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#1 Post by ShortyRocK »

I’m going to be getting only top metal braces for 15 months and I have a overbite my orthodontist said I have 75% covered when I bite down and it should be more like 30 to 40%. He said he is going to fix my overbite so how exactly will they fix it if I don’t get lower braces. I also have a gap in my two front teeth does that automatically mean I should expect a power chain?

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Re: overbite

#2 Post by HeadgearJoe »

ShortyRocK wrote:I’m going to be getting only top metal braces for 15 months and I have a overbite my orthodontist said I have 75% covered when I bite down and it should be more like 30 to 40%. He said he is going to fix my overbite so how exactly will they fix it if I don’t get lower braces. I also have a gap in my two front teeth does that automatically mean I should expect a power chain?
good morning , i to was a very deep overbite , my orthodontist used elastic an headgear to get rid of mine , hgjoe
braces off 1/31/08 wearing bonded retainers with a nightsplint, will get removable hawleys 2/21/08

Posts: 45
Joined: Fri Dec 23, 2005 9:01 pm

#3 Post by ShortyRocK »

Is there anyway they will put a ring on the bottom and use rubberbands without bottom braces i dont think i would feel comfortable with headgear.

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#4 Post by HeadgearJoe »

ShortyRocK wrote:Is there anyway they will put a ring on the bottom and use rubberbands without bottom braces i dont think i would feel comfortable with headgear.
hi , i'm not realy sure about that , all i know is headgear mounts to your upper molor bands or molor brackets to move the teeth backwards , you may want to ask your orthodontist , but even if your needing to be fitted for headgear most case's you can wear it at home , however i couldn't an get my hours in , an there realy not that bad once you get use to wearing it , an like i said before the darn things realy work if you let them , headgearjoe
braces off 1/31/08 wearing bonded retainers with a nightsplint, will get removable hawleys 2/21/08

Collective Soul
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#5 Post by Collective Soul »

I have a overbite and top braces only right now myself. They asked me on my last visit if I'd be willing to use headgear at home, so I gave it a try and so far its not bad and im getting use to it. The only thing is that sleeping was hard to do on my side, but luckily I have one of those soft microbead pillows that shapes around your head, and that thing works well.

I also have a upper bite plate or whatever its called that I wear to help with the overbite

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#6 Post by ShortyRocK »

it most likely wont be 24/7 though right?

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#7 Post by Silverware »

There are other ways to correct over-bites other than headgear. My ortho has me using a palate expander right now to see if we can't fix it through simple expansion of my upper palate (roof of my mouth). After that, if it still is too much of an overbite, he is going to do extractions of molars. This way, the teeth can be pushed back to fill in those holes and correct the overbite.

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#8 Post by Leslie022 »

Your case sounds very similar to mine, however, my ortho gave me the option of having lower brackets.

My Story - I have some pics but you can't really see my overbite because of some molar lifters I have in.
Braced: Jan. 17, 2006
Removed: Oct. 26, 2006
Fixed bottom retainer
Clear Essix Retainer on top

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Location: Newcastle, UK

#9 Post by Dark_angel »

I have high pull headgear and elastics to correct mine. I wear the headgear for arround 10 hours a day (its supposed to be 14) and even with a slight reduction in the wear time my ortho tells me im doing great.

I was offered surgery but i though nooo way too painfull.


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#10 Post by ShortyRocK »

How many months is head gear worn my overbite is somewhat bad but not 100% covering maybe 70% of upper teeth covering.

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Location: michigan, usa

#11 Post by mackenzie »

He will probably use reverse cuve archwires, to pull your back molars out a little.

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#12 Post by susieq182 »

I have/had a horrible over bite my top teeth actually went past my lower gum line. Waiting to get bottom brackets would have added close to a year to treatment. So what I have is a Bite plate that keeps my top teeth from knocking off the brackets on my lower arch. So far it is working well. It is hard to eat because until last week my molars didnt touch at all but they are moving quickly and I will have it off in about 6 weeks. For a total of 4 months with it. there are others who post to archwire who have had similar things. I figure any time i can shave off of treatment will be great considering My ETT is 36+ months. I agree with the others asking yor ortho is always best. I have pics on my blog http://spaces.msn.com/lillyofthevalley182/
So far HG hasnt been mentioned in my treatment but elastics have.
Good Luck!
Extract #3 6/07 implant 10/07
Upper Molar bands
Bite Plate 12/12/05-5/20/06
spacers all lower arch first 10 weeks
Braced 12/12/05
New ortho 2/8/07

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#13 Post by privatepilot »

I have the same problem and was told I would have to wear elastics to correct my huge honkin overbite. My "time" was to be 36 months. Now my ortho is trying something very new. I am having temporary dental implants(they look like screws) implanted next week. My time is supposed to be "significantly reduced" from the original 36 months.

My understanding is that when using coventional braces and wires, and pulling back the huge honkin overbite, they also move the Big back molars. Then the ortho has to push the molars back in place before they can move the front teeth back again. This results in several months(and adjustments) of moving the molars back into the correct place, then pulling th front teeth back again. When using the temporary implants, the implants are placed where the second to last molars roots should be and pull the teeth back without moving the Big Molars from their space. This is so new that it is hard to find anyone who really knows what it is all about. I was lucky to be the first one in my area to get it done. I hope it works!!! Otherwise I am looking at elastics, headgear etc.
It's all about ME!

Braces went on 8/25/05. Div II whatever that means!!


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