Help Me With Bad Taste and Bad Breath!

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Help Me With Bad Taste and Bad Breath!

#1 Post by OnMyWay »

For the past three weeks, I've had this horrible taste on my tongue and roof of my mouth. I'm think it might be giving me foul breath. I have a TPA and I'm afraid its the problem. I've been trying to brush the top of my mouth and tongue several times a day. I use mouthwash twice a day. None of it works! Its disgusting and I dont know what to do. Please help.

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#2 Post by Bianca »


I also have a TPA, but I am not having the same problem...

It looks like you have had your braces on since late November? Did you get your TPA at the same time? It would seem very strange to me that this would suddenly pop up as an issue, after having the TPA for over a month.

If your mouth doesn't feel clean even after brushing, then it might not be the TPA. Like I said, I haven't experienced the same thing - I brush 3-4 times a day and only brush my tongue and roof of my mouth during my mid-day brushes (so only once or twice a day).

A common cause of bad breath is stomach related, I forgot what but I think it's related to acid reflux or something? Anyways - if you are brushing them and you still are feeling like that, even half an hour after brushing, then I might consider making a doctors appt to rule out any digestive problems.

I would call your ortho, as I think he would obviously know better then I would, and then maybe make a doctors appt to rule out anything medical.

Sorry I can't help more, the TPA is really freakin' annoying!

It's a two year process.......

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#3 Post by Bianca »


I have a waterpik and I use it morning and night, maybe that's the difference?

If not this gives me something icky to look forward to, as I'm only two weeks in.

It's a two year process.......

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Waterpik is great!

#4 Post by missy »

I know exactly what you are talking about. I highly recommend getting a waterpik if you don't already have one. I had a palatal expander for what felt like forever. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get the little brush to clean it very well. The waterpik on a lower setting can flush out things I didn't even know could stick in an expander and braces. ;-)

You can fill it with water or mouthwash--which helps too.

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Waterpik is a must

#5 Post by tootsipink »

I second Missy's Waterpik recommendation when wearing a TPA. It's a must-have -- brushing alone, even w/ a Sonicare brush, will not remove all the little extras after eating. I wore my TPA for just over 6 months. What a horrible contraption. Anyway, I found that the best way to keep my mouth ultra clean was brushing (Sonicare), Waterpiking morning and night, and 'flossing' the upper surface of the TPA with either yarn or sterile gauze. Standard floss was never really effective in sweeping the food/plaque off the TPA, at least not for me. Hope this helps!

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