Metal over ceramic uppers?

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Metal over ceramic uppers?

#1 Post by genxsis »

Has anyone ever chosen to use metal braces instead of the ceramic ones, even though the ceramics are so much more invisible?

Here are my reasons for possibly doing so in about a month, and someone can tell me if I'm wrong. I got this info. from a treatment coordinator at our local ortho office:

1. Ceramics are slightly bigger, thereby making the wire stand out further.

2. Ceramics are more abrasive.

3. Ceramics are harder to remove in the end, increasing chances of damage being done at that time.

4. More expensive, by about $350.

I know the last one is correct, as they set the price. Only those who have experienced would know, and that's not me; at least not yet! LOL

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Wrong choice

#2 Post by 2XRound »

I chose metal for some of the reasons you just mentioned. Primaily because they are smaller and I wanted to save my lips. My ortho did not make it clear to me that they were going to put piles of cement/turbos on my molars to keep my byte open for nine months. Because I cant really close my mouth without what amounts to pouting my braces are on display at all times and I get horribly self conscious when I realize people are looking at them. Worse, I imagine that they probably think I am showing them off . I wish I had gotten ceramics. :oops: :oops: :oops:

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#3 Post by Gel »

I'm getting metal braces on 22nd of Nov. at my ortho's office each arch for ceramic is only $100 more. I think I will be showing off to everyone that I finally got them. Both excited and nervous. Besides, I think the kids that I work with will really enjoy all the colors I'll get put on them! :wink:

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#4 Post by HollyDontSpend »

I chose metal because I knew my teeth were pretty screwed up and after having crooked teeth for so long, the vanity of having clear brackets had lost its charm. In the long run, I was happy. People told me I looked younger than I was and I didn't have to worry about what I ate or drank because the metal ones don't stain. I changed my mind at the last minute too. The ortho brought out the clear ones and I saw them in comparison to the metal ones for the bottom and I told him that I would rather do all metal because the clear ones looked bigger than the metal.
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#5 Post by eoberhauser »

I am currently in the beginning stages of getting braces. I get all my x-rays and molds done on Friday. My ortho uses ceramics for all his adult patients, but I was told that I could choose metal if I really wanted. I don't think there will be a discount involved, but from what I hear the metal can work faster and more efficiently with the wire. I also like the fact that they are smaller. I have been with my boyfriend for 8 years and I have an extremely supportive friend base - the self conscious feeling is not there for me about metal. I think it will be hilarious. I already look 17 (I'm 27), now I will look like a junior high student! :)) When all else fails, do what makes you feel good.

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#6 Post by butterfly »

In the beginning I was sure I would get Damons. I even chose the ortho because he is an expert in those. But at the end, Damons would not fit my case because they would simply break under the pressure involved (that`s what they told me). So I went for ceramics which cost the same like Damons.

Before I got braces I was sure I would not care about the metal looks. I thought "what the heck it doesnt matter if I hide my teeth without braces on them orr hide them with braces on.. I never smile anyway." Or I thought "I will be proud of them."

But then they told me at the orthos that in about 6-8 weeks my teeth would already look straight and normal - even with a still bad bite and an off midline (those things you only see when you look carefully or know what to look for.)

So now I am so happy I chose ceramics!! Everyone tells me "you barely see them!" and "wow I didn`t know that in adults it is done like this now!" or "good you paid the extra bucks for the clear looks." or they ask me on the phone after I said I got braces: "Oh my gosh how can you run around like this at age 30! Ah it's ceramics, that`s ok. Won't be so bad."

I will have clear ones at the bottom too now although I could get Damons. I have to LIVE with those things for a long time. Even if ceramics are a bit less comfortable I think it will be worth it.
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#7 Post by weird_wired »

I have read and heard from my orhthodontist that metal works somewhat quicker than ceramic - but I don't understand why?

Does anyone know?

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Metal vs. Ceramic

#8 Post by gena »

I have ceramic on top, metal on bottom. But, if I had it to do over, I would go all metal. My ortho says there is no difference in the time factor but I did have one of the ceramics to break in two because of extreme pressure he was putting on it to try and pull my impacted canine down. So, he replaced it with a metal one. The ligatures always stain and look awful if you don't go with a color. I wear silver on my ceramics now just so they won't look nasty.

It is a very individual decision. People still notice them no matter what kind you get . . . . .

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#9 Post by alicia »

I chose metal for some of the same reasons too. They are making the metal ones a lot smaller now. If I had gone with the ceramic ones, I probably would not have been able to close my mouth. I did a lot of research between the pros and cons of each. I saw that sometimes people with ceramic braces have them on longer then the metal ones. Point blank the metal ones are stronger then the ceramic.

I chose metal because I didn't care about trying to hide the fact that I had braces. I knew that I would only have them on for 2 years, so it wouldn't kill me to have the metal ones.
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#10 Post by jenns91civic »

I never even considered ceramic. I don't like them because they are bigger, still have metal in them, and they are not invisible. To a trained eye (i.e. other people with braces or people who have had braces) they are just as visible as metals, but it isn't as obvious what they are so you have to take a second look. Maybe everyone's not as weird as me (ok, no one is as weird as me lol) but you can see ceramics and the clear ligs get gross, so you can get color, but then what's the point in having ceramics for vanity reasons?? Same goes with wire ties. Metal wires are not invisible.

Eh....whichever you pick, your teeth will move. In the end, the extra money ceramics often cost isn't much compared to the total amount. If having them slightly/moderately less visible is very important to you, go for ceramics. They aren't bad or anything--it's just personal opinion that I don't like them.

Just my own observations...I had my metals on for almost 6 years (don't ask...) and very rarely had anyone say anything about them. I'm having trouble thinking of a single time right now, except for family (my mom asking when I'm getting them off). In fact, when I called my boss to tell him I was getting them off so I wouldnt be in one day, he was kind of surprised. I don't think he had ever noticed them. Granted I'd only been at that job for about a month, but that's long enough to notice full metal braces.

I'll stop rambling now. Go with what you are comfortable with. Ask to see both brackets and compare the sizes of them. Search around for pics of people with both on and see what you like. Best of luck to you as you begin your orthodontic journey.

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#11 Post by fins »

I know I look better in ceramics than metal. I had both. If you use wire ties, there is no staining at all. I think the wire ties move the teeth faster than ceramic or metal but that's just my perception. It's really what you feel most comfortable in.

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#12 Post by medictrina »

I really didn't care if my braces could be seen or not, plus I like the idea of having a colorful mouth. The metal braces are small and strong, that was all I needed.

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#13 Post by genxsis »

Wow! This all gives me alot to think about. I've never heard of wire ties before. I thought the only choice was ceramic or metal brackets. Considering what I've read here, I'll probably go with metal. Sounds like a more sure winner. I've got a bad overjet in the front, and would like to reduce the extra bulk that would make it even harder to close my mouth. I'll have to see what the ortho says on the day of installation.

BTW, I just made an appointment for 2 weeks from now to get teeth extracted. That the point of no return for me! Once extracted, they're gone, and then braces will be needed, not optional. :!:

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