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#1 Post by Jami1 »

I am nearing the end of treatment with subtle tweaks happening. I am still not entirely happy with the frontal view of my top 4 teeth. The lateral incisors appear to still be slightly behind the centrals although they are definitely aligned from the side view. The ortho has said the appearance is due to a discrepancy in the thickness of my central vs lateral incisors and I can agree with this. Also, I have been told that the bracket size (ceramic) can make this appear more prominent and will not be as much once brackets are off. I have been reading about cosmetic procedures such contouring and bonding and definitely don’t want bonding due to staining and the inability to whiten. My ortho is conservative and hesitant about removing a lot of enamel with contouring and I can appreciate this, but I signed up for the Hollywood Smile and it doesn’t appear it will be so. Has anyone had experience with this?

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Re: Contouring

#2 Post by assertives »

That perfect Hollywood smile is likely due to veneers and not something just braces alone can achieve. Most people don't have perfect teeth, and we all have teeth that are worn differently and or have different shapes and sizes, etc. So you are definitely not alone.

I have a canine that is much thicker than the other one on the opposite side of my mouth, and it's proving to be a little challenging to align nicely within the arch. It's always a tad angled in towards my tongue or angled out making it look like I have a tooth that's sticking out when I look into the mirror. But there's nothing that can be done unless I want to go for something invasive like a crown or veneer.

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