Has anyone's face shape gone back to normal after braces removed?
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Re: Has anyone's face shape gone back to normal after braces removed?
Thank you LittleSern :-) ...
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Sun Jul 16, 2017 7:56 am
Re: Has anyone's face shape gone back to normal after braces removed?
@ TheProfessor ahh you give me hope! If you don't mind me asking- how old were you when you got your braces?
I wish I had done some research before I got extractions and braces - but I didn't even think about the negative changes. After 4 months of braces - my cheeks became hollow. Also, my right side of my face is way more angular than the left (and quite noticeable). I don't know if its because of the braces or if its because I normally chew food on that side more (?) I don't mind the hollowness of the cheeks (I know it would be inevitable as you get older) but the braces seem to amplify any asymmetries you already have. Hopefully, when I get these off, my face will return somewhat normal and my right cheek would be less angular than it is now.
I wish I had done some research before I got extractions and braces - but I didn't even think about the negative changes. After 4 months of braces - my cheeks became hollow. Also, my right side of my face is way more angular than the left (and quite noticeable). I don't know if its because of the braces or if its because I normally chew food on that side more (?) I don't mind the hollowness of the cheeks (I know it would be inevitable as you get older) but the braces seem to amplify any asymmetries you already have. Hopefully, when I get these off, my face will return somewhat normal and my right cheek would be less angular than it is now.
Re: Has anyone's face shape gone back to normal after braces removed?
Deezgrillz how are you now? Did your fave back to normal? After you noticed these changes did they het worse overtime? I have same issue on my face. And don’t know what to do. Will I continue my treatment?deezgrillz wrote:@ TheProfessor ahh you give me hope! If you don't mind me asking- how old were you when you got your braces?
I wish I had done some research before I got extractions and braces - but I didn't even think about the negative changes. After 4 months of braces - my cheeks became hollow. Also, my right side of my face is way more angular than the left (and quite noticeable). I don't know if its because of the braces or if its because I normally chew food on that side more (?) I don't mind the hollowness of the cheeks (I know it would be inevitable as you get older) but the braces seem to amplify any asymmetries you already have. Hopefully, when I get these off, my face will return somewhat normal and my right cheek would be less angular than it is now.
Re: Has anyone's face shape gone back to normal after braces removed?
Deezgrillz how are you now? Did your fave back to normal? After you noticed these changes did they het worse overtime? I have same issue on my face. And don’t know what to do. Will I continue my treatment?deezgrillz wrote:@ TheProfessor ahh you give me hope! If you don't mind me asking- how old were you when you got your braces?
I wish I had done some research before I got extractions and braces - but I didn't even think about the negative changes. After 4 months of braces - my cheeks became hollow. Also, my right side of my face is way more angular than the left (and quite noticeable). I don't know if its because of the braces or if its because I normally chew food on that side more (?) I don't mind the hollowness of the cheeks (I know it would be inevitable as you get older) but the braces seem to amplify any asymmetries you already have. Hopefully, when I get these off, my face will return somewhat normal and my right cheek would be less angular than it is now.
Re: Has anyone's face shape gone back to normal after braces removed?
I have been searching this forum for any information on orthodontist who can reverse extractions in london, I have not found any details yet, I have emailed a few orthodontist explaining why I want to reverse the extraction orthodontics but none of them have reply, I am very stressed that even though people part of this forum are getting the process reversed they are not sharing the orthodontist information with he rest of us even though they know how hard it is to find a orthodontist who will do this
Re: Has anyone's face shape gone back to normal after braces removed?
Hi everyone.
The same happened to me, my face just looks worse. I constantly have dark circles under my eyes no matter how much sleep I get, I get dry eyes which then cause my eyelids to swell up too as my face is being “pulled down”. My lips also feel as though they’re barely touching when I have my mouth closed.
