very last molars on every side doesnt have brace on them

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Re: very last molars on every side doesnt have brace on them

#16 Post by tfischer »

I don't have brackets on my top molars or wisdom teeth....thanks for asking this question since I wondered about it myself.....



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Re: very last molars on every side doesnt have brace on them

#17 Post by kellyb »

i am only wearing braces on my lower teeth at the moment and i dont have any brackets on my molars either. it's now almost 6 weeks since i had the braces fitted and i have noticed that the molars seem to be at a lower level than the other teeth at the moment. not sure why this is but i know it was not like this before.


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Re: very last molars on every side doesnt have brace on them

#18 Post by Quins »

This seems to be the norm. My upper last molars also have no brackets. Will find out why on my next ortho visit.

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Re: very last molars on every side doesnt have brace on them

#19 Post by Ciara »

I got brackets on my bottom 2nd molars (no wisdom teeth) on July 4th. This is more than 7 months after I first got braces.

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Re: very last molars on every side doesnt have brace on them

#20 Post by chichi »

My 2nd molars on the bottom (no wisdom teeth) have brackets on them, but the wire is not attached to them yet. I was told that I'll have them attached eventually, but the wire wouldn't sit properly in them until the rest of my bottom arch straightened out.
Had Damons (ceramic upper, metal lower) from June 27, 2013 - January 20, 2015
15-18 month sentence, official time in braces was 18 months, 3 weeks, 3 days
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Re: very last molars on every side doesnt have brace on them

#21 Post by beachmini »

I don't have brackets on my 2nd molars on the top either. I was not supposed to have them on the bottom either, until the ortho was placing the brackets. After he put on what he called the sixes, the brackets on the first molars, he said, "I think we have room for sevens. Please find me some sevens." Thus I have two sets of tubes, which makes it a bit difficult for whomever is putting the wire on my bottom arch, even the ortho himself.

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Re: very last molars on every side doesnt have brace on them

#22 Post by cocomacd »

How interesting....I don't have them on the backs yet either, I was wondering if they forgot or if my mouth was just too small! Weird!
Journey Begins December 6, 2016
First time, Self ligating brackets
Age 38

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Re: very last molars on every side doesnt have brace on them

#23 Post by Tyrantblade »

When I started treatment I had the brackets on all my teeth, but they didn't put the wire to all the teeth yet (they left off the 2nd molars), it took a few adjustments until they put wires to all of them.

They could have simply not put brackets on those teeth.

It seems the reason is the light wires you start with are not strong enough to withstand the biting force on the molars, especially the 2nd molars and probably isn't strong enough to start moving them either.
Lots of crimes here

1. The upper molars bite too far ahead of the lower molars

2. Missing teeth #s 9, 14, and, 29

3. Open bite

4. Upper midline left of center

5. Lower midline right of center

6. Upper and lower teeth not straight

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Re: very last molars on every side doesnt have brace on them

#24 Post by Beckett »

I wasn't going to have brackets on any of my last molars, but one started getting wonky after a few months, rising in the very back to make odd contact with the upper and sinking far below the level of its neighbor on the leading edge. So this past week I got brackets on the two bottom molars. Light wire tied in all around, then my regular heavy wire over the top in its regular position. (So yeah, two molar tube brackets next to each other) Bit uncomfortable, and the brackets are so far back they really poke me. Two days later things have moved enough that the wires are sticking out and I need to go have them trimmed. Thank goodness for wax. I'm tempted to ask for brackets on the top ones because they both seem so flared out that that inside edge is contacting the lower in a weird way. I feel like the first teeth to contact when I bite down are those back molars and it feels weird right now. Hopefully things will settle down. He said something about things settling when braces are off, but I hope he's not thinking any time soon because my midline is still way wonky. It's got to be way too early to even be thinking about debracing.
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Re: very last molars on every side doesnt have brace on them

#25 Post by Braces47 »

Only one of my second molars is banded and that is because I'm missing the first molar and the second molar needs to be up righted in order to put in an implant once treatment is finished. It's my understanding that second molars are banded later in treatment.

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Re: very last molars on every side doesnt have brace on them

#26 Post by sara8778 »

I was about to start a post on this so glad someone has already asked the question! I only have brackets on my first molars too (top+bottom) but just started to notice that my second molars are starting to become really unaligned so I would like to have them on these too ideally - I'll ask at my next appointment!

Maybe its because I have a small mouth and you won't be able to see that they aren't aligned but like someone else said if im paying for straight teeth I want to whole set to be straight! My wisdom teeth have party came through on the top and they seem to be more aligned with the second molars but I'm not as concerned about them.

I've had braces for 13 weeks now and just gone up a wire on my upper arch.

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