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#1 Post by sonyablade »

Hi- I am a newbie! I went for my first consultation today. I was hoping for invisalign, but I was told my case is too severe, so I am going with the ceramic on top and metal on the bottom. I am 27 years old and I have always been incredibly embarressed by smile. My teeth are very crooked on the top and the bottom. I have been made fun of as a child and even as an adult I have heard people say I am very pretty, too bad I am a snaggletooth. :cry: I have been putting this off for years, mostly due to cost and ego. I am nervous about what people will say. I think I will be made fun of at work. I also feel like I will not date for the next two years(recently got out of a long term relationship). But I feel like 2006 is my year for self improvement. So what if nobody wants to date me. In 2- 2 1/2 years I will have the smile I have always dreamed of. :D My question is this- what did everybody have to go through BEFORE the braces? I was told I have to have a cleaning, all cavities taken care of, and a check for gum disease. I also need to have 4 teeth removed but I was told that will be done AFTER the brackets are on. Is this normal? Did anybody need to have peridontal work done before the braces were put on? ps- this site has given me so much courage- I wish I would have found it years ago!!

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#2 Post by ingyandbert »

I just had my braces put on 3 days ago and I'm 45 years old! So forget this business about being embarrassed to have braces in your 20's. And as far as dating, if someone's going to make an issue of you having braces how shallow can they get? You wouldn't want to be with a person like that anyway, right? Just relax. The only reason it should bother someone else is if it bothers you first. Don't worry about it. You're still you!

Now, in regard to the pre-installation, yes I had to have a dental exam, a regular cleaning AND a periodontal cleaning. They want to ensure all systems are go before they put the braces on. This is for your protection, so go ahead and do it.

A word about installation: it's uncomfortable, plain and simple. You have to lie on your back for over an hour breathing through your nose. They insert a lip separator, which is kind of nice because you don't have to work at keeping your mouth open all that time. They also insert cheek guards, a tongue suppressor, and cotton. It's a lot of stuff in your mouth which is what makes it unpleasant. They also put a cleaning solution on your teeth as well as a sealant before the brackets are glued in place. I don't know how sensitive your teeth are, but mine are pretty sensitive and I could feel them reacting to the stuff right away. The sensitivity is slowing going away; it's Day Three and it's probably 80% resolved. But I was only able to barely brush the first two days. Also, I took a painkiller before I left my house on the day of the installation just to be safe and it was probably a good thing. I didn't experience any pain or headaches; just pressure and sensitivity.

For me, the installation was the worst part. The first day was uncomfortable, the second less, and now the third day even less than yesterday. So everyday is an improvement over the one before. Just keep that in mind -- along with how much you're going to enjoy your beautiful new smile! :D

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#3 Post by jennielee81 »



You sound like me...except I'm married (have been for 21 years) and I'm a little older than you (by 16 years).

My ortho gave me no pre-braces instructions. I have awesome oral hygene and have only had 4 cavities in MY WHOLE LIFE. I also needed no extractions.

Pretty much I needed chap-stick and 2 advil just before my bonding appointment.

I had NO problems stepping right back into work (teaching middle schoolers). Not even the kids cared/noticed and a few adults that I told were VERY supportive. One has asked me for my ortho's name and number and another keeps telling me she sees big changes (though there are only small ones at this point). I love the attention from them and the lack of attention from everyone else.

Post pictures (if you can). We'd love to follow your progress!!!
"Life is an occasion; RISE TO IT!" --Mr. Magorium
I wore Damon 3's and Opals for 20 months at age 42. Braces off January 2007 a little more about me here: ... 961130.htm

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#4 Post by luxekitty »

I'm 23 and recently ended a 7 year me the braces have not stopped anyone! :) If someone is shallow enough to not like you because you have braces..then I think you're skipping a lemon to begin with. :D

I had my 3 wisdom teeth removed, all my cavaties filled and deep cleanings in 2 quadrants, then I got my refferal and I was on my way.
Braces off 9/19/08!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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#5 Post by sonyablade »

Thanks for the advise! I realize now that it is very shallow if a person has a problem with dating somebody with braces. How long did it take to get everything done before your braces were put on? I have my cleaning and exam scheduled for 2/8, then a records (i am guessing this were they make the molds of my teeth?) appointment and then the next appointment is 3/9 and it says "braces" and it is 2hrs(so i am assuming this is when i get them on?) What made you decide to get braces at this point in your life?

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#6 Post by ingyandbert »

Jennie, one of my co-workers told me today that I've inspired her to go in for a consult. Isn't that a good feeling?

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#7 Post by sonyablade »

jennielee81 wrote:HI!!


You sound like me...except I'm married (have been for 21 years) and I'm a little older than you (by 16 years).

