almost there-I think

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almost there-I think

#1 Post by ren »

Hello, I've had my braces on for about 1 1/2 years now and I'm at the stage where I'm pretty much fed up with this whole process! I see progress and I do see that certain things are getting easier like brushing and flossing. I'm at the elastics stage in my treatment and have no idea if that means I'm somewhere near the end of my treatment time.

I am aggravated that I still have to wear the palate expander (going on 1 1/2 yrs with it still in) and food still gets caught up there everytime I eat and I will never say "ski, key, maggie, groggy, cutie" normally until it comes out-this affects me majorly. I ask my orth at every appt. if it's coming out and he keeps telling me "it's going to stay on a very long time". :cry: I understand he doesn't want to "commit" to any certain date-but do other people's orth's not tell them a thing?? I feel like I'm "in the dark" with the treatment process and when I do ask him questions I get really vague answers. I think he is actually making the process harder for me with not telling me any information, especially when I ask.

I know "it'll be worth it" and all of that-but I'm just at this stage where it's all a pain in the butt and no-one really wants to hear about my mouth anymore! I plan on asking next Mon @ my next visit how the whole process is going-and how it's going compared to my 2 yr. estimate. Maybe I'm not being specific enough in my questions?? I feel like holding his monthly payment until I get some kind of an answer!

Any kind of encouragement or thoughts on this would be appreciated!

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Joined: Thu Apr 14, 2005 10:50 am

#2 Post by swan »

My ortho told me that I'm making good progress. She basically just said that she was impressed with the progress I had made in less than a year. But whether that means I could be finished under my minimum estimated time, or just that we are within the estimated timeframe I don't know.
So, it seems orthos don't want to be TOO specific about estimates for finish, so you are not disappointed if it goes over. But I think it would make very much sense to ask the question you are planning on at this point in time.
I plan on asking next Mon @ my next visit how the whole process is going-and how it's going compared to my 2 yr. estimate.
Metal braces from March 24, 2005 until July 30, 2007. Estimate was 18-24 months, but I had them for 28 months.

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#3 Post by ssfw »

Hi Renee,

I'm sorry to hear that your ortho is not giving you the information that you want.

Did he ever give you an estimated time with the expander? If he did, is the time now way past the estimated time?

Luckily, my orthodontist has answered all of my questions and I always seem to think of new questions for every appt. and I'm hoping he will continue to answer my questions after I get my expander placed this Friday - all of the appts. prior to this has been for records, spacers, etc. I think because of his willingness to explain things to me and answer my questions it has made me more positive about the ortho treatment. I like to know why they are doing things, what to expect at my next appts., how long my braces will be on, how long the expander will be on, etc. - I think knowing things like this makes it less stressful for me. I do know depending on how fast/slow the teeth move, it can expedite/delay the plan of getting my expander removed, placing the braces on my teeth, etc. but I just want to be told what/why things are being done. I know there are others that don't want to know what/why things are being done.

My suggestion is since your orthodontist is not giving you the info. you need, set up a consult appt. with him as soon as possible and ask all of the questions that you have and let him know about your frustrations. Hopefully you will leave the office with the answers to your inquiries and in the future your orhto will know that you want more of an answer than 'your expander will be in for a very long time.'

I hope it works out for you. You are entitled to get this info.

Good luck.

Quad-Helix expander: 1/20/06 - 1/16/07
Upper braces: 5/19/06; lower braces: 9/7/06

Braces removed: 8/19/08
Received retainer: 8/26/08 - wearing retainer 24 hours/day

Next appt.: 11/18/08

Posts: 332
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Location: USA

#4 Post by dena »

Hi Renee: If I were in your boat (and hopefully I won't be--I'm sorry this is getting frustrating for you!) I would write down all of my questions in a notebook and take it to your next appointment. Reassure your ortho that you know he is really busy, and that you know his estimates are just that...estimates. But you still feel you need more information... If he can't answer these questions at your appt on Monday, ask if you can sit down with him at another time...and make a consult appointment separate from your adjustment appointments. I think as long as you are reasonable (I imagine orthos, like others, get frustrated parents and patients demanding timeframes and are thus a lot more reluctant to commit) he'll help you out.

