Yay Pain!

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Yay Pain!

#1 Post by Lucifina »

I had pain! :D Yay!! :-* I really had pain! Fleeting though it was, it was pain! I was so happy! I went in for an adjustment and when the lady was putting on new ligs my left lateral hurt really bad!!! :shock: I mentioned it was a bit sore for the last few days if it was touched in just the right way and she asked about the right one and I said it was fine. Well when she changed that one it hurt like he11 too!!! I was so happy. I feel like I have braces now. My ortho came over to check everything out and he said I have had a lot of movement and that is why it hurts and he was happy about the progress. I had been asking him why I have had no pain yet. So for about 60 seconds I had true pain shooting through my teeth to the nerves! I was sooooo ecstatic. Yay progress!!!! :banana:
~Luci~ Image
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#2 Post by Dark_angel »

I have pain too. I had an adjustment today and a new wire put on my bottom arch and boy does it hurt. Thank god i managed to eat my pizza hut before the pain kicked in. Pain = gain i guess. Just keep popping the pills lol


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#3 Post by Leslie022 »

Who would have thought a normal person would be excited expierence pain? :o I get excited about it too, but I wouldn't consider myself to be normal. lol 8)
Braced: Jan. 17, 2006
Removed: Oct. 26, 2006
Fixed bottom retainer
Clear Essix Retainer on top

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#4 Post by Silverware »

My last adjustment was awful because my lower four insicors had way too much pressure on them. I had noticed some looseness before the appointment, and when she removed the archwire the teeth were extremely wiggly. It reminded me of when I was a kid and my baby teeth would be loose. When the next archwire went on, it was extremely painful. She left one of the insicors off of the wire, because apparently they were being crunched together too badly by my canines. Awful things.

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#5 Post by Lucifina »

I know what you mean about the baby teeth! It totally feels like when I was little and had lose teeth! The pain was brief and it is gone now though! I get the lowers next month so maybe I will be in for a whole new world of pain! :D
~Luci~ Image
It will all be worth it in the end!

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