My ortho gave me no pre-braces instructions. I have awesome oral hygene and have only had 4 cavities in MY WHOLE LIFE. I also needed no extractions.

Pretty much I needed chap-stick and 2 advil just before my bonding appointment.

I had NO problems stepping right back into work (teaching middle schoolers). Not even the kids cared/noticed and a few adults that I told were VERY supportive. One has asked me for my ortho's name and number and another keeps telling me she sees big changes (though there are only small ones at this point). I love the attention from them and the lack of attention from everyone else.

Post pictures (if you can). We'd love to follow your progress!!!

I have horrible oral hygiene myself- I have been ashamed to go to the dentist for a long time. The orthodontist told me today that it is physically impossible for me to floss my teeth the way they are now(too crowded) so you can imagine how bad it is. But I will definately take pics of my progress(once i get them on- i am too ashamed to even smile a little in pics right now!- HOPEFULLY THAT WILL CHANGE SOON!) Do you have pics on here that i can look at?

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#8 Post by jennielee81 »

sonyablade wrote: Do you have pics on here that i can look at?
Sure, click here: viewtopic.php?t=3535
"Life is an occasion; RISE TO IT!" --Mr. Magorium
I wore Damon 3's and Opals for 20 months at age 42. Braces off January 2007 a little more about me here: ... 961130.htm

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#9 Post by missing_tooth »

I am nervous about what people will say. I think I will be made fun of at work. I also feel like I will not date for the next two years
A few things here. Firstly I would not worry about what people will say. In fact I'll bet they don't say much at all. I've found people think nothing of someone in braces. Infact, I just had a job interview for a very professional job yesterday. If they noticed my braces, they didn't show it, and really, I doubt they cared.

Made fun of at work? I'm doubting it, unless your already everyones joke. If anyone does make fun of you at work, it's really their problem. People of that nature arn't exactly of high moral fiber. Perhaps they are jealous?

Ah, worried about the dating? Tsk tsk tsk... Had you stopped to think a potiential date might find them cute? I'd be willing to bet a few would. I can't think any would find it a turn off.

Now, on to more important matters. Your 27, you need to do this for yourself. You said people say your beautiful right? Want to wait till your older? I always say, sooner is better than later. I'm 32, and one deciding factor was that I did not want to be 40 and getting braces. You have a long life ahead of you. Take care of your teeth and they will last a life time.

- Missing Tooth -

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#10 Post by sydsmom »

Welcome!!! :-)

I'm 31 years old and recently got metal braces (just over a week ago). I, too, was worried people would make fun of me somewhat at work -- especially my teenage clients. I have gotten a little good-natured ribbing from co-workers, but mostly they've been very sympathetic, and my clients have either not noticed my braces, or actually told me they look nice!!

As far as time, it was about 5-6 weeks in between my initial consultation and when I got the braces put on, and that included Christmas vacation. It went like this: initial consult (exam only); a week later, molds and x-rays were taken; two weeks after, we had a follow-up consultation based on the molds and x-rays; then I had two teeth extracted and a week later I was braced!

I did things backward and got my regular dental checkup after getting braces on because my ortho didn't see any cavities or other problems and wasn't concerned. None were found when i finally went (phew!!). For me, getting the braces on was a piece of cake -- I had a little sensitivity, but my dentist gave me a special toothpaste to help with that.

Don't let your worries prevent you from doing this for yourself!! I've found most of my concerns to be nothing but wasted energy. My advice right now is to step up your oral hygeine routine to get those teeth and gums their healthiest before getting bracketed! Brush really well, and use a gum stimulator (if you can't floss) to get them really tight and healthy.

You'll do fine and the end result will be great, sonyablade!! :-)

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#11 Post by jenns91civic »

I didn't have a dental checkup or cleaning before braces but I was only 15 at the time. It seems to be standard for adults. I can only guess that that is because adults are more likely to have existing problems that may need to be taken care of then teenagers?

Getting braces on isn't really that bad. The worse part for me was the suction thing that I had to gently bite on to keep it in place. Lip retractors are awkward but not that bad. The 2 hours or so it took didn't seem to really be that long. The weirdest part is when they finish and take everything out and your lips hit the braces for the first time.

Like everyone has said, don't worry about what others think. People aren't going to notice your braces as much as you'd think. You could have bright orange braces that flashed neon colors and people just wouldn't notice them very much.

Best of luck on your orthodontic journey!

Paramedic student

Full Braces (all metal) 5/12/1999 - 4/20/2005
Class II (overjet) on the left only
Upper and Lower Hawleys


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#12 Post by Flora2006 »

Congrats on getting braces!

For me, getting braces happenned REALLY quickly; I went to my consultation a week before christmas, took the x-rays the same day, than right after christmas I had the molds taken and 3 days later I got my top braces on.

