Sick of Ortho's assistants!

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Sick of Ortho's assistants!

#1 Post by genxsis »

I had another incident while at the ortho yesterday, the 2nd one in a week.

They put in a second set of 4 molar bands last week, (something the assistant surprised me with, the receptionist said was rarely needed, then another assistant said was commonplace with most of their patients), and I was asked her if she could smooth out the sharp edges because I remember how the ones on my first molars caused me to bite my cheek and therefore restricted me to a liquid diet. She kept rolling her eyes as if getting impatient with me. This was the assistant working chair #3.

I found just a couple more very sharp edges later on when I tried to eat something later. I kept biting my other cheek with one of the new molar bands. I figured I'd put up with it for a week and then make another appointment to have it smoothed out if it was still bothering me. I would hope not to get the assistant at chair #3. The receptionist on the phone said "Come on in and we'll get it taken care of." I went there and was relieved to get chair #4. Different assistant, but is apparently friends with the chair 3 assistant. When I told her about the sharp edges, she smoothed it out in about 15 seconds. Then when I told her about the one on the outside causing me to bite my cheek all the time, she got impatient and said "Braces aren't meant to be comfortable, and just as I tell my 8 year old patients, 'you just have to deal' ". Then her friend from chair #3 comes over and starts cheerleading her saying "That's right, that's right!"
I tried to tell her again that I can't eat without biting my cheek, and she said "That's something else you just have to deal with. Braces aren't meant to be comfortable".

These assistants look they're only about 17 years old, and it really bugs me that they talk this way to one of their 34 year old patients like this.

Now put me in my place if I'm out of line here, but are they right? Should I not be running back there every time something's bothering me, or is it they're job to help me. I mean, getting your teeth drilled and filled isn't supposed to be comfortable either, but they do what they can with novacaine and laughing gas, and I'd think an ortho assistant shouldn't balk at taking 15 seconds of her time to smooth out sharp edges that I'd be putting up with for 2 or 3 years. Correct me if I'm wrong--because this has now happened twice in a row at an orthodontic practice that is the most highly thought of in this area.

Time to quit rambling and click "submit" now. Sorry!

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#2 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

HEy I'm with you.....I would be HOT! and I think I would be calling the ortho and giving him a piece of my mind. Braces are not freakin cheap, you are paying for a service, and you are paying a lot for it! Granted braces are somewhat uncomfortable in and of themselves, but I think if it is something that they can alleviate or repair then they should do it no questions asked, and certainly not with an attitude. Also, they should be be belittling you in front of everyone else, OR ganging up on you. Their job is to help you feel comfortable and cared about.

I would call and complain to someone who is in charge.


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#3 Post by genxsis »

Well, that kind of brings me to something else. If I do call to complain to someone, I fear that the assistant will either get yelled at, and then I'll feel comfortable going there knowing that she, and/or her friends (the other assistants don't like me very much, ya know what I mean? I'm afraid it will turn into an awkward situation if I say something to someone. I mean, I wouldn't want a surgeon or his coworker friends to be doing open-heart surgury on me after I had just gotten him in trouble!

It seems like a no-win situation, unless.....

I was thinking that since the ortho said that I'll see the biggest improvement in my teeth in the first 6 months, I could end my treatment at that time. Teeth wouldn't be perfectly straight, but much better than they are now, and then I wouldn't have to deal with the ortho or his assistant children anymore. Does anyone quit after 6 months?

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#4 Post by Dark_angel »

Quitting because of the assistants is stupid and its something you will come to regret.

Just drop the ortho a call and tell them you are unhappy with X and Y becase and you'd like it if you werent seen by X and Y again. Problem solved and your probably not the only one theyve been rude to.


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#5 Post by genxsis »

I hope you're right about them probably being rude to other people too. That's why I'd like to know if anyone else has had problems like this because it seems rather strange to me, but maybe it's more commonplace than I think it is.

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#6 Post by momof2grlz »

Wow. My ortho must run a tight ship because I'm certain he would fire an assistant who speaks to a patient like that whether it's an adult or a child. I can relate to feeling like you're in a no-win situation though if you complain. There's one assistant who's as sweet as she can be, but she's rough and never seems to be able to turn the ends of the archwire in so it doesn't poke me. She just clips it and I end up with a new sore spot for a couple of weeks. I don't really want to complain because she is very nice, but now (lucky me) it seems like I'm getting her every time I have an adjustment. I just smile on the outside and cringe on the inside. I know, I'm gutless but I don't want to hurt her feelings.

I wouldn't put up with someone being rude to me though. After all, the bucks I'm paying to the ortho help to pay her salary. I would give her one more chance and the next time she or one of her buddies said something out-of-line, I would immediately speak up that I don't appreciate the remarks. If that doesn't work, ask to speak to the office manager and ask that your chart be marked not to be handled by that assistant and explain there is a personality conflict.

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#7 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

I agree with Dark Angel,
I would call and talk to the ortho. Explain the situation and I would preface that you don't want to feel uncomfortable coming there because of this complaint, but that you don't think it is right that they are making fun of you, or discounting your concerns. Ask if you can request another assistant from now on, and if he will keep the whole matter discreet, but address the issue with them. Again, please remember that you are paying for a service here. What you are asking is to be as comfortable as possible with your braces, and what that involves is going to vary with each person. Either way you should not be ridiculed or ganged up on by the employees, OR even considering shortening your treatment because of two insolent assistants. Stand your ground, and demand that they respect you (in an assertive way), don't let them walk all over you and get away with it. If you are uncomfortable with it then it is unacceptable.
I'm sure they are probably doing it to others if they are doing it to you. Be the one who says something.....your ortho might truly be thankful that you had the courage to step forward. I'm sure he wouldn't want to be losing buisness, or getting bad publicity because his helpers are less than stellar! Remember, the customer is always right.....YOU ARE THE CUSTOMER!

