Can wisdom teeth removal wait?

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Can wisdom teeth removal wait?

#1 Post by braceface95 »

I’ve had my metal braces for about a month now. I’ve had two upper molars removed which are the only non-wisdom teeth I needed to remove. I didn’t get the wisdom teeth removed at the same time because I ran out of money on my insurance and had to wait until this month for the new year to restart. I start a new job the end of next week (I’ll be teaching so it will involve a lot of talking) and I can’t miss work. Can I wait to have my wisdom teeth removed until my vacation in December without it prolonging my braces treatment?

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Re: Can wisdom teeth removal wait?

#2 Post by AndAndAnd »

I suppose it depends on the specifics of your treatment. In my case, I have an impacted wisdom tooth that cannot have a bracket attached, so both lower wisdom teeth are not attached to the brace. It seemed to be of little consequence to my orthodontist. He did say that if the tooth needs to be extracted all they would need to do is remove the arch wire before hand, then reattach it a short while later. In my view, it should not mean that you have to delay any treatment. Check with your orthodontist for clarification.

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Re: Can wisdom teeth removal wait?

#3 Post by braceface95 »

Thanks! All of my wisdom teeth are still under the gum line. I have an appointment with my ortho this week so I’m going to ask them then.

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Re: Can wisdom teeth removal wait?

#4 Post by bracesage42 »

I have all four of mine as well - all impacted under the gumline. I'm hoping they can just stay there are they are not causing any issues!

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