Someone made a good point, too, awhile back. Though lots of adults are getting braces, orthos are probably more used to dealing with kids, so it doesn't occur to them to explain in more detail.

Good luck!

four bicuspids removed 1/3/06
clear uppers and metal lowers placed 1/5/06
timeframe for braces: 24-30 months

Posts: 77
Joined: Thu Jan 05, 2006 12:58 pm

almost there-i think

#5 Post by ren »

Hello everyone! I really wanted to thank everyone for their responses-which were wonderful! I just got off of the phone with the orth's assistant and she said that it would be no problem at all to come in to my next Mon. appt. and bring a list of questions. I didn't even have to setup another appointment!! She says that it's his demeanor to kinda be "rushed" but she said he always has time for questions-but I have to ask. Thanks a bunch everyone-hopefully I'll find out some answers next Monday!

I'll use this post to start a list of my questions today!

Renee :D

Posts: 52
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Location: Baltimore, MD

#6 Post by Cissa »

My ortho isn't the most personable, KK knows that. Today he gave me some exciting news though, which totally smashed all the things I said about him not telling me what's up.

Today he said that there was a tooth on my top arch that was angled too sharply, and he was going to put a special bracket on today, but after taking a look he said that now he doesn't need to, which is great! He put a power chain across the top and it's all starting to come together.

He also told me that they need to put the spring on my bottom arch, for the fourth time across my second tooth on the left side. The little bugger gets stuck behind my front tooth and won't move anymore! So they reinstalled the spring to open the gap again. This time though, my appointment was set for four weeks instead of six, so it may be a sign.

Before the treatment I wasn't given a time estimate or anything, and when I got in for an adjustment he would tell me to open and bite then write on his chart and leave, so I know exactly how you feel.

When you go in to speak with your ortho remember to be very calm and collected. I know it's frustrating having them on, TRUST ME! but calmness really gets you farther with the information.

Good luck!


Posts: 77
Joined: Thu Jan 05, 2006 12:58 pm

#7 Post by ren »

Hi everyone! I wanted to give an update as I went to the orth's today. I asked some questions and found out that I am "along schedule to getting my braces taken out in august" That's great news! Also found out why the RPE has to stay in so long-it's done doing it's expanding job but is acting as an anchor while moving my front teeth around into the right place. If its taken out too soon then the "anchor teeth" will move in the wrong direction. I wouldn't want my teeth going in the wrong direction when I'm trying to put them in the right one! Anyway-I can live with it being on for a while longer :)

I got a copy of my before pics today while at the orth's office-it's AMAZING how different I look!

Oh yeah-so I got an elastic configuration today that combines the best of my last 2 treatments! I am wearing 4 elastics now! It's correcting my bite.

Renee 8)

Posts: 652
Joined: Sat Nov 12, 2005 1:00 pm

#8 Post by ssfw »

Hi ren,

I'm glad you got the answers to your questions. I find that if I have questions, no matter if I'm at the ortho's office, doctors', etc., I will just ask the questions (I have done this for the past few years and it seems to be working for me), otherwise I find that I leave the office with questions and if it's weeks/months before I have an appt. I then tell myself I should have asked to avoid the questions being on the back of my mind. I just try to have my questions ready to ask and sometimes especially at the orthodontists' office, I think of questions while I'm there or while he is talking to me. This method has seem to work for me.

I'm glad you are much happier with the progress of your ortho treatment.

Quad-Helix expander: 1/20/06 - 1/16/07
Upper braces: 5/19/06; lower braces: 9/7/06

Braces removed: 8/19/08
Received retainer: 8/26/08 - wearing retainer 24 hours/day

Next appt.: 11/18/08

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