Looking back on old pictures of my teeth and face it all makes sense to me, my top teeth have all been pulled down with the braces, it might only be slightly but it’s enough to cause all these issues. I had braces on for about a year and a half and got them off around a month ago. I wore my retainer on nights for the weekdays, and full time on the weekend (so I wasn’t even wearing it constantly like i should). And after watching videos and reading about orthotropics and their theories on orthodontic damage, I’ve made the decision to stop wearing my retainer. I didn’t pay for braces I got them on the NHS so atleast it’s not a waste of my money. And the funny thing is I actually preferred my teeth before braces! And my face too obviously! I wish I could go back in time and not get them, I really do! However, hopefully given time I might see some improvement in my face. And if not I might look at getting braces again on my top teeth as it’s not just that I don’t like my face it’s all the other stuff, dark circles, dry eyes, just in general not looking like myself. All this started after I got the braces on. If I look in the mirror now and push my face up slightly I look just how I used to a few years ago, and then when I take my hands away it just makes me feel depressed because how I look now is not ME, and I’m only 16 by the way in case anyone was wondering (oh and I’ve also had no extractions- thank god, I can’t imagine how much worse I would look right now if I did get them). And no 16 year old should have such a sunken face like I do. Anyways, I have a feeling my teeth aren’t really going to move though as I had them on an extra 6 months because of corona so I guess they’ve had time to stabilise? I’ve had my retainer off for about a week and I’ve noticed slight movement but not a great deal. I don’t even know if anyone is going to see this but I can always give updates if you would like? And maybe you too have had your face made longer by braces like me. It sucks. I feel you. But at least now I know what was the cause for the changes in my face I can eventually get braces to move my teeth ever so slightly back up, if they don’t go back by themselves without my retainer wear. So yeah, hopefully I look like myself again soon.
The same happened to me, my face just looks worse. I constantly have dark circles under my eyes no matter how much sleep I get, I get dry eyes which then cause my eyelids to swell up too as my face is being “pulled down”. My lips also feel as though they’re barely touching when I have my mouth closed.
Looking back on old pictures of my teeth and face it all makes sense to me, my top teeth have all been pulled down with the braces, it might only be slightly but it’s enough to cause all these issues. I had braces on for about a year and a half and got them off around a month ago. I wore my retainer on nights for the weekdays, and full time on the weekend (so I wasn’t even wearing it constantly like i should). And after watching videos and reading about orthotropics and their theories on orthodontic damage, I’ve made the decision to stop wearing my retainer. I didn’t pay for braces I got them on the NHS so atleast it’s not a waste of my money. And the funny thing is I actually preferred my teeth before braces! And my face too obviously! I wish I could go back in time and not get them, I really do! However, hopefully given time I might see some improvement in my face. And if not I might look at getting braces again on my top teeth as it’s not just that I don’t like my face it’s all the other stuff, dark circles, dry eyes, just in general not looking like myself. All this started after I got the braces on. If I look in the mirror now and push my face up slightly I look just how I used to a few years ago, and then when I take my hands away it just makes me feel depressed because how I look now is not ME, and I’m only 16 by the way in case anyone was wondering (oh and I’ve also had no extractions- thank god, I can’t imagine how much worse I would look right now if I did get them). And no 16 year old should have such a sunken face like I do. Anyways, I have a feeling my teeth aren’t really going to move though as I had them on an extra 6 months because of corona so I guess they’ve had time to stabilise? I’ve had my retainer off for about a week and I’ve noticed slight movement but not a great deal. I don’t even know if anyone is going to see this but I can always give updates if you would like? And maybe you too have had your face made longer by braces like me. It sucks. I feel you. But at least now I know what was the cause for the changes in my face I can eventually get braces to move my teeth ever so slightly back up, if they don’t go back by themselves without my retainer wear. So yeah, hopefully I look like myself again soon.
Re: Has anyone's face shape gone back to normal after braces removed?
Thanks for your story, updates would be great if you ever get the timeEwvaired wrote: ↑Fri Oct 23, 2020 10:41 am Hi everyone.
