Can braces fix rotated teeth?

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#16 Post by smecklepickle »

lionfish wrote:
> Yep, I've had a premolar that was rotated 90 degrees, pulled into line with
> braces and powerchain.

how long did it take? I just stumbled onto this thread because I have the same thing (my very front tooth is rotated 90° since I was in 2nd grade lol) I want to get my teeth fixed so bad but my parents never did anything about it.

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Re: Can braces fix rotated teeth?

#17 Post by bbsadmin »

Nobody could say how long it might take for you. An orthodontist would have to look at your teeth and tell you. Each case is different.
I'm the owner/admin of this site. Had ceramic uppers, metal lowers ~3 years in my early 40's. Now in Hawley retainers at night!

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