At my ortho's office they bend over backward for me, AND they are always polite, pleasant, kind, and helpful. They never make me feel like I'm a bother. It is totally about me, and what makes me comfortable. For the amount of money I"m paying, I wouldn't have it any other way, and quite frankly I truly believe they wouldn't dream of doing it any differently either.


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#8 Post by NotBob1 »

Absolutely call and set up an appointment to talk to the Orthodontist. I can not believe that they would put up with this from their employees.

So you are mentioning chair #s...Is this a big office with a large flow of patients?

Regardless, this type of service is absurd.

If it were me having this happen I would actually stop the assistant and tell them that they are acting in an immature fashion and that they need to grow up.
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#9 Post by BlueeyedManda »

I would give your ortho a call. I would be fuming if I was talked to like that. Yes we know braces are not supposed to be comfortable, but that is pain wise. They should not be tearing up the insides of your cheeks after you have had them for awhile. The first few days sure they are going to be a bother everything is new and your mouth needs to adjust but after that...if there is anything uncomfortable you should not have to go through rudeness or humilation to get them fixed. The way you explain their actions makes me think they are not very professional. They should be encouraging their patients.
The assistants at my office are all very nice and friendly. They always ask before you leave if anything is poking, just to make sure they didn't miss anything that we could feel and they couldn't. If you have a concern they are always ready to help.

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#10 Post by mackenzie »

Maybe instead of going to the Ortho you could say something to them or give them a "hint." Then if they do it again talk to the Ortho. Like after what she said about how braces aren't supposed to be comfortable, say "I know, that's why I really appreciate you being so nice about taking some time out of your day to help me with the sharp molar bands." If they're really being rude say it super-sarcastically and they probably won't know what to say back! :twisted:

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#11 Post by Eleni »

I think the "cheerleading tag-team" part of your post is what bothers me. Being talked down to happens and is hard enough. Getting it in stereo is flipping unbelievable. If you articulate discomfort you should expect to have it checked out without a lecture. Better luck next time.
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Way Too Old For This
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#12 Post by Way Too Old For This »

You definitely need to bring this up with your orthodontist. You are the customer and they need to make you happy. This is a business just like any other business. You would not accept that kind of treatment at a fancy hotel or spa. This is costing you more than that would.

The orthodontist can't fix the problem if he doesn't know about it. You should not feel bad about getting them 'in trouble'. Who cares if they don't like you. Is this the way they treat you when they DO like you ?

Braces can be uncomfortable, but they should do everything in their power to make them more comfortable for you and if they cannot, they should at least give you positive encouragement, and a little compassion is in order.

If the problem cannot be fixed, you can change orthodontists. They can pro-rate the fees, but I doubt if it would come to that. If the assistants can't be nice maybe you could demand to have only the orthodontist touch you.

Remember if you quit after six months, your treatment will be compromised and chances are those assistants won't even be working there anymore, because I'm sure other people have complained. Don't sacrifice yourself for some lamo disrespectful nobody.
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#13 Post by Inert »

Genxsis, I know exactly how you feel. I've not had it quite as bad as you; but yes, the assistants have made me feel less than wonderful too. You initially consult with the ortho, he's a nice guy who's widely regarded as the best in the area, but during your appointments you barely see him; and you have to deal with his little army of dental women who have a large volume of patients to see, and who want you in and out as fast as possible. And they all back each other up and make you feel inferior if you have a complaint which might require a bit more time to fix.

For me at least, the attitude is never bad or blatant enough to really complain about, and they often go out of their way to be considerate - it just feels like they sometimes alleviate their stressful atmosphere with a slightly belittling sense of humour. Honestly, if you hadn't posted, I would have just assumed my dissatisfaction boiled down to a problem with my personality. I'm not quite cool enough to share the laughter as I combine uncomfortable procedures with a just-let-me-do-my-job type of professional. It just makes an unpleasant experience that little bit worse. They're not bad people, just not quite as kind, understanding, and humble as I might wish. Hard to complain about, but easy to feel frustrated over.

My advice is just to push your issues. If they don't take you seriously at first, keep at it. Don't let them make you feel insignificant, and keep on at them until you're happy. It's far from ideal, but it gets you where you need to be.

Best of luck!
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#14 Post by luxekitty »

I don't let people treat me badly when I'm at a dept. store makeup counter spending $50-$100... let alone spending $1000's at the Ortho. Complain and complain soon, they need to learn how to treat people properly. :x
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#15 Post by kirst1583 »

I agree with all the other posters that you need to let your ortho know. I had a situation which isn't quite the same ... but I think is relevant.
My ortho broke his arm a while ago and had a few other orthodontists doing the hands on stuff for him. One of the women was terrible. It took her forever to change the power chains and she even stabbed me with one of the instruments and drew blood! Then she left off part of the power chain which I didn't realise till I got back home.
I called to make another appointment to get it fixed and just politely asked who would be doing the work. I was so relieved to find out it wasn't this same woman. I mentioned it to him when I went back in and he apologised profusely and said he had been having issues with her and he was going to tell her she wouldn't be needed anymore. (I've never had to see her again)...
Ok so the moral of the story is that you need to speak up - otherwise your ortho may never realise there is a problem there!!!


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