have put into this

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Re: Do I have flared teeth after braces?

#17 Post by Heidirs »

Ashwings wrote:So I went back to my dentist and explained that I was a bit disappointed at how my teeth turned out. She offered 3 options. I either put braces back on, it would be the metal ones this time around because I can't afford to pay the clear ones again...she says this would take 6 months
So she didn't do your teeth right the first time, and she's going to charge you more to fix what she should have done before taking your braces off in the place?

I'd have some serious complaints.

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Re: Do I have flared teeth after braces?

#18 Post by Ashwings »

[quote="Heidirs"][quote="Ashwings"]So I went back to my dentist and explained that I was a bit disappointed at how my teeth turned out. She offered 3 options. I either put braces back on, it would be the metal ones this time around because I can't afford to pay the clear ones again...she says this would take 6 months[/quote]

So she didn't do your teeth right the first time, and she's going to charge you more to fix what she should have done before taking your braces off in the place?

I'd have some serious complaints.[/quote]

Sorry I didn't explain myself well, she said she would put back the metal ones free of charge, I would have to pay for the monthly consultations. But I know that they are running some campaign where they have the metal braces for about 100 euros so it wouldn't cost a lot (because the monthly consultations are expensive anyways and those I would have to pay for) The thing is I paid extra for the clear ones so I didn't have to use the metal ones and if I take that deal I'm forced to use the metal ones for at least 6 months, probably more (she told me 2 years for the clear ones and I ended up using them for nearly 4 years). The thing is I don't think she's a scam artist or a bad professional (I see lot of people coming out of there with perfect smiles, and they are very nice and understanding. I'm just unlucky and my case didn't went according to plan I guess, I just wish she noticed it before I took them off because now I honestly don't know what to do mostly because now I don't think I should trust her word that it will all be fine in 6 months and partly because I really don't want to use metal braces. :/

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Re: Do I have flared teeth after braces?

#19 Post by BlondeCam »

Just my opinion ... but I feel like she should put you back in the exact ceramic or clear that you already paid for and correct it all AT NO CHARGE! Period. Being nice doesn't pay sometimes.

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Re: Do I have flared teeth after braces?

#20 Post by claribeary »

[quote="BlondeCam"]Just my opinion ... but I feel like she should put you back in the exact ceramic or clear that you already paid for and correct it all AT NO CHARGE! Period. Being nice doesn't pay sometimes.[/quote]

I agree with this!

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Re: Do I have flared teeth after braces?

#21 Post by Ashwings »

I will go there next week and discuss that with her...just need to grow a backbone. If she offers the clear ones for free I will accept just putting them again. Not the other options though I don't think they are fair either which was why I said I still had to think about them. It's obviously not a finished work and everyone who sees them agrees that they are straight, better than they were before, but not perfect and I keep being self conscious about this and keep worrying about what I'm going to do. Wish me luck again :).

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Re: Do I have flared teeth after braces?

#22 Post by Bracingmyself901 »

I'm so confused how putting you back in braces alone will help. The flaring is the resulting of having too many teeth and not enough space. You either need to a) get jaw surgery to expand your upper arch, b) have extractions, or c) have some of your teeth shaved (technically name interproximal reduction). All options have the goal of making room to fit all teeth, some of which are better than others. Are any of theses options apart of the potential 6 month plan?

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Re: Do I have flared teeth after braces?

#23 Post by Ashwings »

Bracingmyself901 wrote:I'm so confused how putting you back in braces alone will help. The flaring is the resulting of having too many teeth and not enough space. You either need to a) get jaw surgery to expand your upper arch, b) have extractions, or c) have some of your teeth shaved (technically name interproximal reduction). All options have the goal of making room to fit all teeth, some of which are better than others. Are any of theses options apart of the potential 6 month plan?
Yes, that's exactly my fear that the braces wont be enough...when I asked if I needed extractions and she said no, so I asked how would they move back and she explained that I would have some of my teeth filed (as in nail file ?) instead. She did this very subtly before when I had braces, my teeth are wider at the bottom than at the top so she did this before.

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Re: Do I have flared teeth after braces?

#24 Post by Ashwings »

I was reading on the interproximal reduction and I think that's what she wants to do, I'm not a native English speaker so that's why I used the term file, but from what I understand that is the plan. I will ask again when I go back.

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Re: Do I have flared teeth after braces?

