I look younger than I am - Stories wanted

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I look younger than I am - Stories wanted

#1 Post by butterfly »

Hi! Image

This sounds like an interesting topic! Let's hear some funny stories about your age getting underestimated because of braces.

Is it true that guys hate that while girls love that? :D

My first rejuvination happened pre-braces when I went for professional cleaning. The lady asked me for my age and I asked her back "What do you think?" She said "18, 19. maybe 20?" Well I am 30 :D

The next really funny thing happened 3 weeks after I got my braces.

Finally after so many years I decided to get my foreign drivers licence localized so I will be able to drive as well. To achieve this you have to take a test of about 10 minutes to show that you actually can drive. After this procedure your licence has oficially immigrated just like you did and you hold a valid licence.

On my test day there were 2 other female candidates - of course both teenagers applying for a new licence. A full test is supposed to be 30 minutes, including parking the car, stupid questions, and all the full package.... NO WAY I would have managed that.

I hopped into the car, smiled at my examiner, and he started to ask me if it is my first attempt, how many lessons I had and so on. then I intervened I said "You are mistaken, I did my licence 12 years ago!!" :)))
Nov 2 05 braced, 1/1/07 debanded & got positioner

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#2 Post by sparklebunny »

I was at the library trying to check out a sex and the city DVD. The librarian asked me how old I was. She obviously thought I was under 18. I'm 23! My Dad was with me and he couldn't stop laughing. It was really embarassing. I'm not sure if it was the braces though, people always think I'm still in high school.

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#3 Post by Traffic »

I'm 29 and I have alot of grey hair, yet everyone guesses that I'm 22-24.

Fine with me.

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#4 Post by drazda »

I'm 21, people often think I'm under 18.
Braces removed 10 months early on 1/23/07!

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#5 Post by nvcarissa »

Most of my adult life people have thought I am about 10 years younger than I am. Even before braces. Once I hit my thirties it was quite nice. Still is. I haven't done anything special...just good genes.

Braced 5/11/05, BSSO with advancement 6/21/06, Debanded: 8/1/07. Click on www for my braces story.

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#6 Post by BraceMD »

The age thing always gets me. The day I got my braces, I went shopping at Kohl's. I was looking at the jewelry and an employee was standing nearby. I smiled at her, showing off my new braces, and she said, "Oh, are you looking at Prom jewelry? These necklaces go really well with formals!" Mind you, I am 27, and I told her my prom was 10 years ago.

A few weeks later I had to go for a pelvic ultrasound (not pregnancy related). The gynecologist doing the ultrasound had never met me before, and she started explaining the procedure to me in a baby voice: "Okay, sweetie, first we're going to rub some lubricant on your tummy..." "Tummy" was just a tad bit too insulting and I barked, "Tummy! I'm 27 years old and I'll be an MD myself in a few years! Do I look THAT young?" It's great to be young looking but I just can't handle "Tummy".

The most spectacular youthful incident, however, was a few years back. Before braces, I was a schoolteacher... I took my 6th graders to an amusement park on a field trip on my last day as a teacher. Three of my students and I went to one of those "Guess Your Age" booths where someone guesses your age. She guessed all of our ages as 12, 13, 13, 14.... guess who the 12 year old was? ME! I was 25 at the time. My students got a HUGE kick out of that one, that they looked older than their teacher!
Damon 3's 5/22/05
Unbraced 10/2/06

Permanant bonded retainer on bottom, bite positioner, and Hawley retainer at night...

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#7 Post by alexa »

I'm 23 (will be 24 in May) and I got carded when I went to see the 40 Year Old Virgin movie this last summer. Apparently the lady thought I not only looked under 17 (the age you must be to enter an R-rated movie without a parent or guardian), but when I barked at her and said, "Just how old do you think I am?!" she told me that I looked like a freshmen in high school...I just graduated college! :evil:

I'm sorry, but I HATE looking young. I mean, looking not old is good...but this teenager thing has got to stop! And if one more person tells me that I'll appreciate it one day I am going to beat them with a stick...yargh!
Spacers: 1/26/05; 2/6/06; 3/15/06; 4/24/06
4 First Bicuspids removed: 2/2005
Metal Braces, top and bottom: 3/1/05; Debanded 7/26/07
Hawley retainers top and bottom

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#8 Post by shinyam »

I'm 30 years old, but people tell me I look 18 or so. That is actually a huge improvement. Four years ago, peole told me I looked 14. :(

I don't mind looking young anymore. It's a gift. :)

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#9 Post by blaat »

Same here, i'm 19 at the moment and i've had to show my ID several times. The minimal drinking age is 16, same goes for tobacco... I'm not offended that people doubt my age of being 16, i think i will beg for people to think that when i'm a bit older... :lol:
Uppers: Permanent retainer + hawley (night)
Lowers: Permanent retainer

Debanded since the 16th of Jan.