The same happened to me, my face just looks worse. I constantly have dark circles under my eyes no matter how much sleep I get, I get dry eyes which then cause my eyelids to swell up too as my face is being “pulled down”. My lips also feel as though they’re barely touching when I have my mouth closed.
Looking back on old pictures of my teeth and face it all makes sense to me, my top teeth have all been pulled down with the braces, it might only be slightly but it’s enough to cause all these issues. I had braces on for about a year and a half and got them off around a month ago. I wore my retainer on nights for the weekdays, and full time on the weekend (so I wasn’t even wearing it constantly like i should). And after watching videos and reading about orthotropics and their theories on orthodontic damage, I’ve made the decision to stop wearing my retainer. I didn’t pay for braces I got them on the NHS so atleast it’s not a waste of my money. And the funny thing is I actually preferred my teeth before braces! And my face too obviously! I wish I could go back in time and not get them, I really do! However, hopefully given time I might see some improvement in my face. And if not I might look at getting braces again on my top teeth as it’s not just that I don’t like my face it’s all the other stuff, dark circles, dry eyes, just in general not looking like myself. All this started after I got the braces on. If I look in the mirror now and push my face up slightly I look just how I used to a few years ago, and then when I take my hands away it just makes me feel depressed because how I look now is not ME, and I’m only 16 by the way in case anyone was wondering (oh and I’ve also had no extractions- thank god, I can’t imagine how much worse I would look right now if I did get them). And no 16 year old should have such a sunken face like I do. Anyways, I have a feeling my teeth aren’t really going to move though as I had them on an extra 6 months because of corona so I guess they’ve had time to stabilise? I’ve had my retainer off for about a week and I’ve noticed slight movement but not a great deal. I don’t even know if anyone is going to see this but I can always give updates if you would like? And maybe you too have had your face made longer by braces like me. It sucks. I feel you. But at least now I know what was the cause for the changes in my face I can eventually get braces to move my teeth ever so slightly back up, if they don’t go back by themselves without my retainer wear. So yeah, hopefully I look like myself again soon.

As you're so young you may well see that things start to improve as you are chewing more normally, plus your teeth may move to their more natural positions without the retainer use. I stopped wearing my retainers fairly soon after the braces were off too, but I was 32 at the time so didn't expect much improvement. I'm 37 now and my face is about the same as it was when they came off unfortunately (but thankfully no worse).
During and after braces I had (and still have) exactly the same issues as you with the dark circles (and huge eyebags but that's also an age thing), dry eyes and difficulty closing my mouth around my teeth, as well as the saggy/gaunt face. My face and teeth changed 100% for the worse with braces and they are still my number 1 regret! I never worked up the courage to try futher orthodontics in case they made things worse, but I do think that if the flaring and overbite that my braces caused could be addressed then my face could possibly look a little better.
Anyway, don't lose faith because at your age I expect things like orthotropics could really help you - I'm probably too old for it to be effective but your face is still growing

The Jaw Project was set up by someone who had a poor outcome from braces and is now investigating the orthodontic industry and patient stories, she makes very informative YouTube videos that are worth checking out - website is https://thejawproject.com, YouTube is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjy3SP ... pAYLLn5oBA.
Check out her analysis of online testimonials on facial change/damage - there are so many people who have been unhappy with their treatment outcomes.
Hang in there and let us know how it goes - I've no doubt things will improve for you.
Re: Has anyone's face shape gone back to normal after braces removed?
Wow, I actually cried reading one of the articles on the website you linked. It’s my exact thoughts and feelings put into words. It’s really saddening that this is happening. I hate how I look, the eye problems it’s caused me, the gaunt face, dropping eyes, bump on my nose, pretty much everything. I’m going to try my hardest to “mew” and try at least get some horizontal growth back in my face.
My retainer has been off for just over two weeks now. There’s not been much movement, but enough so that my retainer will not comfortably fit nor do I want it to.
