Where can I buy the V-trim toothbrush? Not online, though

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Where can I buy the V-trim toothbrush? Not online, though

#1 Post by Snow »


I want to buy a V-trim toothbrush, the kind of orthodontic toothbrushes designed for braces. I know DentaKit carries it, but I really don't want to pay for the shipping and handling. I would rather get it from a store. I tried Target, Walgreen, and Longs Drugs, and couldn't find any. Wonder if anybody knows which brand offers this kind of toothbrush and where to get it? Thanks.

Spacers in: 7/20/2005
Braces on: 7/27/2005
Clear braces both top and bottom
Treatment time: 18-24 months
Braces off: 7/26/2007

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#2 Post by jenns91civic »

I don't think you can buy them in stores. Ask your ortho. They should have some that are in their little kits for new pts.
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#3 Post by swellen »

Braun/Oral B makes them. I was able to find them in various pharmacies - unfortunately I'm in Australia so I can't help you with exact locations. However, given that we're about 10 years behind everyone else down here, I would think that if WE can buy them in stores, YOU certainly can!

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#4 Post by fyrelight »

Butler GUM makes them. Most stores sell some kind of GUM products, just find your biggest drugstore in town and they probably have them.

ON the GUM website http://www.jbutler.com, it gives this price:

Orthodontic Toothbrush
"V" - cut bristle design helps clean in and around orthodontic appliances.

$2.15 ea.
Purchase 12 or more: $1.80 ea.

SHIPPING IS FIVE DOLLARS for orders under $100. They also sell proxabrushes, disclosing tablets, etc.

Good luck!
Pamela W.

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#5 Post by jenns91civic »

I worked in Eckerd/CVS and we never had them, but I admit I never did look at Walgreens. You may find them somewhere but I've never seen them. I still say ask your ortho. They'll probably be free from them lol.
Paramedic student

Full Braces (all metal) 5/12/1999 - 4/20/2005
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#6 Post by swan »

I've only ever seen them online. The pharmacies around here don't have them (the neighborhood pharmacy says they can't even order them, even though they carry the other Gum products...), and my ortho doesn't have them either, there I just got a cheapo toothbrush, no v-trim.
Metal braces from March 24, 2005 until July 30, 2007. Estimate was 18-24 months, but I had them for 28 months.

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#7 Post by Snow »


Thank everybody for your input. I decided to order from DentaKit anyway. I got the shipment the very next day. That's very impressive, I should say. I ordered a bunch, hopefully that's enough for my whole treatment! :lol:

Spacers in: 7/20/2005
Braces on: 7/27/2005
Clear braces both top and bottom
Treatment time: 18-24 months
Braces off: 7/26/2007

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