The whole procedure of getting the braces was not bad at all; the lip spreader didn't bother me and I did not experience any discomfort during the process of getting the braces on. My ortho is amazing and he did all the work.

The only thing that you really have to get used to is having the braces on your teeth...other than that, the process is pretty smooth (although I didn't have spacers or anything like that prior to the start of my treatment)


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
Metal bottom braces: May 1st, 2006

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#13 Post by braceface1230 »

Sonyablade. I was in the exact same boat that you're in now. Check out my pretreatment pics. You'll see what I mean. I had periodontal disease. Needed the whole cleaning thing, extractions, fillings. The whole nine yards. It was about 3 months of appointment after appointment. I feared what everyone at work would say. But that's nothing new really. I always worry about what people think of me. I'm single now, and don't really see that ever changing, even with a decent smile. At least you have good looks on your side. Even 1 year into your treatment you're going to be so happy with the way your teeth are looking, that the rest of the time will be smooth sailing. Just do it. Don't worry about the embarrasing stuff, you couldn't possibly be more embarrasing than I am. It's literally impossible.

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#14 Post by sonyablade »

mookyyzed wrote:Sonyablade. I was in the exact same boat that you're in now. Check out my pretreatment pics. You'll see what I mean. I had periodontal disease. Needed the whole cleaning thing, extractions, fillings. The whole nine yards. It was about 3 months of appointment after appointment. I feared what everyone at work would say. But that's nothing new really. I always worry about what people think of me. I'm single now, and don't really see that ever changing, even with a decent smile. At least you have good looks on your side. Even 1 year into your treatment you're going to be so happy with the way your teeth are looking, that the rest of the time will be smooth sailing. Just do it. Don't worry about the embarrasing stuff, you couldn't possibly be more embarrasing than I am. It's literally impossible.
Mookyyzed- What did they do for the peridontal disease? I appreciate your words of support, but I think you are too hard on yourself. Everybody has a chance to meet someone special, and I don't think you are destined to be single forever unless thats what you really want. I am sure that there alot of great qualities about you- we already see you are supportive. :wink:

I want to thank everyone who responded to my thread. You guys are amazing! Jennielee(sp?) your teeth are beautiful!!!! My top teeth are kind of the opposite of yours- the two top teeth next to the front teeth are pushed back behind the others- yours seemed to go forward. I can only pray for such quick results! I am getting excited now- I even told a co-worker friend of mine, she said she wants the number for my ortho now that i told her about the payment plan. She also said she thinks adults in braces are cute :shock: when i scoffed at this, she said, do you think crooked teeth are better? She also asked- would you rather date a guy whose teeth are crooked and he is not doing anything about it or a guy who has braces? I would have to say the braces guy!!! So between her pep talk, the pep talk from the ladies at the ortho(they told me it is going to change my life- I actually started crying there- what a wimp!) and the support of this awesome board- I now can't wait!!! :D

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#15 Post by braceface1230 »

Yeah, being single bites. For periodontal disease, it's a little uncomfortable during the procedure. The dental hygenist actually uses a couple of different hooks to scrape the plaque and tarter off the teeth up under the gumline. They also use a microbicrobial (sp) rinse/scrub/cleaning agent thingy. It's a tool they use instead of the hooks (which I liked better) to loosen the plaque and such; It helps with healing your gums too.

For me, I did this in two seperate sessions. The tops first, then the bottoms. Each session lasted about 2 hours. I know it sounds like a long time, but for me, I knew all this was for my good, and the final results will make it all worth while.

They will numb your mouth if you'd like; I opted not to be numbed up. I've never had a tatoo, but I'm guessing the pain is probably similar to that. It's like a slight, not hard, but slight pinching sensation. So to give yourself an idea, use your fingernail and press on your gums until you feel a slight bit of pain. It's like that, but for two hours. And yes, you can request for a break in there if you need one, or two I'm sure.

When its all done, your teeth are going to feel cleaner than you could last remember. And, if you have a problem with bleeding gums, when you brush, this will take care of it immediately.

So after all that is done, and you have your braces on, you'll have to frequent you dentist about 3 times a year, at least, because those hard to reach spots that you hygenist couldn't reach prior to being braced will now in fact be exposed. So a little touch up work will be done in those appointments.

Your going to realize, like all of us here, that a huge part of your life will now be focused on your teeth. It's cool though because, opposite to most other things in life which hold so many uncertainties, you can be certain that all of this will be more worth it than you could ever have imagined.

Oh yeah, your two teeth that are behind your front two? That's exactly what mine did. My pics are in the "Our Braces Stories". I think I'm on page 2 right now, if you'd like to see my progress pics, which I should be updating soon.

Anyways, sorry for the long post. Good luck. And holler if you have more questions.

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