I had the idea in my head that I’d my teeth moved back then my face would be “fixed”, but I realise now this isn’t the case. Maybe my eyes will become less dry and my face look a bit less gaunt. But I’m never gonna have MY REAL face back. It’s growth has been messed with and changed. I wish I could get orthotropic treatment but it’s way too expensive and it’s too far from me. I might look into it though.
I’ve told me mum if my teeth don’t move “back up” that I want to get braces again just on the top teeth to move them back up. I don’t even know if this is possible. If it is I will be looking for orthodontists who use expansion devices and such. But I don’t even want braces again, they might just make me look 10x worse. And the orthodontist might not even really realise the effect/growth on the face that braces have. But it feels like my face is being pulled down so I can’t deal with it forever, something needs to be done. I shouldn’t even be having to worry about this and plan what happens next. I really wonder when orthodontist work is going to stop and when people are going to realise how bad it is, it’s awful what is happening to many of us, what they’re doing to us. It’s just seriously outdated. Many of them probably don’t even realise what they’re doing to us and the effect if has on the face.
I hope my teeth fully go back to how they used to, which I doubt. My nose has a bump on it which appeared with braces. I always planned to get a nose job tbh as my nose was big before braces. But now it just looks atrocious.
I just feel the pain man. Of everyone who’s going through the same thing. I can’t even put into words how depressed it makes me. How sad I am that I lost what I used to look like. That I look like this. It’s not me. I try to explain it all to my mum but she doesn’t have a clue what I’m on about and tells me I look fine. I guess to her it’s been a gradual change and she just thinks it’s puberty. I know it’s not. It’s a massive regret but at the same time how are we supposed to know what braces will do to us. I mean I was 14 when I got them. I didn’t have a clue I just though they would correct my teeth, and change ONLY my teeth, I thought they were a good thing and would bring positive changes. Not completely ruin my life.
I will continue to update.
My retainer has been off for just over two weeks now. There’s not been much movement, but enough so that my retainer will not comfortably fit nor do I want it to.
I had the idea in my head that I’d my teeth moved back then my face would be “fixed”, but I realise now this isn’t the case. Maybe my eyes will become less dry and my face look a bit less gaunt. But I’m never gonna have MY REAL face back. It’s growth has been messed with and changed. I wish I could get orthotropic treatment but it’s way too expensive and it’s too far from me. I might look into it though.
I’ve told me mum if my teeth don’t move “back up” that I want to get braces again just on the top teeth to move them back up. I don’t even know if this is possible. If it is I will be looking for orthodontists who use expansion devices and such. But I don’t even want braces again, they might just make me look 10x worse. And the orthodontist might not even really realise the effect/growth on the face that braces have. But it feels like my face is being pulled down so I can’t deal with it forever, something needs to be done. I shouldn’t even be having to worry about this and plan what happens next. I really wonder when orthodontist work is going to stop and when people are going to realise how bad it is, it’s awful what is happening to many of us, what they’re doing to us. It’s just seriously outdated. Many of them probably don’t even realise what they’re doing to us and the effect if has on the face.
I hope my teeth fully go back to how they used to, which I doubt. My nose has a bump on it which appeared with braces. I always planned to get a nose job tbh as my nose was big before braces. But now it just looks atrocious.
I just feel the pain man. Of everyone who’s going through the same thing. I can’t even put into words how depressed it makes me. How sad I am that I lost what I used to look like. That I look like this. It’s not me. I try to explain it all to my mum but she doesn’t have a clue what I’m on about and tells me I look fine. I guess to her it’s been a gradual change and she just thinks it’s puberty. I know it’s not. It’s a massive regret but at the same time how are we supposed to know what braces will do to us. I mean I was 14 when I got them. I didn’t have a clue I just though they would correct my teeth, and change ONLY my teeth, I thought they were a good thing and would bring positive changes. Not completely ruin my life.
I will continue to update.
Re: Has anyone's face shape gone back to normal after braces removed?
