No Pain?

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No Pain?

#1 Post by Lucifina »

Ok, I am wondering what is going on here. I have had no pain since day one, other than the annoying wire thing that I got clipped. They told me the wire was because my teeth moved so much the wire was coming out the back. Anyway, no sores on my lips or anything. No pain, nothing. I got my first adjustment last night and I felt a slight pressure but it was no where near pain. I then went out and had a big ole' burger for dinner, w/a fork of course :wink: I thought maybe I would feel something today but nope, nothing :shock: so I had a steak dinner, perfectly fine. I thought this was supposed to hurt? My Ortho said I have made a lot of progress. I will post a pic on 01/09...I want to now but I am gonna make myself wait for 30 days in-between pics...Oh yeah and I got black ligs too! They rock 8) I just wanted to make sure everything was going ok because everyone here says it should hurt and it doesn't...I do notice I grind my teeth at night now,never did that before the braces, strange huh :? Has anyone else suddenly started grinding after braces? Or had no pain?
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#2 Post by calley03 »

Lucifina: I have had my braces on for 11 days now, and have not felt anything I would call pain. Everything I have encountered so far has been more of an annoyance than painful. I have found myself grinding my teeth a couple times and I had never done that in my life. I usually always wake up and it almost seems my cheeks are stuck to my braces, don't know whats up with that?? Anyway I hope my first adjustment goes as well as yours....
Impressions on 12/5/05
Full Braces(ceramic top, metal bottom) 12/19/05


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#3 Post by Chocoholic »

All I can say is that I think you two are extremely lucky!! I wish I'd had no pain, but both sets of braces hurt like heck, to the point where I wanted to pull all my teeth!!! :evil:

I think it's different for everyone, people have different tolerances to pain.

You might get a different sensation as the wires get thicker and more ridged.

But for now good luck! :D

Oh yeah, I also started to grind and clench with braces, never really did it before, but now it seems to be a constant thing.

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#4 Post by dr.j »

As long as the teeth move - no pain is great. I have had adult patients request to be seen sooner b/c they were concerned that their last adjustment was non-effective b/c of no pain. This is not correct thinking. We are looking for LIGHT - CONTINUOUS force. NO pain can be your gain!

Hang in there - before it's over I'm sure the ortho will rock your world!

Dr.J - Ortho

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#5 Post by Marzipan »

Other than the separators, I haven't had much pain at all. Annoyance, yes, all this foreign stuff in my mouth. And the wire has poked my cheek a couple of times. If I were to bite HARD on certain teeth, yes, then there's pain, so I avoid doing that. I chew carefully, brush gently but thoroughly, and my jaw rests in an open position. No teeth grinding during sleep, either. Nor am I taking painkillers. I've only had the full braces on for a bit over a week. I know my teeth are moving because my bite has changed.

Yay for no/low pain!

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#6 Post by Brooke »

I never felt a lot of pain in the beginning. After the third adjustment, I would have a tooth here and there that was sore but other then that, the pain hasnt been too great.
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Braced~ 10/11/04
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#7 Post by gracie381 »

I haven't felt much pain at all, and my teeth have moved a whole lot I think. (I posted some progress pics not too long ago). I did have some jaw pain at first with the spacers and all, but since then everything has been pretty easy going. IO had power chains put on this last adjusment, and my teeth were a little sore for a couple of days, but not enough to take any pain killers. I eat pretty much everything that I used to. Sometimes I have a tooth here or there that is sore, but usually never longer than a couple of days. Just hoping it stays this way the whole time. They only strange thing I've noticed is when I wake up in the morning I feel like I've been clinching my teeth hard all night. It's strange, but it doesn't hurt. Oh yea, if forgot I did have that annoying wire on my molars bands that rubbed my tongue for the first couple of weeks, but that's over now.
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#8 Post by hannah164 »

All I can say is no pain doesn't mean no movement! You should all be incredibly grateful you haven't had much pain! A lot of time I have horrible pain in between adjustments and not a whole lot of movment!

Good luck with your treatment! :thumbsup:

-Hannah :frogbraces:


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#9 Post by Aine »

I also consider myself to be among the fortunate few who are pain free. I got my top ceramics on 5 months ago and the bottom metals have been on for 6 weeks. I had 2 top extractions and my teeth have moved at an unbelievable rate. At my last adjustment I got springs to close the gaps even faster because of my lack of pain......they haven't hurt either! I'm 47 and my ortho said I would be braced for 20 months. My first adjusment was at 6 weeks but due to the rapid movement I was reduced to 4 weeks between visits.......I hope this will cut down on my total time but I'm too afraid to ask at this point in case my teeth decide to slow down or stop moving completely!!

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Same here

#10 Post by johnnya »

I have not had any pain at all.. apart from the spacers I had before the braces.
I haven't really noticed any changes yet..but it's early..

I was asking myself the same question and I'm relieved many more are not feeling pain either :) I thought something could be wrong..

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#11 Post by Lucifina »

:-1 Cool! Well it is good to know I am not abnormal (or at least my teeth :wink: ) My ortho told me he was gonna keep the same wire for another adjustment or 2 so maybe if I get a different wire things my hurt. I wasn't saying they don't drive me absolutely nuts sometimes :crazy: The worst thing about these things is my gums itch in it won't stop! Someone on a previous post told me diet soda swished around helps and boy does it *thanks again!* That is a miracle but I have way upped my diet soda intake... As for the grinding I have noticed it only because I will wake up in the middle of the night thanks to a pouncing cat or husband coming to bed and my jaw will hurt and then I will realized I have my jaw clenched shut. Weird! :shock: Happens every night now, I don't wake up in pain though so I guess that is a good thing :D
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I grind now too

#12 Post by bracedintx »

Hi Lucifina,
I always clenched my jaw but NEVER ground my teeth in my life...whenever I hear someone do it I cringe. But now, just about every night I wake up grinding on one particular contact point. It always takes me a few seconds to realize it too--I can't stand it! I guess it's because my bite is shifting. My braces generally produce a slight pressure (like what Dr. J mentioned) and occasional pain in individual teeth. I haven't seen huge changes but it has only been a couple of months :roll: I'm glad to know that there are so many other people who have the same experiences as me. It makes me less neurotic :wink:
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#13 Post by Shelby014 »

I have had absolutely no pain since i've been braced, but the spacers were murder, they hurt sooo sooo sooo bad, i thought the braces would kill me, but they havent hurt, and right now i have a huge square wire, and still no pain. My first adjustment i had both wires changed, and had the heat activated big square wire put in, and no pain. I hope that i get something new on Jan. 11, cuz so far i havent had anything even close to pain. I realize that i am soo soo lucky, cuz some of my friends really go through a lot of pain in their braces, they are all jealous because my braces dont hurt.

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The Pain Will Come Eventually

#14 Post by debonairdenise »

Hi Everyone,

I was braced in Aug. of 2005 and never felt any pain. I had 2 adjustments and the pain never came. I thought that something was wrong, but my ortho reassured that everything was fine. Well on January 3 I went in for my third adjustment. I got a new thicker wire and a power chain for my top and bottom teeth. One word describes what I felt...AHHH!! the pain was horrific. I guess the pain just took a while to arrive.

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#15 Post by nick_uk »

I've had my braces for a year and 3weeks - I've had no pain at all.

Guess we're just lucky!

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