#25 Post by Bracingmyself901 »

Ashwings wrote:I was reading on the interproximal reduction and I think that's what she wants to do, I'm not a native English speaker so that's why I used the term file, but from what I understand that is the plan. I will ask again when I go back.
Ask her how many mm (millimeters) in reduction she plans to achieve with IPR and perhaps press her again why she doesnt think you are an extraction case. I think if you come in armed with knowledge she'll know you are serious business about achieving the best result possible. If she is giving you options to fix things, that's means she knows she didn't not do the best she could possibly do the first time around and that she shouldn't charge you to fix her own mistake/negligence.

This site gives a little more technical info: ... ont-teeth/

You say she already put you in braces and filed some of your teeth which is the first common treatment. This still resulted in flaring and you can only file so much, so it's probably in her best interests to try other treatment options.

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Re: Do I have flared teeth after braces?

#26 Post by Synergy91 »

[quote="sirwired"]Yeah; I cover "no-extraction" orthos in my sticky about malpractice and quackery. An ortho that refuses to extract teeth from anybody is simply refusing to use all the tools in the toolbox.[/quote]

What do you mean by that I had extractions done when I was 15 years old. Then when I turned 24 years old I started the process of reversing the extractions by opening the spaces up for implants. However now I am not satisfied because my top teeth are flared up too much.

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Re: Do I have flared teeth after braces?

#27 Post by WanderingWallflower »

You have a beautiful smile but yes, I can see the 'flaring' you speak of. I think it's unfair that your ortho wants you to pay for braces again because she did not do the job she was supposed to do. It seems to me that you needed extractions done to make room to prevent flaring and she did not recommend you have that done. Therefore she did not complete the job she was paid to do. Definetly look at other options though, I'm so sorry that you are having to pay for this all again!! :rose:

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Re: Do I have flared teeth after braces?

#28 Post by finalexplosion »

Ashwings wrote:Hello everyone, so I got my braces removed today after 3 and a half years of getting them (got them when I was 23)...I was so happy about getting them off but now that I actually stopped and really looked at my teeth on the side they look extremely flared, shouldn't they be more perpendicular?:/ they look fine when looking at the front. I never had protuding teeth, they were overcrowded and one of my canines was up. Is this normal? Am I just overreacting?
I'm going to get my retainers tomorrow, I'm really sad because I don't think there's anything that can be done now that they are off but I just wanted to know someone else's opinion on the matter...
Side view:
I clicked your pics. You are beautiful and you have a great smile. In one pic, I do sort of see what you mean but, I honestly think you look beautiful and are maybe overreacting a bit. I think we see so much tv/movies/Hollywood crap and it gives us this false idea of perfection. I do understand where you are coming from though. I never smiled in pics growing up ever. I've always been self conscious of my crooked teeth, my overbite, and the fact that I have GERD/acid reflux which ruins the enamel on teeth. It angers me that, I eat so healthy, I workout, and exercise religiously yet, people mucking cripie creams and donuts have nicer cleaner looking teeth.

I decided to see a ortho last summer. I was quoted a price. I returned late last year and I got sick of waiting for benefits having decided to go ahead with braces this year. It sucks, I am a grown adult, and a bit older then you. I am also single and self conscious of the idea of having braces. I ended up watching some TMW vids on youtube. These twins are I think 41 so, older then us, and got braces. Both are jokers and into exercising. Of course, I will have to do traditional braces like the one brother.

Like you, I have this visual of perfectly straight teeth, and one could only hope with all the money I will put out without coverage. I am working on being not so stressed as it will affect my acid reflux. I am meditating and doing more yoga. I am just breathing and being more present. I know its just my ego. The only advice I can give is to follow up with your ortho if you are unhappy with your results. I just caution you. We aren't getting younger. Your beautiful. You have a great smile. A bit of self love goes a long way. Its skin deep and we wont have our youth or teeth and smile forever.

Good luck and thanks for sharing.

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Re: Do I have flared teeth after braces?

#29 Post by finalexplosion »

Thanks dude. I wish I saw some of this stuff before I had gotten extractions. I am suspecting a lot of people are OCD about their appearance, looks, teeth, and so, I am not sure how much stock I should take into account these freak outs. I am a bit concerned as I don't want it to flower my face up lol

I will have a look.

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Re: Do I have flared teeth after braces?

#30 Post by MrPlenty »

Yes your teeth are flaring.
That orthodontist needs to simply do their job.
For the amount of flaring that you have I'm not sure if IPR will be enough to upright those teeth. Simply put the solution here is extractions. With IPR you are limited with the amount of enamel that can be removed before coming in contact with dentin.

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