Ewvaired wrote:
> Wow, I actually cried reading one of the articles on the website you
> linked. It’s my exact thoughts and feelings put into words. It’s really
> saddening that this is happening. I hate how I look, the eye problems it’s
> caused me, the gaunt face, drooping eyes, bump on my nose, pretty much
> everything. I’m going to try my hardest to “mew” and try at least get some
> horizontal growth back in my face.
> My retainer has been off for just over two weeks now. There’s not been much
> movement, but enough so that my retainer will not comfortably fit nor do I
> want it to.
> I had the idea in my head that if my teeth moved back then my face would
> be “fixed”, but I realise now this isn’t the case. Maybe my eyes will
> become less dry and my face look a bit less gaunt. But I’m never gonna have
> MY REAL face back. It’s growth has been messed with and changed. I wish I
> could get orthotropic treatment but it’s way too expensive and it’s too far
> from me. I might look into it though.
> I’ve told my mum if my teeth don’t move “back up” that I want to get braces
> again just on the top teeth to move them back up. I don’t even know if this
> is possible. If it is I will be looking for orthodontists who use expansion
> devices and such. But I don’t even want braces again, they might just make
> me look 10x worse. And the orthodontist might not even really realise the
> effect/growth on the face that braces have. But it feels like my face is
> being pulled down so I can’t deal with it forever, something needs to be
> done. I shouldn’t even be having to worry about this and plan what happens
> next. I really wonder when orthodontist work is going to stop and when
> people are going to realise how bad it is, it’s awful what is happening to
> many of us, what they’re doing to us. It’s just seriously outdated. Many of
> them probably don’t even realise what they’re doing to us and the effect if
> has on the face.
> I hope my teeth fully go back to how they used to, which I doubt. My nose
> has a bump on it which appeared with braces. I always planned to get a nose
> job tbh as my nose was big before braces. But now it just looks atrocious.
> I just feel the pain man. Of everyone who’s going through the same thing. I
> can’t even put into words how depressed it makes me. How sad I am that I
> lost what I used to look like. That I look like this. It’s not me. I try to
> explain it all to my mum but she doesn’t have a clue what I’m on about and
> tells me I look fine. I guess to her it’s been a gradual change and she
> just thinks it’s puberty. I know it’s not. It’s a massive regret but at the
> same time how are we supposed to know what braces will do to us. I mean I
> was 14 when I got them. I didn’t have a clue I just though they would
> correct my teeth, and change ONLY my teeth, I thought they were a good
> thing and would bring positive changes. Not completely ruin my life.
> I will continue to update.
> Wow, I actually cried reading one of the articles on the website you
> linked. It’s my exact thoughts and feelings put into words. It’s really
> saddening that this is happening. I hate how I look, the eye problems it’s
> caused me, the gaunt face, drooping eyes, bump on my nose, pretty much
> everything. I’m going to try my hardest to “mew” and try at least get some
> horizontal growth back in my face.
> My retainer has been off for just over two weeks now. There’s not been much
> movement, but enough so that my retainer will not comfortably fit nor do I
> want it to.
> I had the idea in my head that if my teeth moved back then my face would
> be “fixed”, but I realise now this isn’t the case. Maybe my eyes will
> become less dry and my face look a bit less gaunt. But I’m never gonna have
> MY REAL face back. It’s growth has been messed with and changed. I wish I
> could get orthotropic treatment but it’s way too expensive and it’s too far
> from me. I might look into it though.
> I’ve told my mum if my teeth don’t move “back up” that I want to get braces
> again just on the top teeth to move them back up. I don’t even know if this
> is possible. If it is I will be looking for orthodontists who use expansion
> devices and such. But I don’t even want braces again, they might just make
> me look 10x worse. And the orthodontist might not even really realise the
> effect/growth on the face that braces have. But it feels like my face is
> being pulled down so I can’t deal with it forever, something needs to be
> done. I shouldn’t even be having to worry about this and plan what happens
> next. I really wonder when orthodontist work is going to stop and when
> people are going to realise how bad it is, it’s awful what is happening to
> many of us, what they’re doing to us. It’s just seriously outdated. Many of
> them probably don’t even realise what they’re doing to us and the effect if
> has on the face.
