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I have had braces now for about 8 months with about 6 months left to go. My ortho said the next step is to adjust my upper midline by about 2mm. At the moment I have a gap on the correct side and only my incisors will be moved. My canines are in the right place already How do they usually go about this? Is the only way having elastics across your front teeth and do you have to wear these all the time? I'm not sure I like the idea of having elastics in clear view right across the front of my teeth very much!
I'm in the process of moving my midline right now. I have powerchain across and it's not really very visible. I don't know why my ortho didn't give me elastics, maybe because I'm over 30? Anyway, yesterday she added another powerchain across almost all my teeth, on top of the old one which covers a few, so I'm in some serious pain.
My midline was quite a bit off (at least 2 mm) as well as overjet/class II malocclusion. Within a few days of wearing class II elastics on either side, my midline was corrected. I don't know if this is the usual case, but I did not have to wear an elastic across the front side to side. I'm wearing my elastics full-time. I was surprised how quickly the midline shifted. I know everyone says that elastics don't move your jaws, they move teeth, but in my case, my bite/jaw definitely moved. The overjet is slower to correct and will likely not correct in full, but I am very pleased about the midline!
Thank you both. I just thought I would update - I ended up getting a powerchain across the front teeth. I have elastics now but not for the midline, just to deepen the bite slightly. I am now on my final wires..braces off in four weeks!