I hate coil springs!!

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#16 Post by pinkiipromise »

I asked my orthodontist if I could remove the coil spring because it cuts my lip often. Not cool!

He removed them for me as my teeth has made good progress. I have never been happier!!

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#17 Post by Spurfy »

Hooray for you! I got mine off as soon as my extraction gap closed but I'll probably have them again because I've got a gap on the other side now. But for now I'm blessedly spring-free :)

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#18 Post by pinkiipromise »


Wow your extraction gaps closed within 6 months! I had my braces and extractions 8 months ago and they have only closed halfway. Booo..

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#19 Post by Spurfy »

Only one of them closed, and that's because I had a front tooth behind the other teeth waiting to come forward. So the ortho used the coil spring and power chain to slide the canine over into the extraction gap and then pulled the tooth forward into the place where the canine used to be. Does that make any sense at all? I still have a huge hole on the other side that I guess will be dealt with later.

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#20 Post by Spurfy »

This might help explain: this is the picture my ortho took of my teeth before I started (and he drew all over it).


See the little tooth on the right hiding behind the protruberant front tooth? That little tooth is fully forward now and the canine next to it has slid to the right into the hole where the first bicuspid was. Is that better?

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Re: I hate coil springs!!

#21 Post by snbar »

I had coil springs too. My ortho used ligature chains and power chains when she realised coil springs were not effective.

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Re: I hate coil springs!!

#22 Post by Kylieritch »

I just got them today and they hurt like a b it did not hurt at all but now it does and it is ugly but for opening space the only other way is wire and bracket but that takes so much longer don’t know if it has worked yet just know it hurts

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Re: I hate coil springs!!

#23 Post by djspeece »

I never had to suffer with those coils, but one suggestion would be to try Mack's Earplugs to protect your cheeks. They are not wax, and you can tear off pieces and stick them onto the appliance. Many have reported that it lasts longer than dental wax. I personally had mixed results, but it is probably worth a try for those with these springs. You can purchase it in the US at many pharmacies, especially the independent ones.
Also, I'd recommend browsing through the board's sponsor for options, dentakit.com. Lots of interesting and likely helpful ideas there!

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. -- Buddist saying

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