> I hope my teeth fully go back to how they used to, which I doubt. My nose
> has a bump on it which appeared with braces. I always planned to get a nose
> job tbh as my nose was big before braces. But now it just looks atrocious.
> I just feel the pain man. Of everyone who’s going through the same thing. I
> can’t even put into words how depressed it makes me. How sad I am that I
> lost what I used to look like. That I look like this. It’s not me. I try to
> explain it all to my mum but she doesn’t have a clue what I’m on about and
> tells me I look fine. I guess to her it’s been a gradual change and she
> just thinks it’s puberty. I know it’s not. It’s a massive regret but at the
> same time how are we supposed to know what braces will do to us. I mean I
> was 14 when I got them. I didn’t have a clue I just though they would
> correct my teeth, and change ONLY my teeth, I thought they were a good
> thing and would bring positive changes. Not completely ruin my life.
> I will continue to update.
Re: Has anyone's face shape gone back to normal after braces removed?
clearly I don’t know how to work this website lol. I was just tying to edit and fix some spelling mistakes. Ignore this one I guess.
Re: Has anyone's face shape gone back to normal after braces removed?
me again lol. Update: I just filled out and sent a query to orthotropics. It’s for a consultation with professionals on this subject. Dr Mike Mew to be specific! Hopefully he can give me a potential treatment plan, and then I can decide what to do, I will be 18 in a few years and will be getting a job. As I’m living at home with no bills to pay, I could easily pay for treatment with the money I get from the job. So treatment isn’t completely out of the question for me. My mum would definitely not be able to afford it. Nor would she be willing to pay either lol! She just sees straight teeth and thinks it’s fine. I will update when I get a reply back from them, or if there’s any other changes in my teeth and face without the retainer.
Bye for now!
Bye for now!
Re: Has anyone's face shape gone back to normal after braces removed?
Hi Ewvaired, thanks for the update. I'm so sorry if I made you feel worse with my post, I didn't mean to make you feel pessimistic. I agree that the Jaw Project is shocking when you first read the articles, I also felt very emotional reading all the testimonies - it hits home that it's more of a reality and not just in your head doesn't it? However, that is brilliant news that you're being proactive and have asked for a consultation with Mike Mew! Do you live far from his practice? I really hope he can offer some help or advice and yes, hopefully in a couple of years you can afford any further treatment that you may choose to have. It's very early days for you so don't be too disheartened, I'm sure improvements are on their way!Ewvaired wrote: ↑Tue Nov 03, 2020 4:10 pm me again lol. Update: I just filled out and sent a query to orthotropics. It’s for a consultation with professionals on this subject. Dr Mike Mew to be specific! Hopefully he can give me a potential treatment plan, and then I can decide what to do, I will be 18 in a few years and will be getting a job. As I’m living at home with no bills to pay, I could easily pay for treatment with the money I get from the job. So treatment isn’t completely out of the question for me. My mum would definitely not be able to afford it. Nor would she be willing to pay either lol! She just sees straight teeth and thinks it’s fine. I will update when I get a reply back from them, or if there’s any other changes in my teeth and face without the retainer.
Bye for now!
I know exactly what you mean about your face not looking like "you" anymore and the sadness that comes with that. I think feeling like you've lost a major part of your identity (which is how I've felt since the facial change) is so distressing and disorientating, especially when you know it was preventable - though obviously that's with hindsight as you don't have a clue what will happen before treatment because patients aren't warned of the risks. I'm very sorry it has happened to you and am sending strength your way. It's an awful situation and unfortunately a very unique one that others don't tend to understand - it must feel so frustrating that your mum doesn't see the issues. I'm not able to speak with others about it either as it sounds strange when you tell people doesn't it, people wonder how on earth braces could've changed your whole face (and subsequently your life) and you feel a bit mad trying to explain it. It's a lonely place. But what I will say is it will get easier to deal with over time, so try to be patient and kind to yourself.
