First Time in Braces - Getting Extractions Soon!

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First Time in Braces - Getting Extractions Soon!

#1 Post by bsouder94 »

Last Wednesday I had my brackets and wires placed for the first time. Two teeth are not connected to the arch wire, which makes me worried those two teeth are going to move out of place somehow. In two weeks I am getting my wires removed and am getting four teeth extracted to make room for my overly crowded front teeth. My anxiety is through the roof right now, not knowing how to manage all these changes in such a short amount of time. Any advice?

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Re: First Time in Braces - Getting Extractions Soon!

#2 Post by trifecta »

Welcome! The first few days or weeks with braces are and adjustment but after that you almost forget they are there. (Except when eating, brushing, and flossing) I finished with my braces in July so am now in retention. Treatment estimates especially for adults can be just that, estimates. Both times I have been in braces as an adult the treatment times were much longer than the pretreatment estimates so don't be surprised. It will be worth it in the end. I would not be worried about the teeth not attached to the archwire. The teeth are going to move anyway, that is the point of orthodontics! As for the extractions I see many posts here of folks having regrets over having had the extractions. Just get multiple consultations and be sure that is what you want to do before having the extractions. Different orthodontists will come up with different treatment plans so go with what you are comfortable with. Best of luck!!!

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Re: First Time in Braces - Getting Extractions Soon!

#3 Post by djspeece »

Yes, welcome to the forum and your orthodontic adventure. Like you, I also had a load of early treatments including a bone graft, and it's a lot to process. It's been over 10 years since I started my treatment (which lasted 3 years) but the initial phase was the most difficult in terms of stuff going on and adjusting to my new image as a metal mouth. I found it best to write down any questions I had and then ask them at the next appointment (of course there are times when you shouldn't wait) so that (1) I would remember them and (2) I didn't waste the ortho's time hemming and hawing.
Best of luck to you!

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. -- Buddist saying

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Re: First Time in Braces - Getting Extractions Soon!

#4 Post by bsouder94 »

Extractions went well, I’m one week post extraction procedure and have my full arch wires placed yesterday. Not as painful as I thought it was going to be and the soreness after the adjustment lasted maybe 24 hours. Excited to continue on with this journey. Thanks for all the replies!

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Re: First Time in Braces - Getting Extractions Soon!

#5 Post by djspeece »

Full steam ahead!

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. -- Buddist saying

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