Unexpected positives from the braces?

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#1 Post by fozzy »

LOL! I just tried to whistle and couldn't do it! I hate the sound of whistling anyway, but still, it's odd not being able to do it anymore! :)

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#2 Post by jcdamon3 »

How about a new found and/or strengthened amount of patience!

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#3 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

Lucy, can I ask why no snacking now? I'm only three days in, but aside from having to clean my teeth after every meal there is no reason I can't snack. Just wondering what the reason is?

I agree about the fingernails. I figured that one out on day one, when I went to chew on them.

I can still whistle though, although I never do it so it really doesn't matter for me.

I have noticed that I don't talk as much (which trust me is a good thing) it is sorta forcing me to listen more, which I could definitely use some practice on, so I guess this is a benefit. :lol:


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#4 Post by Evelyn »

I've gotten completely over my fear of doctors, needles, and surgery!

That, in itself, makes the whole thing worthwhile
Braced September 9, 2002
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#5 Post by Silverware »

Brandyleigh35 wrote:Lucy, can I ask why no snacking now? I'm only three days in, but aside from having to clean my teeth after every meal there is no reason I can't snack. Just wondering what the reason is?
Just the prospect of having to go clean my teeth for 30 minutes after eating some chips just turns me off of the idea ;)

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#6 Post by Silverware »

KK wrote: Do you honestly believe the millions of teenagers every year who have orthodontic treatment that results in fantastic teeth don't snack :?: Also that they brush after they've snacked :?:

Snacking has never been a problem for me ... and I don't think it ever will be!
Those millions of teenagers with braces usually aren't as attentive to cleaning as adults with braces are. For one, they aren't the ones paying for the darn things!

I just can't stand the feeling of having gunk in my braces (or my expander) so I usually stay away from snacking. I'd rather just brush after my regular meals :)

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#7 Post by Tunkabean »

I stopped whistling too....which is a bad thing cuz I loveeee to whistle lol

BUT ummm.... an advantage will be that now I'm less inclined to eat between meals, because I don't wanna have to be cleaning and brushing my teeth all the time.

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#8 Post by Evelyn »

I always snack...and I'm a teenager with braces. True, some may not have good oral hygiene, but don't stereotype, there are some who have great oral hygiene.

I snack 24/7, I'm still growing and I need my food...ain't no metal gonna part me from my food :D

Brushing after every snack seems a bit excessive to me, I can understand after meals, but after every snack just seems a little unnecesary but hey, whatever floats your boat!

And when it comes to brushing, a little too much is probably better than a 'little too less'

Braced September 9, 2002
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#9 Post by Flora2006 »

Evelyn wrote:I've gotten completely over my fear of doctors, needles, and surgery!

That, in itself, makes the whole thing worthwhile
I agree with you. I still have the occasional fear and I do get stressed everyttime I go see either my orth or my dentist, but it's getting so much better. I am one of those who didn't go see a dentist for years and had to go this past november because I broke a tooth and it kept bleeding...that's the only reason why I went and now I have braces. My dentist is incredible though and my ortho is a friend of his so a huge part of why I don't fear the dentist as much is really because both of them are so incredibly nice.

I snack ALL the time as well. I love cakes these days because they are very easy to chew :lol:


Ceramic top braces: January 9th, 2006
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#10 Post by drazda »

I've also stopped biting my nails. I also had a nasty habit of biting my lips that I don't do anymore either. Yay.
Braces removed 10 months early on 1/23/07!

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#11 Post by dena »

...Well, the reason I don't snack is because I feel that eating something really small does not make it worth my while to do the long cleaning regime!
I totally agree, Lucy

I've also stopped biting the nails, though I did pick them all off again, so I'll have to watch that.

And dammit! I can't whistle! I never tried until I read this post and now it's going to totally tick me off until I can learn to do it again!

four bicuspids removed 1/3/06
clear uppers and metal lowers placed 1/5/06
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#12 Post by Avion19 »

I think I'm the only idiot that still bites her nails. I just can't quit. It definitely hurts my teeth and I can hardly bite, but I still try. :?
I can whistle without any problem, I still talk a lot, I snack like nobody's business, and I don't have any speech problems. I talk the same way I did before braces. I guess I'm lucky. :P

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#13 Post by Way Too Old For This »

Great topic Lucy.

I'm learning to smile with my mouth open after hiding my teeth for 40 years.

I'm learning to not feel as self conscience in room full of people with perfect teeth. (EVERYONE that works at my orthodontist office has movie-star perfect teeth. I had a real hard time even opening my mouth at first)

I have never been able to whistle my whole life. Maybe I will when this is over !

My daughter can still eat sunflower seeds with hers. I can't imagine being able to do that.
Wired on Sep 16, 2005, left canine exposed on Oct 5, 2005, at 52 years old.

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#14 Post by kirst1583 »

Avion19 wrote:I think I'm the only idiot that still bites her nails.
Nah, you aren't alone on that one! LOL
When I first got my braces on I thought great - my nails will grow now that I can't bite them. It didn't last long though. I bite them the same as before, with no trouble whatsoever.

On the whistling though... that was the 1st thing I noticed after getting my braces. I couldn't whistle that great before but now I have no hope :?


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#15 Post by weird_wired »

fozzy wrote:LOL! I just tried to whistle and couldn't do it! I hate the sound of whistling anyway, but still, it's odd not being able to do it anymore! :)
Oh god - I just tried to do that, and I can't! I didn't realise until I read your post.


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