Negative Remarks.....

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Negative Remarks.....

#1 Post by WiredNana »

Has anyone else had insensitive and out-of-line remakes made to them about their being braced? I expected a few comments, but my Supervisor on Monday has me still spinning with rage!....She asked why I was taking a PTO on Tuesday(we are short staffed and she wanted me to come in anyway) when I told her I was having braces put on, she said,
"At your age, why are you bothering with all this.?"

I wanted to Pinch her little head off!

Instead...the words shot out of my mouth before I could think (I have a problem that way..) and thanked her for thinking I should instead be measured-up for that 'Pine Box'!.......

Her mouth snapped shut and she turned a pretty color red...

The braces are now on, I'm in pain, .....I go back to work tomarrow for a 10 day stretch,and pity the person who makes the wrong remark. (It's PMS Time!)
Sorry for the venting........

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#2 Post by decisionmade »

how insensitive!!

I actually had a good friend who is very supportive of me doing this say to me "Its know the only regret you'll probably have?"..I said "what?"..he answered "that you didn't do it sooner"

although I know how the commnet was supportive ..I couldn't later feel a little offeneded...thinnking "..Of course I should have...but I was a child and that was my parents resposibility!

Anyway your employer made a cruel comment and I only hope it makes you stronger! good luck!
crowding, mild overjet, and crossbite
SARPE AND R.P Expander: 7-14-05
extraction : 9-15-05
Brace date: 9-29-05
Expander out! 1-12-06!!!!! after 6 long mos.
Taking them off!!! Feb 26, 2007

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#3 Post by tandi »

WireNana, I had one guy at my job mention that I was too old for braces but he was kidding around. Most people don't say anything. Your boss is a jerk but i am so glad you stood up for yourself. that was a good one 8)

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#4 Post by ~CanadianChick~ »

Wow, what an Idiot. Thats Very insensitive..Is she always like this??
~Braces Added Valentines Day 2006~


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#5 Post by Raspberry »

I've had a lot of negative comments, and a lot of invasive questions.
*start rant*
One of the guys that works part-time with me, said "So, you got braces...It's ok to be ugly for a while." I almost started crying, it was a few days after I had them on, and I still had to work a long busy shift.

I also get a lot of "how much did it cost you, and how can YOU afford it?", and they are not interested in getting them themselves, they are just nosy.

One of my sisters friends also said that I was "too old for braces" and I'm only 24, and she also said that I'm "obsessed with with straight teeth" for getting braces.

*end rant*
I do have some supportive friends, and a very support boyfriend, and his family are great about it too.

I wish I was as brave as you with comebacks...
Congrats on being braced!

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#6 Post by jcdamon3 »

wirednana: What a great comeback! I will have to remember that one! (I'm 46 with braces.)

You shouldn't be feeling too bad. She is the one that got it in the end. You put her in her rightful place!

Love it!

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Re: Negative Remarks.....

#7 Post by mtbrncofn »

WiredNana wrote:Has anyone else had insensitive and out-of-line remakes made to them about their being braced? I expected a few comments, but my Supervisor on Monday has me still spinning with rage!....She asked why I was taking a PTO on Tuesday(we are short staffed and she wanted me to come in anyway) when I told her I was having braces put on, she said,
"At your age, why are you bothering with all this.?"

I wanted to Pinch her little head off!

Instead...the words shot out of my mouth before I could think (I have a problem that way..) and thanked her for thinking I should instead be measured-up for that 'Pine Box'!.......

Her mouth snapped shut and she turned a pretty color red...

The braces are now on, I'm in pain, .....I go back to work tomarrow for a 10 day stretch,and pity the person who makes the wrong remark. (It's PMS Time!)
Sorry for the venting........
Well that was incredibly rude!

You sure had me giggling when I read the " I wanted to pinch her little head off" remark. :lol:
Full upper and lower metal braces put on May 12, 2005.

Braces free as of April 18, 2006!

Temporarily rebraced Nov. 21, 2006. ( I think I've moved past temporary. )

Brace free again - July 26, 2007.

Way Too Old For This
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#8 Post by Way Too Old For This »

WiredNana, sorry you have to put up with such rude behavior. I have had some negative comments. For some reason getting braces seems to be a subject that people think they have the right to voice their opinion about.

Keep your chin up and just try to enjoy the experience of seeing improvements to yourself everyday. You will be so glad later in your life that you didn't let small minded people influence your determination.

I was getting my nails done about 2 days after getting braces and a customer in the chair next to me asked, "why in the world didn't you get the clear braces?". I just said, "I'm sorry, but do I know you?" I should have asked her when she was going in for liposuction !
Wired on Sep 16, 2005, left canine exposed on Oct 5, 2005, at 52 years old.

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#9 Post by MATEO'S »


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#10 Post by jaswi »

I'm only mildly worried about comments like that. I work in a very large factory, 10+ hours a nights(yes, working from sundown to sunup sucks). Mostly I only have to put up with about 20 people that are on the same line as me, and after a few days they will get bored with it.

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#11 Post by michael33 »

No lie, the only negative comment I received was from a guy with crooked teeth himself. I ignored his comment, made sure he new I was staring at his teeth...and smiled.

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#12 Post by ingyandbert »

Raspberry, love your kitten pic!

The only negative comment I’ve gotten was when I mentioned my braces on another message board I post on daily. Someone said, "Why are you getting braces at your age? You must be really vain." But before I had even seen her comment, others jumped on her for it. I had to love one poster who said, "I’ve met i&b in person and I can assure you she’s not vain, though she has every reason to be." LOL! Some people are just ignorant. What else can you do but be thankful you’re not one of them? Well, I guess you can always toss ‘em a zinger like Wirednan and Way Too Old! You guys rock!

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#13 Post by Geri »

That was a really insensitive comment by your supervisor, WiredNana. I'm glad you had such a snappy comeback. :D

I have only had one negative comment....someone took one look and said "oh, those are horrible". It was said with a smile, for me to understand that it was meant to be funny, but it still stung.
Music in the soul can be heard by the universe
Upper ceramics: 3 Oct 2005, Lower metals: 1 Nov 2005
Estimated treatment time: 18-24 months
Braces remove: April 4, 2007!

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#14 Post by vanilla »

Pinch her little head off, WiredNana! I'll second that motion!

It's really unfortunate that you have to put up with such a negative person. How does anyone draw the line with other people's personal health & grooming? It sounds like, in her world, you'll get to a certain age when you should forget about going for regular check ups at the doctor's, stop wearing make-up or brushing your hair and turn up to work in hessian sacks for clothes ... oh, and quit bathing while your at it, we need to save water for the young folk! I know that's an exaggerated response but it's only to counter such extreme narrow-mindedness.

Sheesh. Some people are just brought up stupid, y'know? *I'm really annoyed now*

But nice comeback!! :thumbsup:
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#15 Post by Marzipan »

How rude! None of her business. And anyone who asks "why now?" or "how much did it cost?" - that's none of their business. If someone asked me that I would respond (in a nice tone), "That's private."

Now, one or two friends have teased me and I have no problem with that. If the teasing goes overboard, I will let them know. But they tease because I am very open about it, and always willing to laugh about nearly anything.

I suppose if someone said to me "Why didn't you get the clear braces?" I would say, "Because these look better and they are more fun!" I like to turn people's expectations on their head.

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