I'm sure you're already aware of this but dry eye drops and ointments can help with the eye symptoms. Blink do a good range of drops and you can also buy ointments that you put in your eyes overnight to moisturise them - you can ask about this at the opticians or in a pharmacy and see what they recommend. I use drops regularly and they can help with the soreness, especially just before and after bed and then as needed during the day. Sorry as I expect this is very obvious info, just thought I'd mention it in case.
Good luck with the Mewing and orthotropics consultation - am rooting for you and am sure things can only improve. Keep us posted. Hang in there and best of luck :)
Clare x
Re: Has anyone's face shape gone back to normal after braces removed?
Omg. I really thought this was just happening to me. I got top and bottom braces mid November 2020 and after about 5 weeks I noticed (especially on the dreaded FaceTime!) my face has become a saggy square shape. My cheeks are sunken and I seem to have grown quite large jowls. I have been hoping that it was just because of my sudden lack of chewing (I have bite blocks and really can’t chew anything at all, living on soup and smoothies). But now I’m a bit worried it’s an underlying change in bone structure!?! Surely not!? Actually scared to watch that jaw YouTube thing shared above. Am I better not to watch it and just live in blissful semi-ignorance?! 😬
I’m trying to do a bit of face yoga every day now to keep muscles moving and have been doing the orthotropics tongue posture thing (although half of me wonders is that going to push my cheekbones out even further, making my actual cheeks look even more sunken?!!)
Oh help! 😅
Good luck to everyone...I think face yoga might be the best option... please share if you find anything else!
I’m trying to do a bit of face yoga every day now to keep muscles moving and have been doing the orthotropics tongue posture thing (although half of me wonders is that going to push my cheekbones out even further, making my actual cheeks look even more sunken?!!)
Oh help! 😅
Good luck to everyone...I think face yoga might be the best option... please share if you find anything else!
Re: Has anyone's face shape gone back to normal after braces removed?
Also can I recheck...has anyone’s face gone back to normal that posted here?!! 😅🥺
Re: Has anyone's face shape gone back to normal after braces removed?
I've got the same problem! I had a crooked tooth and two slightly bucking teeth that I wanted to be fixed. No other problems whatsoever. About 6 months into wearing Invisalign aligners, my mother commented on a picture of me I sent her that my face looked weird. I myself also noticed that somehow I didn't look as good as before in the recent pictures, and started comparing the pictures from before and after the start of the treatment and noticed that my cheeks and temples sunk. It turned out that while straightening the teeth, it created a biting problem. There is a gap between my top and bottom teeth on the left, so that I couldn't chew on the left side, and on the right side, the top and bottom teeth were not correctly aligned so that I can only crush the food not be able to grind the food. So I wasn't chewing the normal way on either side. But I was using the left side less, so my left cheek sunk more than the right cheek. I switched to another orthodontist hoping to correct the bite, but it's been about 6 months now and not much improvement.
I have read a lot of posts about this, and my theory is that, if you didn't have extractions, and after removing the braces or aligners, you can chew in the normal way, then most likely, in about 6 months to a year, your face will get back to normal.
I would also like to thank those who posted their experience on the internet, so that we know we are not a crazy person as our orthodontists think. I talked to three orthodontists about the sunken cheeks and temples, and none agreed that it was caused by the treatment.
I have read a lot of posts about this, and my theory is that, if you didn't have extractions, and after removing the braces or aligners, you can chew in the normal way, then most likely, in about 6 months to a year, your face will get back to normal.
I would also like to thank those who posted their experience on the internet, so that we know we are not a crazy person as our orthodontists think. I talked to three orthodontists about the sunken cheeks and temples, and none agreed that it was caused by the treatment.