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#10 Post by joplin »

I work at the university and I've been given student discount at the campus café a couple of times without having been asked if I'm a student or not. I graduated almost 8 years ago. Either they think I'm a real slow learner or it's the braces :roll:
Case: Impacted canines, crowding & crossbite.
Treatment: SARPE 2004/10/6, RPE 2004/9/28 - 2005/1/31, w-arch until 2005/11/22, impacted canines extracted 2005/5/18.
Braces on: top 2005/6/2, bottom 2005/8/30.
Braces off: 2008/6/9.
Retainers, phase one: expanding Hawley retainer 24/7, bonded retainers on top & bottom.
Retainers, phase two: Hawley on top, bonded both top & bottom, positioner for night time use.

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#11 Post by Mamatiger »

I have always had problems like this also. Most of mine have actually been before braces, I haven't tried to get a drink out in a long time, breastfeeding, and my 3 yr old has a tendency to drink out of my glass :roll:
But some funny ones,
I was I think 22, so just over the drinking age and tried to get a mudslide at Applebees. They didn't card me. I had my drivers liscense out and everything ready for it. THey didn't bring me a mudslide, it was a chocolate shake. I guess they thought that it was funny that I was trying to order a drink
And one of the best. We had just bought our house, admittedly we were young for our first house, but we could have been rrenting. I was 24 with a baby, my first. People came up to our door trying to sell us stuff, they asked to speak to my parents. When I tried to make a joke saying my parents don't live here, they assumed I was the babysitter and left.
I also used to get asked why I wasn't in school all the time. Now with two kids hanging on me it isn't so bad. But espceially when I was pregnant I used to get looks like another poor teen got herself in treouble. It so pissed me off. I am 26 almost 27 and it is old. I have never liked it that much. But I know in a few years it will pay off.

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#12 Post by bejay23 »

Well, I just returned from the Bahamas this weekend, and while I was there this guy was telling me about some free passes to the aquarium in Atlantis. I think it was a scam anyway. Well he goes on to say I can only give the passes if you are 18..."Are you of age"..."Are you here with your parents".

All I could do was laugh and walk away. Do I really look UNDER 18? I know that I don't. But I think people just assume that if you have a young looking face plus the braces then you must be in highschool.

Also when I was at work a lady in the restroom asked me if I was a student helper....as in HIGHSCHOOL student helper.

Again...laughter. These braces are taking me back to highschool. I think its quite funny.
Damon 3 upper and lower; Crowding


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#13 Post by ThatsMrsGeek2U »

I have a few of these stories, but most of them are from before braces.

I went shopping with my little sister for her prom dress. I was 28 at the time and she was 18. I was looking through a rack and said "wow, I'd like to have this one if I had somewhere to wear it." The lady in the store told me, "Don't worry, honey, it will be your turn someday, too."

I had a bartender refuse to serve me once a couple of years ago even AFTER seeing my ID. She said it had to be fake and cursed me out for trying to get her in trouble.

I, too, have had a salesman at the door ask for my parents. This happens to me on the phone, too, because I have a ver "girly" voice. Hate it!

Just this past summer I pulled the lawnmower around to the front yard to mow. Two small children (about 6-8 years old) that live next door are talking to each other about it.

Girl: Is she gonna mow the yard?

Boy: I think she is. She better not, she isn't big enough to do that. (I think by "big" he meant old, as in "I'm a big girl now because I can do such-and-such.")

Girl (to me): HEY, does your dad make you mow the yard?

I about peed my pants laughing so hard! I told them I was 31 and started the mower. I didn't know what else to say!

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#14 Post by amychelle »

In high school people used to think I was way older than what I was. When I was 12 I got asked for my drivers licence at the bank. Then came college where about the same thing happened. Everyone thought I was about 25 (not old enough to be OLD, I guess I just acted mature.) Now that I'm in a factory enviornment everyone thinks I'm younger by a few years. The braces have made it a little worse, but no to much. The fact that every now and then I'll wear pigtails dosen't help at all though.

My "friend" was commenting on how much younger I look with the braces and how he was "craddle robbing" (he's 34, I'm 26.) I pulled my hair up in pigtails (a.k.a. dogears) and he couldn't stop laughing at me and stareing. I looked like Drew Barrymore when she was in ET. He kept calling me Gertie.

Maybe I should change my avitar to that.... LOL


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#15 Post by the_bufster84 »

I know how you all feel. A guy at the gym i go to with my dad told him i looked 12...Im 21!!! I havent got my braces on yet so il prob look even younger when i do, hehe :D

Upper Ceramics

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